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Re: Playpower Wiki down?

When I get back home I'll test as many links as I can to ensure they continue to work, and modify any that don't. 

It's good to have the wiki back! :)

Sent from my iPhone

On 31/08/2011, at 6:14 PM, Daniel Rehn [Playpower] <daniel@playpower.org> wrote:

Hi everyone,

I received the following response from PBworks Support:

I am Andrew with PBworks Support and Services and I will be answering your question today. When your premium upgrade expired it caused the custom domain to no longer work, I removed the domains and the wiki will need to be accessed at playpower.pbworks.com We no longer offer custom domains.
So that's that—however, I've configured http://work.playpower.org and http://wiki.playpower.org to forward to the new address, so all bookmarks and links on other sites will still work (this might take a few hours to begin working).  Please continue to use those URLs when possible in case Playpower chooses to move to a different Wiki in the future.

Thanks for all of your hard work!

Daniel Rehn / Playpower

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