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Re: [ORE] Re: Power ideas

Some random stuff from my games, which involved some extreme one-trick ponies (with complications!):

Invulnerability (and only invulnerability)
"Living flame" form (that only needs to consume oxygen and fuel)
Teleportation (of a fixed sphere, centered on the teleporter's center of mass. Contents of start and end spheres are exchanged perfectly; anything intersected by the boundary suffers catastrophic damage)
Human EMP (sizable range, always on, inobvious for maximum inconvenience)
Reanimate dead (which retain intelligence, but are slaves to the reanimator's instructions)
Hemokinesis / blood control (the horror! ... the horror!)
"Intuitive understanding" / "Brad can do that." -- perform any previously-observed behavior at a world-class level, generally better than the original observed action
Giant animatronic John Wayne as played by Nathan Fillion
Portal creation (spawning permanent portals -- which can be closed at will -- with a range well past lunar orbit)

In addition, Misfits brings to mind a bunch:

Telepathy (receive-only)
Time travel (mentally controlling past self to change present)
Time travel (temporarily physically traveling back in time)
Time travel (physically traveling back in time, and staying there)
Lactokinesis (telekinetically controlling any substance containing lactose, or milk fat, or something)
Believing you're a dog
Being very, very angry
Power brokering (taking, holding, and bequeathing powers, but not using them)
Alisha's date rape power (touch causes uncontrollable lust and amnesia)
Healing touch
Action precognition (performing improbable or unsafe feats with the aid of short-term precognition)
Resurrection (but they hunger for the flesh of the living, and infect people with conventional zombie plague)
Alternate form: opposite gender
Alternate form: younger self
Alternate form: different species
Shapeshifting (doppelganger variety)
Fookin' rocket scientist, ya
Limited reality warping (parlor tricks)
Cold touch
I see dead people
Summoning ghosts as free-willed, physical beings
Limited clairvoyance (seeing from other people's eyes)
Poor man's time stop (everyone in vicinity stops moving and thinking)
Drawing the future... and having it come true
Mind control voice
Immunity to powers (or just mind control powers?)
Externalized id (as in, clone with low impulse control)
Body swap
Voluntarily transmitted STD with grotesquely rapid effects
Psychically induced baldness

There's a Misfits wiki with a more thorough and pretentiously-named list ( http://e4-misfits.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Abilities ), but beware of spoilers.


On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 11:52 AM, Chris Fougere <fougerec99@hotmail.com> wrote:
What I was looking for was more of a list of powers people have come up with, devoid of "this is how it works in game terms".  Something I (and probably others) can simply look at for inspiration.

Something like

Energy Blast
Turn enemy in human fly
Swarm of insects
Control Atomic Mass
Make enemy unable to tell left from right.
Summon zombie nazis.
Transform self into exact replica but superstrong.
Cause enemies stomache acids to burst forth

Etc.  I have no trouble figuring out how to do what I want to do for the NPCs, its a matter of figuring out what I want them to do in the first place.  Maybe its a result of playing for close to 2 years. 

Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2012 12:04:51 -0700
From: arkhamalum@gmail.com
To: cult-of-ore@googlegroups.com
Subject: [ORE] Re: Power ideas

On Wednesday, August 8, 2012 6:36:44 AM UTC-7, fouge...@hotmail.com wrote:
I'm currently running Godlike, using the WT rules, and find I frequently feel like I'm running my head against the wall when designing powers for the opposition.

I wonder if anyone has ever put together a list of powers, not a point breakdown/cost analysis but even a simple "Touches things and causes them to rot"; "Cause intense pain with a glare", "Break down molecular bonds" etc.  Just a list of cool things, since the game is so open ended I frequently find myself falling back on standard powers (Blaster, Brick, Speedster etc) and I want to break that mold.


This is easy using flaws and extras. Touch and rot = Attacks, with a range of Touch Only. That's it. If you want the rot to destroy everything, buy Disintegrates too. If you want it to bypass LA and HA, buy Non-Physical. If you want it to freak people out too, buy Traumatic and take Horrifying as a flaw. If it is a bit of a cures too, like a Midas touch, it can be Always On.

Causing intense pain could be an Attacks, perhaps with Daze and Non-Physical, and the No Physical Change flaw.            

Your Break Down Molecular Bonds needs more description, but seems doable too.


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