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[Seattle Go Center] U District Street Fair Voulnteer request

Hello Go players,
This year the Seattle Go center is returning to the annual U District Street Fair. I am looking for around 6-8 volunteers to help on May 18th-19th (Saturday and Sunday) from 11am – 7pm. This is a mid-size event that is hosted outside, and we are on University Ave, so I expect us to be busy through most of the event. There is a lot of live music and artistic booths to enjoy in between teaching.
Also being an outdoor event, I will need 2-3 people to help with set up starting at 8am on Saturday at the SGC to help load tables and chairs (If you have a larger car/trunk, please reach out as the extra space is welcome). Simlary I will need 2-3 people for take down on Sunday around 6pm.
If you like to volunteer for this event, please let me know which days you can help out.
Also feel free to message, if you like to learn more about the event or have any questions.
Kyle Burg
Seattle Go Center Programs Manager

email: programs@SeattleGo.org
web: www.SeattleGo.org
Go Center phone: 701-610-6236

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[Seattle Go Center] This May Spring Tournament

Hello Go players,
I am happy to announce our Spring Tournament coming this May 26th (Sunday). We will have both and open (all even games) and handicap tournament. The open being our 4-8 strongest players facing off in even game for prize money of $150 for first place and $75 for second. The handicap tournament will have $50 prize for strongest band winner of 3 games, and $25 for the lower band winner of 3 games.  There is a youth prize of $25 to the youth winner of 3 games or the youth who won the most games.
9:00am-9:45am (an hour earlier than monthly ratings)
The Entrance fees:
$20 for non-voting members
$10 for voting members
$10 for youth under 18 (entrance fees will be paid by the AGF)
PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR AGA MEMBERSHIP IS UP TO DATE AHEAD OF TIME.  If you are not an AGA member when we pair the first round, you cannot play.
We will also order pizza if participants want.  It costs $10, and we will order 4 slices per person.
Kyle Burg
Seattle Go Center Programs Manager

email: programs@SeattleGo.org
web: www.SeattleGo.org
Go Center phone: 701-610-6236

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[Seattle Go Center] 2026/27 Go Congress in Seattle and Wordpress Volunteer Request

Hey, trying to combine two topics to reduce email from us, sorry it's been 3/week in APR.

The AGA is trying to get ahead of Go Congress planning as it used to plan them 2-3 years in advance prior to covid.  They are hoping in 2026 or 2027 to have the US Go Congress in Seattle (or nearby such as Puyallup last time).  However, to commit to Seattle, the AGA needs 4-5 core volunteers to form a team to start the planning, review venues, start scheduling, etc.  IF YOU AND A FEW FRIENDS WANT TO GIVE THE GIFT of a Go Congress to Seattle, which also benefits the Seattle AGA Chapter with extra funding that can help pay for pro visits, school programs and outreach, etc., please send us mail and let us know you are willing to help.  As the actual time gets closer, there are always many people to volunteer on the ground and to pick up little tasks, but we need a core team committed to the planning and early actions needed.

We are also looking for someone pretty familiar with Wordpress to help us update the seattlego.org website.  We've recently gotten some requests to keep the calendar up to date, and we are returning to using it this week.  It has been a very long time since our website has gotten a face lift, and we would really appreciate working with someone to freshen it up and make sure we know how to change everything on the website.  If you can help with that over a weekend or a few evenings, please reach out to us.


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[Seattle Go Center] Fw: National Public School Volunteer Appreciation Week

Hey, folks.  I wanted to share this even though it is only about volunteering in public schools.  SGC very much appreciates the passion of our community and your support of our programs and always rising to the call and supporting Kyle by volunteering in many different outreach events.  We also appreciate our PPI folks who also make some school programs possible.

SGC could not meet the call of Iwamoto Sensei's mission to spread peace and cultural awareness through Go without all the volunteers and your passion to pass Go on to others.  Even at SGC, so many people freely give teaching games, reviews, comments that help all understand Go better.

We very much appreciate all of you!!

From: Christina Robison <donotreply@raptortech.com>
Sent: Monday, April 22, 2024 7:57 AM
To: Kyle Burg <programs@seattlego.org>
Subject: National Public School Volunteer Appreciation Week

Hello Volunteers!

This week is National Public School Volunteer Appreciation Week. I wanted to thank you for your generous gift of your time and your dedication to supporting all students in our district.

