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Re: [ORE] Re: Powers building based on stats

Ok, I think the issue there is the nature of Stats vs Miracles.
If you add a bunch of qualities to a Stat it can do all sorts of things because you are expanding what that Stat is.  However, I was under the impression if you are using a Skill then the Skill narrows the focus and applicability of the Stat.
So if you have a Mind Stat that can work on things at a range and so on, but then use the Language skill it doesn't improve the skill unless you bought the same quality on the skill dice as well.  Picture it like feeding a treebranch (the stat) into a woodchipper (the skill), it doesnt matter how many extra leaves are on the branch, you get mulch out of the other end.

On Sat, Nov 5, 2011 at 6:21 AM, Ron <ronald.pyatt@gmail.com> wrote:
Thanks for the tips.

This PC's Mind is at 3d. He does not have any HyperMind dice, but he
now has the opportunity to "learn" to tap into the extraordinary
potential in his mind.

Adding Mass, Range, and Duration would mean he could apply those to
any mind skills, but my head starts spinning when I think of how to
apply mass to a Language skill.

On Nov 5, 2:37 am, Hotjets <Hotj...@verizon.net> wrote:
> I suppose that if you designed a PC like this, you might want to buy
> Duration too, so if you wanted to maintain a telekinetic defense and
> attack simultaneously, you could do so, for example.
> This is an interesting concept. I should have thought it through a bit
> more before posting. If one pays for Mass, Range, and Duration, that
> adds just +6 to the cost of the stat. This basically gives you TK at
> just over half cost, which doesn't seem right, though I might be
> missing something.
> Maybe it would be better to buy dice in TK equal to the dice in Mind,
> with TK always on, attached to Mind, perhaps with an If/Then of TK
> only uses successes/ matches from Mind stat. Then the Mind stat roll
> would determine how well the TK functioned. Of course, that would
> bring the price down below the cost for buying TK the first way that I
> suggested, with Mind + the Extras. Maybe the first option isn't a bad
> way to go, after all.
> Is this PC a HyperMind? How many dice in Mind will they have?
> Hotjets
> On Nov 5, 12:14 am, Hotjets <Hotj...@verizon.net> wrote:
> > If you bought the Mass and the Range extras for +2 each (as I recall)
> > you could make Mind act as TK. Stats already have A, D, and U, as
> > applicable. For example, Body allows you to use any of the three
> > capacities, as does Coordination. You just have to add the Extra to
> > the overall stat. You don't have to buy Extras for a particular stat
> > quality, though the sometimes the practical outcome is that they help
> > one particular quality.
> > Hotjets
> > On Nov 4, 8:27 pm, Ron <ronald.py...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > I have a player that would like to have telekinesis based on his Mind
> > > stat. For that matter, I thought I'd break it down into its component
> > > costs. I started with Useful, but I'm having trouble wrapping my mind
> > > around the cost involved in adding Mass and Range capacity to a stat.

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