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[Seattle Go Center] SGC Opening Party, Lightning Tournament, and Usual Tuesday Goodness

NEXT WEEK, 03 OCT, not tomorrow, we will have an opening party!!!

SGC is mostly settled in, and we want to celebrate a speedy re-opening with a party event.  We've been getting good turn out the first couple of weeks, but let's anoint our new space with some food and drink and Go playing.  Also, River and Kyle thought it would be fun to have a little lightning tournament for anyone who wants to participate, probably something like 5 min main time and 3x10s byouyomi, maybe 3 rounds (we can decide on the spot 🙂).
03 OCT, Tue, we will have some food and drinks out from 6:00 onward.  We will get a banquet license for BYOB and provide a little nihonshu and beer (Ridgewood Bottle and Tap is "across the street" if you want to bring something, conveniently on your way from the parking lot).
It will be fun to see lots of folks, maybe some old timers will show up for reconnecting, and we'll continue to attract new folks (so far so good at the new location).
SPECIAL NOTE ... we will be raffling a floor goban this fall, and it will be on display 03 OCT.  More on that in another email later this week.

Looking forward to a big turnout!!


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