Wow, that's fantastic! Thanks for the help. I'll play around with it
while the player and I generate him and let you know what we come up.
They're just about to start the second story and so far only one of
them has been seriously injured (a PC with Alt Form got his bearform
blown up by Abbatoir).
On Nov 6, 9:43 pm, Allan Goodall <> wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 6, 2011 at 1:25 PM, DivisMal1925 <> wrote:
> > How would you guys build this that it would be possible with only 20
> > talent points as per bdb starting characters?
> > I considered making the power a form of limited Contain, with an
> > attached Harm only useable the turn after using Contain. What do those
> > who know power building better than I have to say?
> Looking at what the power can do, I would treat them as two separate powers
> that are linked through Attached.
> I like your idea of using Containment as the base power. Now, Containment
> has A, D, R, U, but I don't see your "Containment" power being able to
> attack by itself, nor be "useful". So, instead I'd build it like
> Containment but with just D and R. In *Godlike*, powers tend to have
> inherent limitations. Containment, for instance, doesn't work on bullets or
> knives, while block only works if you can see your attacker. So, the fact
> that this only works on explosions isn't really worth a deduction in *
> Godlike*.
> For the attack part, you would have A, R, and U. U allows you to blow holes
> in walls, dig trenches, etc.
> The tricky part of the attack is how to decide the power level of the
> attack. Is the attack an exact duplicate of the explosion he withstood? Or
> is it like Kevin Bacon's "Sebastien Shaw" character from *X-Men: First Class
> *, who could absorb energy and redirect it in another form of energy? Let's
> make it easy and just assume that the attack is identical to the explosion
> that hit the PC. The attack's dice are just to put the attack on target.
> Damage is based entirely on the explosion's dice. A grenade is going to do
> a lot less than being ground zero from a 155mm artillery shell. (This can
> be pretty powerful, but of course he's going to have to be hit with an
> explosion first. Either that, or he'll have to walk around with a lot of
> satchel charges. :-) )
> We'll call the combined power Catch and Release.
> I added a couple of flaws I thought were interesting in order to make the
> power affordable. The trick with Black Devils characters is that you either
> have to buy them with flaws, or with limited ability or limited dice pools
> (which you increase later through experience).
> *Catch*
> *Qualities:* D, R
> *Extras: *
> Reflexive (+2/+4/+8)
> *Flaws: *
> Glow (-1/-2/-4) - The character's body glows when the explosion is
> contained, as a side effect of the power.
> Expensive (-1/-2/-4) - Costs 1 Will each time the power is used, rather
> than just risking 1 Will. Probably the first flaw bought off with
> experience.
> Loud (-1/-2/-4) - After the explosion, there's a loud popping sound as
> the explosion is absorbed into the PC's body and the air from the explosion
> rushes back to where it was. This popping sound is distinctive enough that
> an opponent will know something "odd" just happened.
> *Cost:* 2/4/8
> *Release*
> *Qualities:* A, R, U
> ***Flaws: *
> Attached to Catch (-1/-2/-4)
> Go Last (-2/-4/-8) - No need to have the character wait until next round
> to attack, just force the attack to happen last on *this* combat round.
> *Cost:* 1/2/4
> Buy Catch as either 8d or 4hd for 16 points, and Release as 4d for 4
> points. The character's power is a bit inconsistent in attacking at first.
> Once he gets some experience, he can buy more dice in the Release part. Or,
> buy other/different flaws on Catch. Replace Glow with Beacon, for instance,
> and every Talent in the area knows he's there. The power would only cost
> 1/2/4, though, as Beacon is a -2/-4/-8 flaw. Then you'd have plenty of
> points to buy both parts of the power at a half decent number of dice.
> --
> Allan Goodall
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