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[Seattle Go Center] Crossroads Meetup Update

Hi, folks, I'm a little slow in getting this announcement out, sorry.  Jay has some other activities and travel preventing him from hosting the Crossroads Mall meetup until after JUL.  It sounds like this meetup has several attendees, and new people show up too.  If someone wants to officially host it until AUG, Jay can pass the equipment to you; however, if no one wants to officially host it until AUG, people can just show up with their own boards and stones.  Some people show up with their own equipment already, so this meetup feels a bit self-sustaining at this point.  Of course, we appreciate Emma starting it and Jay continuing to host it each week!!

I will update you when Jay is back and showing up with his equipment.  In the meantime, if someone plans to always be there, please let us know if you'd like to get the equipment from Jay.


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