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RE: [ORE] [WT] Character help!

I've always found that a group that doesn't communicate is bound to have issues regardless of the game setting.  That may be a point to bring up with your group, that RPGs require a group effort.  Especially games that adopt what is referred to as "competence porn", which Wild Talents can easily fit into with its Hard Dice and Wiggle Dice.  The term (often used in reference to Leverage, but could easily apply to Ocean's 11, The Avengers, and so many other things) is when the characters are so good at things they rarely if ever fail.  The story is about why they do things, how they overcome obstacles not whether or not they do. 

Wild Talents is my go to game for superheroics (and the ORE is rapidly becoming a favorite generic system) for just that reason.  I don't want to tell a story about the time the PCs failed to stop a bank robbery every time.  I like them to be competent, to be able to do the things they're supposed to do and do them well.  If I want a less certain game, simply dial back the points.

Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2012 05:51:00 -0700
From: sharks1288@hotmail.com
To: cult-of-ore@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [ORE] [WT] Character help!

And therein lies the problem with my group... Everyone is VERY individual... We hardly talk other then the nights that we game, so collaborating amongst us isn't, really, something we do...

Come to think of it... Ehn, that'd just go into a large rant. Thanks a ton for the help. I may ask more questions, but I think most of my thoughts have been sated for now. I'll probably play around with power generation for a bit, maybe ask some questions that pertain to said powers, figure things out. I was able to get the book from my GM the other day, so I have it on me to reference (again, a major flaw with us, 5 people, 2 books). I'll look forward to talking with you guys some more XD

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