On Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 9:18 AM, DivisMal1925 <croames80@gmail.com> wrote:
Would the player be able to attack with the release part of the power
the same turn as being hit with an explosion if he didn't know it was
coming? The reflexive extra makes containment automatic, but if he's
already declared an action for a turn in which he is then hit with a
mortar shell, can he forego his declared action and go last with
release? Or should he have to wait until the next turn?
Actually, I was thinking about this on the way in to work this morning. I goofed; the way I have it designed, you'd have to do a multiple action to attack and defend in one turn, which isn't much use as he would only have 4 dice in his smallest dice pool.
So, let's change it up.
You can leave the power pretty much as is. Change "Go Last" on "Release" to something like "Next Turn Only". Now you can only attack every other round, (and, by the way I'm interpreting it, you can't hold onto the blast until beyond next turn, either). That's nasty enough to be worth a -2/-4/-8, but at least his attack works based on its width rather than through Go Last.
So, playing it would work like this:
1. Round 1, a shell explodes. Roll for "Catch".
2. Round 2, a second shell explodes. The character can't actually "Catch" and "Release" in one round initially, as he probably can only afford 4d in "Release"; a -1d multiple action penalty would essentially kill his chance of succeeding with one of the rolls. So, he's forced to "Catch" this blast, losing his attack.
3. Round 3, the character can now "Release" the explosion from round 2. He rolls his dice, and his attack is resolved based on the width of the attack.
That would be a pretty cool character to play, with lots of room to increase abilities through experience.
Allan Goodall http://www.hyperbear.com
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