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Re: [ORE] (WT) Enchanter Questions

Augment is explicitly designed for this kind of thing.

-Matt Conlon

On Jan 4, 2013, at 7:44 PM, crash2455 <jessedavid@gmail.com> wrote:

A player in my game is trying to make a character that can enchant weapons with varying different abilities for as long as they hold them.  I've been trying to figure out how to implement this.  The idea is that they can draw magical runes onto a weapon, and that imbues it with said magic until they dismiss it.  I think I understand the extras behind the power on a broad level:

Quality (2): Attacks
Capacity: Touch
Extras (+8): Endless (+3), Burn (+1), Augment (+4)
Flaws (-4): Touch Only, If/Then (Must Succeed on Arcana Check to Imbue Power), If/Then (Must be applied to weapon)

Their ultimate goal is to make this an ability they could apply to any weapon and then use with the appropriate weapon skill entirely for the purpose of providing extras to said weapon. To create something like a flaming SMG or a vorpal handgun, essentially.

How would this be finalized?  Would the example above be correct for a type of enchantment or would there be more?  Additionally, how would dice purchased in the power factor in?


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