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Re: [ORE] Re: WT: Help me unbland this badguy

Hmmm. For a combat tweak you could give him some kind of immolate style effect representing an "aggressive immune system." then have a reveal that one reason he's so dead set on passing on his template is because he's like a walking environmental cleaning facility, his aggressive antibodies, which hang out in a 5 yard cloud, actively scrub his immediate environs. He sees himself as the answer to the earths problems and wants to make more that can wander the earth and clean up the place.

-Matt Conlon

On Oct 26, 2011, at 12:23 PM, Xom <sonicdragoon20@gmail.com> wrote:

> Those are all awesome ideas, even if originally I was hoping for
> suggestions to improve his modus operandi in combat, since right now
> all he does is punch, grapple and hurl large objects. He's totally not
> above chucking his whole throne room at invaders.
> I like the daikajiu mutation, sending the King rampaging through his
> own kingdom. The robot thing is a classic, I might just do that if the
> mood is right.
> He's already a benevolent-ish ruler but he's very easy to anger and
> the kind who would provoke the players if I know them right, and to
> them that might as well be as bad as killing kittens. His kingdom is
> one of the safest places to live since they are a major superpower,
> but the King's constant warmongering and conquests make mean there is
> no end of enemies.
> Making a heavyweight figure in the world actually a woman is not very
> unusual for me. It wouldn't be very surprising.
> The King's goal already has much to do with finding an untainted human
> specimen (to whom the atmosphere happens to be lethal since it is
> pretty loaded with toxins and mutagenic retrovirii) to pass on his
> gene template and create others like him first, repopulate the land
> with pure humans second.
> --
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