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Re: [ORE] [WT] Character help!

Not to be too critical but 150 pt characters are at the low end of the power scale. I know wonders can be worked for 75 pts but you need to have a really sound grasp of the "acceptable cheese" that the creators intended. 

You might fair well by breaking the power up into a bunch of limited effect powers that are more about support.

Strobe/Disco Ball/Dazzle 2/4/8 per die
Useful 2, Touch -2, radius 2, limited targets 1, daze 1, duration 2, if/then light source-1, if/then targets must be able to see him -1, Obvious-1, Depleted -1

This power blinds all selected targets in a 10 yard range around the hero for a short time. Resisted by Body+Endurance. 4hd is 16pts and likely to give you a major role in any melee combat as every enemy has to make a 4x10 resistance check or be blind and suffer a 4d penalty. this power can only be used 4 times before you have to "recharge" and you only get 4 recharges before you need to somehow recharge those (I'm a fan of zeta beam exposure but you could just as easily say you need to eat 3lbs of ham). 

Fairy Dust/Chaff/Rainbow Wall/Razzle 4/8/16
Defends, Touch 1, Radius 2, Interfering 3, Duration 2, No Upward Limit 2, If/then light source -1, Obvious -1, if/then no effect unless trying to see through edge -1, if/then no effect on foes that do not use visual data to target -1, Willpower Cost -2

At 4/8/16 provides a valuable trick for 3hd (24pts). You activate it on round one, it costs a minimum of 6WP, but you can increase its Width by 1 per additional WP spent, so it's an absolute defense in a pinch.  It rings you and everyone inside in a 10 yard radius bubble of light. Targets outside can't see in and require attacks of at least 5 width to hit anything. Inside the ring there's no effect, but anything inside the ring is in range of your Disco Dazzler power. With no upward limit you could also opt to "roll" both light wall and disco ball on round one, you'll have 6 HD, use 4 for the full effect Dazzle and 2+additional WP to get a decent defense. 

Note: the Touch Capacity has a stealth advantage, normally you add range to allow defends qualities to affect others but since we're going for an area it's unnecessary, touch is normally a flaw but in this instance it's better than self so I gave it a +1 value. This pulls double duty since you can also "dump" the effect on an item and flee behind it or (for large Willpower cost) slap one on a bunch of enemies so they run around in there own little bubbles (I rule radius can be scaled below the normal max) so a foe in his own 1yard radius bubble is all but blind.

Ok so we've spent 24 and 16 is 40 pts. Leaves 35.

Let's take 5 and give you another stat die so you don't have so many 1s. 

30 pts. If you want to feel powerful then you probably want a power with some punch, default attack powers do SK, sounds punchy, you only need 1 spray die to eliminate multiple action penalties, lots of spray are meant to compensate for a lack of raw power or skill. But we can get pretty cheesy if we want. 

They're All Ants! 1/2/4
Attacks 3, range, Spray +1, Speeding Bullet +2, if/then light source -1, Full Power Only -1, Slow -2, Obvious-1

So for this power you can get 4d+6wd for 28pts. It can only be dodged by targets with Coordination 6+. To mitigate the lethality it can only be used every other round. It does W+1 SK, with the spray you can declare up to 5 attacks and be guaranteed to hit them all. You can also aim for the head and probably one shot anything that isn't supremely fast and well armored. Another limiting factor is the excessive lethality of this power, you always roll the full dice pool, it always does full damage so if you're targeting a single foe and you don't want to kill him spread the damage to multiple hit locations but keep in mind that will slow your resolution speed (lower width). 

You can opt to refluff your disco ball power as something that creates "illusions" in the eyes of selected targets and the daze as a quasi hypnotic effect. That would allow you to use it as a supplement for your Light DJ side job. 

Sorry if this ranged too far afield from what you were looking for. Good Luck!

-Matt Conlon

On Jul 21, 2012, at 5:22 AM, Chris Fougere <fougerec99@hotmail.com> wrote:

Since it seems the character is about controlling light and not creating it, throw on an if/then flaw (Must have a light source) if your ST lets you (it is borderline cheesy).

Off the top of my head I'd go with something like
Control Light (the if/then means the power only works if you have a light source)
A (1) - If/Then (-1), Obvious (-1), Speeding Bullet (+2), Go First (+1), Focus (-1), Willpower Bid (-1)
D (3) - If/Then (-1), Obvious (-1), Interference (+3), Duration (+2), Focus (-1), Willpower Bid (-1)
U (1) - If/Then (-1), Obvious (-1), Focus (-1), Radius (+2), Daze (+1), Willpower Bid (-1)
U (1) - If/Then (-1), Focus (-1), Obvious (-1), Willpower Bid (-1)

Total - 6/12/24

This gives you an attack that's hard to defend against.  With Duration and Interferance on Defends it emulates a light based force shield that will last for the combat and still gives you the ability to manipulate light and daze folks.  In our game we have a light manipulator who also has the ability to solidify light which comes in very handy (bought as a Useful).  Willpower Bid isn't a bad flaw if you have the pool to guarantee success (or lots of Will)

Now you can buy say 10d in it and still have 15 points to put into Willpower or Base Will.  I'd probably go with 7d +2hd though, HD are awesome for Defense with Interferance.  That would be 66 points for powers and 9 points left for will.

