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Re: [ORE] Telekinetic Technicalities

This is also a good situation for a variable effect power, like the totally awesome example Greg Stolze used (using an older version of the WT:EE rules, but you get the idea) for Cyclops in an RPG.net thread:

USEFUL EXTRAS: Mass Capacity (+2) Variable Effect (Thematic With Power) (+2) No Physics (+1)
USEFUL FLAWS: Exhausted (-3)


Once per scene, he can do something normally outside the scope of his powers (i.e. with a capacity his eye beams don't normally have) as a "rare trick" kind of thing.  It's a great way to salve the "if he has telekinesis, why can't he ride a refrigerator he's throwing?" kind of thing, without actually statting up a Useful quality with a Speed capacity.  You choose Extras, Flaws, and *capacities* of emulated powers when you emulate them.

-- Daniel

On Sun, Dec 9, 2012 at 1:33 PM, Matt <moeheid@gmail.com> wrote:
Goodall has the right of it. 

-Matt Conlon

On Dec 9, 2012, at 8:39 AM, Allan Goodall <awgoodall@gmail.com> wrote:

This is how I approach it with my group. Shane may decide something else as an official response.

Personally, I wouldn't worry about the Speed capacity unless you are using the ability to move yourself quickly for some effect. The description of the Speed capacity in the WT2 rulebook actually says it's used to move "you" quickly.

Think about the Harm miracle. Say your miracle has you shoot bullets out of your fingers. You need the Range capacity. Do you need the Speed capacity to dictate that the bullets are hypersonic? No. If you shot lasers from your eyes, do you need the Speed capacity to have the lasers shoot at light speed? No.

Roll he dice. The width of your roll indicates when your power works. So the width dictates when the power activates, when the power is doing what it's doing. The width is when your telekinesis works. The width determines how quickly something moves, really.

I would require the Speed capacity if you wanted to use your Telekinesis on yourself to make you move quickly. (Though it might be cheaper to buy this as a separate power.)

Otherwise, the speed with which you move something with your Telekinesis is rolled in as a special effect with the qualities and extras you buy for your power. You have Defends on your Telekinesis? That assumes you have speed sufficient to move an object into the path of an attack. You buy an extra so that your Telekinesis can't be stopped? Maybe it's because it's super fast.

On Sun, Dec 9, 2012 at 2:47 AM, Jeff K <jjkohl70@yahoo.com> wrote:

Hey all,


I have a question about telekinesis.  Do you need a Speed Capacity on your Telekinesis to let you know how fast an object you are moving moves?  The Mass Capacity tells you how heavy an object may be and the Range Capacity tells you how far away it can be.  What about how fast it moves?  When can I get the object to me that I need.


On page 112 of the Wild Talents Essential Edition it talks about Switching and Combining Capacities.  In the example, the book describes using the Mass and Speed Capacities together.  Moving X weight at Y speed.  But in the Miracle Cafeteria and the Progenitor book, the Telekinesis examples there do not have a Speed Capacity.


So, what do you think? 


Any advice would be welcome.
Thanks in advance.

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Allan Goodall            http://www.hyperbear.com

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