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Re: [ORE] Autofiring & Mass Combat

Spray has two positives. It adds dice to your dice pool, and it eats a -1d penalty for multiple attacks.

For instance, if you have a semi automatic pistol and want to fire at two guys, you have to roll your Coordination+Ranged Weapon [Pistol] skill with a -1d penalty (you get to shoot at one for free, the other action costs an additional -1d penalty). You need two successful sets. If you only get one, you only hit one of the two targets.

If, instead, you fire a submachine gun with a spray 3, you roll your Coordination+Ranged Weapon [SMG] dice pool with an extra 3 dice. Furthermore, you get to declare that you're hitting up to 4 targets without a penalty.

That's normal combat. Suppressive fire is done differently. With suppressive fire you only roll 2d + your weapon's Spray rating (if any). A semi-automatic pistol just rolls 2d. If you get a set,  EVERY potential target rolls a single die. If their die roll matches the height of your roll, they are hit in that hit location. Furthermore, all those potential targets have to make an Empathy+Equilibrium roll to avoid diving for cover.

There are mass combat rules. They are found in the Wild Talents rule books and in the Godlike paperback/PDF rule book (an older variant of them is in the Donar's Hammer adventure). The Godlike rules are a little different and a little more involved as fitting a World War II game. In essence, you roll 1d per "mook" up to 15d, with each set hitting. The rules are more involved than that, particularly when using Godlike which takes into account riflemen firing versus machine guns.

I recommend that you pick up the Wild Talents Essential Edition. It's only $5 for the PDF. You can get the paperback for $10 plus shipping, and get the PDF for free.

On Fri, Nov 16, 2012 at 9:23 PM, Frankie Privacy <ak74killsquickly@aol.com> wrote:
I'm new to ORE and want to run a game using Nemesis. Nemesis does lack some depth for combat, but I can take things from say, the WH40K conversion to alleviate that.

Thing is, I have no idea how suppressive fire is supposed to work. "Spray weapons fire a number of bullets each round equal to the number of dice in the stat+weapon+Spray dice pool."  So, it's ???+????+Spray? I don't get it. And suppressive fire eats up all ammo? Do you think Spray(1) would work to represent semi-autos?

Are there any rules to represent mass combat if I wanted to say, throw anything from 12 to a horde of enemies at the PCs? Or combat between small armies?

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Allan Goodall            http://www.hyperbear.com

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