Chris Fougere

Date: Sat, 21 Jul 2012 05:29:34 -0700
From: sharks1288@hotmail.com
To: cult-of-ore@googlegroups.com
Subject: [ORE] [WT] Character help!

Hey guys! So, me and my gaming group have picked up Wild Talents... But I seem to have drawn the short straw when it comes to understanding the game, as I just don't seem to GET character creation, so my character is rather... Under powered...

Our group, so far, is a good guy magneto (able to whip around metal objects for defense, offense, and just about anything), Thorn man (Basically he's turned into a plant like being, and is covered in thorns, which hurts anyone that attacks him in melee, this also gives him a great brawling skill), and Doc. Oc. (Ok, not really, but he's got watery, jelly-fish tentacles coming out of his back that he can use to attack, defend and move around with), We also have sound man, but he hasn't shown up for the past month, so we're not too sure about him... Anyway, I wanted to play the support guy, a Lightbender (the ability to manipulate and control light, make it change color and all that), and use a bunch of dazzling effects to disrupt and daze his enemies. Right now, though, it seems like I need all the points in the WORLD to make this character work, and I've only got 75 points (at character creation) to spend on them.

See, the story is that at one time everyone was normal, then BAM, suddenly people changed... And are now not normal. To compensate for this, at character creation, we have 150 points to spend, but the first 75 of them are to be used to make a normal person (As, it was deemed, an average person would have 2d in every stat (60pts), and 3d in an occupation (15pts), this isn't how EVERYONE is built, but that's Mr. Average). So we get 75 points that CAN'T go towards powers, which seems fair.

But then we get Mr. jellyfish who has an awesome attack power that only costs 3 points (It was to a point where we had to nerf it, and engulf is a dirty extra >.>). Thorn man who has super claws and damaging armor, Magneto who's magneto... And my guy, who's basically a flashbang without the bang... and even then, the flash isn't THAT great... So can I get some help with power creation?

See, I want my character to be (later on in his career) an awesome manipulator of light, maybe to a point of illusions, but mostly razzle dazzle, disrupty stuff. Currently, though, my bread and butter power is just so darned expensive, I don't know if it's built right (Even with the DM's help, who is new to the system), and it's not NEARLY as effective as I had hoped. Here's the stats.

It's a Utility power, with the Daze, radius, spray and go first extras, and obvious and focus (glove), and a second effect of Attached Utility, Interference... All bundled for 8 points. This power is massive in what it CAN do, but it doesn't ever DO it. Since I have to roll it as a multiple action (that's what the spray in the daze effect is for), I have to roll multiple successes for both to go off, which means I need to pump a lot of dice (and points) into the power. With the remaining character points, I can put an equivalent of 9d into the power (Though, 2hd in the power would be sick with the interference attachment, since it's been ruled that the daze doesn't have to work for the interference to go off), and almost nothing else... Plus it doesn't fit that character theme that I really wanted to go for (a light manipulator that can daze and confuse with rapid changing color and intensities of light). I like the concept, basically shut down everyone, but when the power "Bind" is only 4 points, and can be just as effective, why would I spend double the points? Plus, this particular power feels more like a defensive mechanism then a utility mechanism...

Another problem is that my area of occupation is rather... Specific... He's a light-show host at a club, If there's a band, a DJ, or anyone else, he's the guy you call for the lights... But that, as an occupation, doesn't DO much for heroing (Endurance is wrapped into that, at least, streetwise, preform (lightshow), Scrutiny, Persuade, and various, modern knowledges). So he doesn't have a defensive skill (like dodge), or an ATTACK skill (any weapon or brawling), and his STATS aren't great, as well (having 1d strength, 1d coordination, 1d sense, 2d mind, 3d charm, 2d command), and 2 points in a contact (who's, honestly, kind of useless). That's all with the initial 75 points...

Right now, I'm just feeling amazingly underpowered compared to the rest of the guys at the table, and it showed last night, so how can I build this character as the badass-to-be light-wielder that I initially imagined, and not just some, spastic, Flash grenade that may not work? (For obvious reasons, we're trying to avoid the "Variable" and "Augment" extra's, but if those would actually help the cause, then explain it to me as to why)

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