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[ORE] Re: Godlike BDB question

Yeah, that's kind of how I figured it. Thanks for the feedback. Await
updates on Majo, vischiataro, and Anzio, but be warned: I only get the
group together every 3 to 4 weeks, so expect delays.

On Feb 9, 8:38 pm, Allan Goodall <awgood...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 8:58 AM, DivisMal1925 <croame...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > So my players are in the midst of taking Majo the first time (one just
> > got head shot...very sad) and I had some questions concerning talent
> > power they will face soon:
> Way cool, and very sad, yes. We came *this close* to losing a guy on Majo.
> I ruled he was dead but in a short discussion that followed we realized he
> should have been awarded a Will point a turn earlier. He was just one point
> shy in the Contest of Wills of stopping the ubermensch. I let him use the
> point, and he ended up surviving.
> > The barbed wire and trenches created on Majo... Can a talent disrupt
> > them? I assume no on the barbed wire, but how about those trapped in
> > collapsing trenches? Is this just the talent allowing dirt to fill in,
> > therefore excluding the contest of wills?
> Nope, they can't interfere with his power. He's not using the power on the
> PCs, he's using his power on the ground. He's altering the ground when he
> creates his trench network (or fills it in). Therefore, there's no Contest
> of Wills triggered. The PCs are just caught in the mess.
> The same thing is true if an ubermensch dropped boulders on the PCs. The
> power is acting on the boulder (lifting it above the PC, and then turning
> the power off and letting gravity do the work), not the PC.
> It should really hammer home the advantage of indirect powers in
> *Godlike.*They can't use their Will to stop the trenches rolling up.
> If he's killed,
> the trenches start rolling up, too.
> > The campaign is going really well so far. We are all having a blast
> > and I'm rather looking forward to Anzio.
> I'm curious to hear how they do with Majo, and Vischiataro. And Anzio, of
> course!
> --
> Allan Goodall            http://www.hyperbear.com
> awgood...@gmail.com
> agood...@hyperbear.com

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