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[Seattle Go Center] SGC Annual Meeting: Sunday, May 15th at 2pm

Dear Go Center Members,

This is to announce that the Annual Meeting of the Seattle Go Center (formally, the Nihon Ki-in Go Institute of the West) will be held in person at the Seattle Go Center, Sunday, May 15th, 2022 at 2pm. Please bring proof of vaccination and wear a mask.

If you cannot attend, and you are a voting member of the Go Center please give your proxy for voting to somebody who will attend the meeting, and notify us by e-mail at manager@seattlego.org.  As Proxies can establish quorum, this will help ensure we meet our requirements.

Voting members are those with a current lifetime membership, yearly membership, and at least 93 consecutive days of a quarterly membership.

There will also be reports on the last year, and on our continuing progress to develop the Go Center property.  The annual meeting is open to all members and friends of the Seattle Go Center.

Voting members will be asked to vote on three positions for the Board of Directors if there are more candidates than positions.  We have 9 Directors; each year we elect three people to three-year terms. This year Peter Kron, Chris Wells, and Cassandra McGuire have been nominated.

We hope to see you at the meeting!

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