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Re: [ORE] Re: Wild Talents: Getting over the hump

On Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 8:30 AM, Hotjets <Hotjets@verizon.net> wrote:

To what degree does logic trump powers? For example, let's say that a
talent has 10HD in invisibility with the defends and useful qualities.
He's visible and gets into a very small elevator, and turns invisible
as the doors slowly close. An enemy talent with flame powers sees Mr.
10HD go into the elevator and fade out. Fire Guy shoots a 5hd blast of
fire into the elevator just before the doors close. If the defends
quality of invisibility is based on being hard to see, do the narrow
quarters basically nullify the invisibility's defense? You don't
really have to see the target to hit them if you know where they are,
right? But from a rules standpoint, it should be impossible to hit the
invisible character. What happens in situations like this, where the
mechanics say one thing and reason another? What if someone stuck an
automatic shotgun between the doors as they closed and pulled the
trigger a few times? What if fire guy's attack had the engulfs extra?

My approach is more that 10hd in an invisibility-based D quality can't just be "I stand still and they don't shoot me 'cause I'm invisible," so if it's possible for the attack to miss the D quality applies.  On the other hand, if the power has enough Radius to fill the space, invisibility can't possibly help.  If it has area dice, those will apply normally (even if the attack itself misses).  If the power creates an environmental hazard (i.e. U (create flaming napalm)) then it would be resisted with an appropriate non-physical defense like Immunity, and it's not a matter of A vs. D opposition.

Do defenses accumulate, or do the best take precedent? FREX, a PC has
3HD in defends related to flight and another 5d based on permanent,
always on precognition. What is their total defense if they are
flying? Clearly, invulnerability allows both heavy armor and light
armor to work during the same turn, so what about other sorts of

Armored Defense qualities and/or Interference+Duration will stack, because they ignore timing and just pile up gobble dice.

I'm going to reverse your example to sidestep the "what do I do with normal dice in a duration power?" problem and say you have a permanent 3HD precog-based defense and 5d in Coord + Dodge or whatever.  If the 3HD doesn't have Interference, then it gives you a 3x10 gobble set every round.  If you roll a 2x6 on your defense roll, you then have 3x10 and 2x6 gobble sets, each of which takes effect on its own initiative.  Even if your defense roll was hard dice or you rolled a x10 set, you would have two D sets, not one super-set.

In the rulebook, invulnerability that acts against all sources, like
other variable effects, is not bought with any capacity. In
Progenitor, sometimes it is bought with self only and sometimes it
isn't. It seems very cheap for such a comprehensive power to get a -3
self only discount.

Progenitor does indeed do weird stuff with Flaws sometimes.

How do you gain base will through character advancement? How much does
it cost? Do you need to spend a point of base will when you buy it?

I'd like to see examples of how to apply Alternate Form or other
"shift dice around" or "alter your powers" shapeshifting powers.

You make Dr. Jurassic sad.  Or would you prefer an example of a character with *multiple* alternate forms, each with different powers?

Could one buy the defends quality and specify that its dice are
constant, but that the defends quality's flavor shifts based on the
power you use? FREX, a PC has invisibility, flight, and telekinesis.
Can they just buy 5hd in defense with If/Then (only if one or more of
these powers is active) and simply say that that is how the defense is
working? This, as opposed to buying defends three separate times?

This kind of ties back in to how the unstatted "fluff" of powers affects their utility.  Should an Invisibility power with a D quality specify If/Then (ineffective against attacks with Radius), or should that be inferred by the GM?  Are all D Qualities with the same Source and no Extras entirely redundant?

I have harm with the duration extra. Let's say that it involves firing
matter eating nanobots. An attacks power with duration (or endless or
permanent) automatically launches the same attack every turn as long
as the scene goes on. I attack and hit bad guy 1 on turn 1, 2 on turn
2, and 3 on turn 3. Does this attack continue against all of them
automatically, or is my attack slot committed and exclusive, only
repeating against one target during that encounter?

A Useful quality certainly continues against all of them.  I want to say Attacks is committed and exclusive (Facebook official!), but I'm not sure there's actually text in the book to back that up.

Things my players stumbled with:

Power options, like everyone else.  Specifically, they had trouble using Extras and Flaws to tinker with a Cafeteria power that wasn't *quite* what they wanted.

Also, the Willpower economy is pretty downplayed, at least when compared to Godlike.  Very few Cafeteria powers interact with Willpower, and despite having more word count devoted to it in character creation than anything but powers, my players completely forgot about it unless reminded.

The capacity chart is the most important thing that isn't in the quick reference section in the back, and something that comes up a lot in play.  "Wait... how fast can I fly while carrying the body?"  Speaking of capacities, it's sometimes unclear how capacities interact (or not) with Augments or Variable Effect.

All I'm thinking of at the moment!


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