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[ORE] Re: [self-promotion] Base Raiders: The Superpowered Dungeon Crawling RPG Kickstarter is live

I'll tell you, while I Love the FATE system, I have never found a super-powers version of it that I was happy with. If Base Raiders can get that done, I'm all for it. 

On Friday, October 19, 2012 4:39:14 PM UTC-4, Ross Payton wrote:

Hi guys,

As you may know, I podcast an ongoing Wild Talents campaign called The Heroes of New Arcadia - it's online here http://actualplay.roleplayingpublicradio.com/tag/new-arcadia/

I've taken the ideas I developed during the campaign and outlined a standalone RPG called Base Raiders. I just launched a Kickstarter to pay for a finished game (art, printing, editing and so forth) http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/rosspayton/base-raiders-the-superpowered-dungeon-crawling-rpg

Base Raiders uses the FATE RPG engine instead of Wild Talents mainly because I want to implement new rules for powers - switching or changing powers radically during a game. I think it would be easier to do that with the Kerberos Club Skill/Power system than Wild Talents - no need to recalculate power costs and so forth - just replace one skill with another.

Anyway, I have a Wild Talents conversion guide as a free PDF as a stretch goal for the project so if it gets overfunded you can use the ORE to run Base Raiders.

Thanks and back to regularly scheduled ORE discussion :)

Ross Payton
Zombies of the World - a field guide to the undead
Role Playing Public Radio  - http://slangdesign.com/rppr/

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