These are some of the ways volunteers help every day in our schools: classroom, library and office support, chaperoning field trips, vision and hearing screening, event planning, and mentoring.

We currently have over 16,000 wonderful volunteers who share their gifts, talents, time and voice to make our school district successful.


Chris Robison
LWSD Volunteer Program Supervisor
Placement Coordinator for Practicums and Internships
16250 NE 74th Street
Redmond, WA 98052
425 936-1270

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[Seattle Go Center] New Meetup and Cancel Kids Time

There is a new meetup in Columbia City, Wednesdays 4:30-7ish, hosted by often-volunteering Lusha.  It is currently at Chandala Thai.  The family restaurant requests everyone who uses the space to order off the menu, drinks and appetizers are ok.  Backup hosts are welcome, so please reach out at https://forms.gle/zytpSkUJKuS5Q5Zz8.  Once the meet-up has solid legs, the plan is to facilitate teaching some kids in the local Rainier Vista community during the meet-up.  This meet-up is inspired by a longtime member of the Seattle Go community, John "Jahnboi" Richards, to set up a joyful space where one can go to just be and relax.  This meetup will coordinate on this discord channel: #columbia-city-meetup, https://discord.gg/RbCeXnZYVz.

We are also announcing Kids Time is cancelled now through summer.  Depending on interest in the fall, we will resume Kids Time.


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[Seattle Go Center] Lightning Tournament and St. Andrews Pub Hang Out Reminder

Reminder that we will be hosting a Lighting Tournament this Saturday from 2pm to 6pm (5 rounds) and having a meet up at St. Andrews Pub after.
The games are not rated, so AGA membership is not required.
Kyle Burg
Seattle Go Center Programs Manager

email: programs@SeattleGo.org
web: www.SeattleGo.org
Go Center phone: 701-610-6236
  -------Original Message-------
From: programs <programs@seattlego.org>
To: SGC Groups <seattlego@googlegroups.com>
Subject: Lightning Tournament and St. Andrews Pub Hang Out
Sent: 2024-04-05 22:52

Hello Go Players,
This April 20th, we are hosting another Lightning tournament from 2pm to 6pm.  This is a casual, lots-of-fun handicap tournament with fast time control (1 min main time with 5x10second byouyomi).  They say lightning Go is about instinct, not reading, so abandon the intensity of reading for more cutting and crashing and burning and laughter.  There will be 5 rounds with an estimated 20-30 min per game. 
I'll bring my care so can give a ride to a handful.
I look forward to seeing you there and enjoying the friendly, fast-paced games.  
Kyle Burg
Seattle Go Center Programs Manager

email: programs@SeattleGo.org
web: www.SeattleGo.org
Go Center phone: 701-610-6236

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[Seattle Go Center] Re: Looking for Volunteers, Practice Your Japanese, Teach Go at JCCCW

Hello, just putting this out again.  We would appreciate three more volunteers if anyone feels like hanging out at the JCCCW, enjoying some festival spirit, and teaching Go.


From: Bill Chiles <billchiles-gocenter@hotmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, April 9, 2024 9:49 AM
To: seattlego@googlegroups.com <seattlego@googlegroups.com>
Subject: Looking for Volunteers, Practice Your Japanese, Teach Go at JCCCW
The Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Washington is hosting a traditional holiday event, Kodomo no Hi (Children's Day) at the JCCCW on 05 MAY: https://www.jcccw.org/kodomo-no-hi.  The event is 11am-5pm, and we will go there at 10am to set up.

Japanese language is 100% not necessary, but if you're dabbling in learning Japanese, I'm sure you'll get some chances to use some with people visiting our tables.  We'll have two long tables and 6 teaching positions.

We are looking for 4-5 folks to help us teach Go, but more is fine too 😊.  Last year they had over 900 participants.  Kids have a passport book that we'll stamp if they engage with our station.

Please reply or send mail to programs@seattlego.org to volunteer.


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[Seattle Go Center] Looking for Volunteers, Practice Your Japanese, Teach Go at JCCCW

The Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Washington is hosting a traditional holiday event, Kodomo no Hi (Children's Day) at the JCCCW on 05 MAY: https://www.jcccw.org/kodomo-no-hi.  The event is 11am-5pm, and we will go there at 10am to set up.

Japanese language is 100% not necessary, but if you're dabbling in learning Japanese, I'm sure you'll get some chances to use some with people visiting our tables.  We'll have two long tables and 6 teaching positions.

