Or mix and match! Make him a robot.. make his "Concubine" the actual
woman behind the creation of the robot... she's some kind of super-
genius that realized that in a world after society has collapsed the
strong will rule the weak. So she built King Omega as her "front" to
help her build the empire... When she realizes things are going
badly... she can quietly slip out and try again elsewhere or else lick
her wounds and vow vengeance on the group that ruined her little
Another option: She's the one that actually believes in the purity of
humankind thing and thinks of herself as the new "Eve" of mankind...
she's using her kingdom as a front to gather up genetically pure human
males to breed with. King Omega judges men Pure, Impure, or
Outcasts... Outcasts are those that are obviously flawed and are sent
away or killed on the spot (depending on how they take the news)--
maybe some few are kept to perform jobs below the dignity of The Pure.
The worthy become fanatical members of the new society. The twist is
that those that are judged "Impure" are actually the more "pure"
humans... the Impure are immediately sent for "eradication", but are
actually kept in stables as stallions for Eve. This gives another
subplot of what happens to the Children of Eve...
On Oct 26, 1:01 am, Janne Vuorenmaa <janne.vuoren...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I really, really liked Matt's two first ideas. Both have a cool twist
> for the grand finale, and also a built-in sequel: if your players feel
> like continuing, they can then continue right to tracking down either
> the evil genious who built the robot or search for the source of the
> monster thingie inside Omega.
> I would also consider making him a her; a woman boss baddie,
> especially if she's like the ultimate human fighting thing would be a
> fresher angle. Plus it changes the dynamics of how the players and the
> world deals with the baddie.
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