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[Seattle Go Center] Yang Workshop info

Dear Go Players,
Yes, the Yang Workshop is next weekend, Feb. 18&19. 
Here is more info:
Our annual workshop with professional Go player Yilun Yang will be on the weekend of February 18 and 19, 2012.  Mr. Yang is highly respected in the U.S. Go community as a teacher and author.  He does more than show you the best move; he is willing to explain why the move works.

This workshop is recommended for players 15 kyu and stronger.  In years past, most of the participants have been in the range of 10 kyu - 1 dan.  Children are welcome at the workshop if they can stay focused for a 90 minute talk.

The workshop will run from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 18.  There is an optional dinner (for about $15) afterwards.  On Sunday, Feb. 19,  the workshop will run from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.  Thanks to the help of the local AGA chapter, we have very good prices for this workshop:

Prices for early registration (before Feb 16)

- Youth, Yearly Members and Lifetime Members: $40

- All others: $60

Prices for registration on Feb 16 or later:

- Youth, Yearly Members and Lifetime Members: $50

- All others: $70

You may pay with cash or check at the Go Center, or you can pay with Paypal by following the link.  Paypal will accept credit cards.

Here is the link:


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