Hello Go Fans:
The Tacoma Go club is launching its use of Go Clubs On-line, a club management program that performs many, many functions for Go Club administrators, Chapter Representatives, and tournament organizers.
Since the Tacoma Go Club is sponsoring a return to its annual "Back-To-School" Tournament, we would like to invite you to pre-register for it, and all future tournaments that the Tacoma Go club sponsors, for example, we are planning on returning to our annual Veterans' Day Tournament, too.
Registering is pretty easy using the following instructions:
1. "Please register for the Tacoma Go Club's "Back-to-School" tournament online at: https://www.goclubs.org/dbm/Tlogin.php. Since you'll be new to this, you'll have to register first.
2. Click on "register" and you'll come to the registration page.
3. Fill in the appropriate information to complete your registration.
4. Click on "Register"
5. You'll get a notice that a confirmation has been sent to your e-mail address with instructions on how to activate your account. My experience is that it will take between 5 to 10 minutes for you to receive the confirmation.
6. Once you receive the e-mail, click on the link and you'll be prompted to "Log in"
7. Once you've logged in, you'll come to your "Welcome" screen.
8. To register for the tournament, Under "Tournaments" click on "All Available."
9. You then will see a table in the middle of the page that lists all of the tournaments that are available for registration.* Click on the "Back-To-School Tournament" and you'll be taken to the "Tournament Details" page. Click on "register."
10. You'll be prompted to complete your profile. Go to the bottom of the left column on the page under "My Account," and click on "My Profile."
11. Fill in all of the asterisked (*) information, and when finished, click on "Save" at the bottom of the page. And you'll be returned to the "Update my profile" page and you'll see that you're profile has been updated.
12. In the left hand column under "Tournaments, click on "Register," and you'll come to a "Register Me in a Tournament," and you'll see the list of tournaments for which you can register. Make sure the tournament you want to register for is highlighted then click on "Continue."
13. You'll go through three steps, and the final step will be to verify that all of the information is correct, including if you want to request a bye for any or all rounds. When you've verified all the information, click on "Register" at the bottom of the page.
14. Then you're registered for the tournament ahead of time.
Please let me know if you run into any problems or need help with anything. Once you register, you won't ever have to do it again, but you will be able to see all future tournaments that the Tacoma Go Club will sponsor, like the November 12th Veterans' Day Tournament.
*You may see other tournaments listed as well. That is because once you register with the Tacoma Go Club, you will see all the tournaments that all other clubs using Go Clubs On Line are going to have. So, if you see a tournament in Houston that you want to go to, for example, you could register for it through the TGC's gateway, too.
Best wishes,
Gordon E. Castanza (戈登卡斯坦赞), President
Tacoma Go Club
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