We are looking for 4-5 folks to help us teach Go, but more is fine too 😊.  Last year they had over 900 participants.  Kids have a passport book that we'll stamp if they engage with our station.

Please reply or send mail to programs@seattlego.org to volunteer.


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Re: [Seattle Go Center] Lightning Tournament and St. Andrews Pub Hang Out

Hey, sorry, we forgot to say no AGA membership is required, no entrance fee, no rated games, just for fun games.  We'll see who wants to play and do regular pairings, but opponents are free to decide their own handicap if, for example, you just want to play even.


From: seattlego@googlegroups.com <seattlego@googlegroups.com> on behalf of programs <programs@seattlego.org>
Sent: Friday, April 5, 2024 10:52 PM
To: SGC Groups <seattlego@googlegroups.com>
Subject: [Seattle Go Center] Lightning Tournament and St. Andrews Pub Hang Out
Hello Go Players,
This April 20th, we are hosting another Lightning tournament from 2pm to 6pm.  This is a casual, lots-of-fun handicap tournament with fast time control (1 min main time with 5x10second byouyomi).  They say lightning Go is about instinct, not reading, so abandon the intensity of reading for more cutting and crashing and burning and laughter.  There will be 5 rounds with an estimated 20-30 min per game. 
I'll bring my care so can give a ride to a handful.
I look forward to seeing you there and enjoying the friendly, fast-paced games.  
Kyle Burg
Seattle Go Center Programs Manager

email: programs@SeattleGo.org
web: www.SeattleGo.org
Go Center phone: 701-610-6236

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[Seattle Go Center] Lightning Tournament and St. Andrews Pub Hang Out

Hello Go Players,
This April 20th, we are hosting another Lightning tournament from 2pm to 6pm.  This is a casual, lots-of-fun handicap tournament with fast time control (1 min main time with 5x10second byouyomi).  They say lightning Go is about instinct, not reading, so abandon the intensity of reading for more cutting and crashing and burning and laughter.  There will be 5 rounds with an estimated 20-30 min per game. 
I'll bring my care so can give a ride to a handful.
I look forward to seeing you there and enjoying the friendly, fast-paced games.  
Kyle Burg
Seattle Go Center Programs Manager

email: programs@SeattleGo.org
web: www.SeattleGo.org
Go Center phone: 701-610-6236

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[Seattle Go Center] Seattle Cherry Blossom & Japanese Cultural Festival Volunteer request (looking for 3-4 more)

I still am looking for 3-4 Volunteers to help us out for the upcoming Cherry blossom Festival. We are expecting large attendents and I am looking for a few more volunteers to make sure we can handle the peak. If you can make time for one of the days and like to help out, Please replay back as we could use some help.
Kyle Burg
Seattle Go Center Programs Manager

email: programs@SeattleGo.org
web: www.SeattleGo.org
Go Center phone: 701-610-6236
  -------Original Message-------
From: programs <programs@seattlego.org>
To: SGC Groups <seattlego@googlegroups.com>
Subject: Seattle Cherry Blossom & Japanese Cultural Festival Volunteer request
Sent: 2024-03-26 18:56

Dear Go Players,
We are hosting demo area again at this years Cherry Blossom Festival at the Seattle Center on April 12-14 (10am-5pm). The Seattle Go Center is one of the more popular demo area. Last year, we were able to reach hundreds of attendants. Because of this, we need around 8-10 volunteers to help manage the tables and teach people how to play the game through out the day. I am also looking for 1-2 people to help me with set up. 
If you like to volunteer, or like to learn more about this event please email me at programs@seattlego.org
Kyle Burg
Seattle Go Center Programs Manager

email: programs@SeattleGo.org
web: www.SeattleGo.org
Go Center phone: 701-610-6236

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[Seattle Go Center] Monthly Ratings Tournament April 7th

Hey all go players,
Reminder, We are hosting our Monthly Ratings Tournament this upcoming Sunday (April 7th)
Registration is from 10:00am – 10:45am sharp, and first game will start at 11:00 am.
Please make sure your AGA membership is up to date ahead of time to avoid complications.
If you have any questions, feel free to email us.
Kyle Burg
Seattle Go Center Programs Manager

email: programs@SeattleGo.org
web: www.SeattleGo.org
Go Center phone: 701-610-6236

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