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Re: [ORE] Re: La Brigade chimérique

Exactly that Daniel.

I think the automatic Google translation is not so  bad:


C&P from Wikipedia:

"Genesis of the series

The authors bring to life in a geopolitical context true to the situation in Europe before the war real historical figures and characters from superhero "primitive" created by the European popular literature of the early twentieth century (and film), in a gesture both archaeological and critic whose ambition is to allow us to reconnect with a repressed collective imagination, and to dispel the historical mistake of thinking that the figure of the superhero is an exclusively American invention. The universe, who also directed vehicles and technologies imaginary is called "radiumpunk" by its creators and highlights the fact that the technology world Brigade chimeric employ massive radium, whose discovery by Marie Curie serves as a temporary divergence history.

Fidel Santiago.

On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 1:26 PM, Daniel Kane <daniel.m.kane@gmail.com> wrote:
I assumed Fidel meant that it would be a good setting for use with Wild Talents, and expressed interest in a WT port a la the Savage Worlds version of Kerberos Club.

Would anyone who reads French mind giving a brief summary?


On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 8:20 AM, Kairam Hamdan <kairamh@gmail.com> wrote:
This setting has it's own RPG rules in French.

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