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Re: [ORE] Fan-made "WT 2.5"


I'm always interested in the efforts to make something I love better and if this makes more sense to you, Godspeed. 

That said, you open with the design philosophy of changing as little as possible, then describe what feels almost like a ground up rewrite of things. I realize your goal is to create a uniform application of the core rules across all elements of chargen, however for my purposes you've unnecessarily complicated "simple" character concepts like Kung Fu Kid. 

The reason i came up with for why hyper skills are so high in the design hierarchy is because they serve as a simple shortcut to "guy who is awesome at one thing." Same for hyper stats.

Another telling element (to me specifically) was the comment you made regarding one player having an advantage over another because system mastery would result in a more efficient character. That's one of my triggers/hot buttons.

I sidestep that problem by building characters based on the descriptions players give me (from "speedster" to "All Fiction User"). Then All characters are built with the same tight design philosophy, the players only need to know how many dice to roll and how to explain their sets, because their powers all do exactly what they wanted. They tell me how they want to expand, I tell them how much XP it costs and when they save enough they let me know and ta-da, good to go. 

I know my solution isn't everyone's but "pvp" concerns are meaningless (to me) and it's on the GM to explain why the FUCK Batman is running with Supes and the Flash. 

I do however like the "Hard Dice Action" Concept which does cover a sometimes gaping hole in the rules and will test it in my next game. 

Keep up the good work. 

-Matt Conlon

On Feb 5, 2013, at 5:34 AM, Shane Ivey <shane.ivey@gmail.com> wrote:

<<Hey all. I posted this over at RPG.net, then this morning I had a giant "duh" moment and realized I might get more traction here, so here I am.

I have done some homebrew-style tinkering with WT, primarily in the character creation area and would love any feedback (or other participation) people are willing to offer. You can find the work I've done so far here: https://trello.com/board/fan-made-wild-talents-2-5e/50fe1113383685367300137b.>>

Interesting. A lot of those issues are things I have wanted to address too, but there's still a backlog of printed copies of WT2 in Cubicle 7's warehouses -- and as you say, we will have our hands full for a while -- so it hasn't been urgent. But Wild Talents in particular was always a fan-driven effort so I for one welcome the tinkering and feedback. 

Shane Ivey, Arc Dream Publishing
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