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Re: [ORE] [WT] Character help!

> Also, what's "Too cheesy?" I'm guessing taking the "Self only" Flaw on a defensive power is kinda moot, as most defensive powers ARE self only

The rules explicitly say that the Defense quality has the Self capacity by default.

They also say that the fundamental rule for Flaws is that you don't get points back if it doesn't actually reduce the functionality of the power.

So taking "Self Only" to give the Self capacity to a quality that already has the Self capacity does not reduce the quality's cost.

Wild Talents in many places says outright that it's a game about building any powers you want, and therefore it requires the players and the GM to work together and agree on what things are worth and what's appropriate. Common sense in the literal meaning of that term is crucial.

If you approach power-building competitively like a card game, trying to outdo everyone else and especially the GM, you will probably break the game -- we basically made it to be breakable under those circumstances in order to allow maximum flexibility and creativity -- and you will definitely reduce the odds of everyone having a good time.

All of which is not to say don't do it your way or only have fun my way. Just remember that Wild Talents is about everybody in the group having fun playing their characters. Building powers is just one step toward that goal, and the engine works best when you collaborate with the others.

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