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[ORE] Telekinetic Technicalities

Hey all,


I have a question about telekinesis.  Do you need a Speed Capacity on your Telekinesis to let you know how fast an object you are moving moves?  The Mass Capacity tells you how heavy an object may be and the Range Capacity tells you how far away it can be.  What about how fast it moves?  When can I get the object to me that I need.


On page 112 of the Wild Talents Essential Edition it talks about Switching and Combining Capacities.  In the example, the book describes using the Mass and Speed Capacities together.  Moving X weight at Y speed.  But in the Miracle Cafeteria and the Progenitor book, the Telekinesis examples there do not have a Speed Capacity.


So, what do you think? 


Any advice would be welcome.
Thanks in advance.

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