Gnarly says that it applies any instance of damage the Monster does. I figure it applies to uses of Spray and Splash, but I was wondering if it also goes over into damage done by Area and Burning?
For example, lets say that there is an attack with Gnarly x2, Area x2 and Burning.
The attack ends up with a 3x9 set and the two area dice come up 3 and 10.
Gnarly means that the set does 4 damage to hit location 9, but does it also apply to the area dice? That's an additional 3 damage to both the 3 and 10 hit locations if it does.
Going further with the example, I'm assuming that the target would take Burning damage to all three hit locations, but does Gnarly apply to this as well?
Very Minor mechanics spoilers for Road Trip follow, but only discuss a few extras from a Bit and don't discuss context.
I don't see anything in the rules that says that it wouldn't apply, but I just wanted to be sure I was reading it right before heading into one of the later chapters with the Road Trip campaign, since there is an monster with Spray, Area x2, Awesome x2 and Gnarly x5 among other extras and qualities. Gnarly applying to Area would mean a minimum of 6 damage to 3, possibly 4 hit locations to everything within a 10ft radius.
I'm curious as to whether I'm reading it right before bringing it to the group to see if we want to alter it, the way we use the optional Spray rules from Bigger Bads but not the optional Awesome rules.
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