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Re: [ORE] Re: Initiative affecting usefuls

Actually, in my Power Sets: Speedster article, I just statted it as Hypersense with an If/Then (Only to determine declaration order). 3 points per die. 

As for the second part, that's what Go First is for. Check out the Lightning Reflexes miracle in that same article. 

Paul Stefko

Sent from my iPad

On Jun 27, 2013, at 12:15 AM, crash2455 <jessedavid@gmail.com> wrote:

There is a speedster on the Arc Dream website that has a sense augment power with permanent specifically to increase declaration order.

I'm less sure about the second one.

On Wednesday, June 26, 2013 10:21:13 PM UTC-5, matt conlon wrote:
Would a Useful power with duration that added to sense solely for initiative declaration be cool?

What about another that added width but only for the purposes of resolution?

-Matt Conlon

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[ORE] Re: Initiative affecting usefuls

There is a speedster on the Arc Dream website that has a sense augment power with permanent specifically to increase declaration order.

I'm less sure about the second one.

On Wednesday, June 26, 2013 10:21:13 PM UTC-5, matt conlon wrote:
Would a Useful power with duration that added to sense solely for initiative declaration be cool?

What about another that added width but only for the purposes of resolution?

-Matt Conlon

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[ORE] Initiative affecting usefuls

Would a Useful power with duration that added to sense solely for initiative declaration be cool?

What about another that added width but only for the purposes of resolution?

-Matt Conlon

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[Seattle Go Center] Donations needed even in good times

Dear Members,


Yesterday we had 53 players visit the Go Center, from beginner to 7 dan, with teaching games going on at all levels.  This is the highest count I have seen for a regular Tuesday.  As we approach the end of our fiscal year on June 30, I note that membership payments are up 27% from last fiscal year.  We had great volunteer support during our outreach events at Sakura Con, Cherry Blossom Festival, and the U-District Street Fair.  (A special thanks to John Richards, who helped every day of all three events.)  We taught Go during class time at the nearby McDonald International School, visiting 6 classes up to 5 times each, mostly with volunteer help. We have expanded our free evening classes at the Go Center to three times a week.


Volunteers have made all this possible, and I thank you for your enthusiastic  support.  But we also need dollars to keep going.  I notice that donations are much less this year than last fiscal year, perhaps because people think that our future is much more secure now that we have our new 10 year lease from the Nihon Ki-in.  But even in good times we need donations to make free visits for youth and new members possible, and to continue our outreach, and to get new teaching equipment, such as a digital projector.  We also have to pay off loans from the recent recession, when our downstairs rental space was empty for 18 months.


Please consider making a donation to the Seattle Go Center by June 30, the end of our fiscal year.  We accept cash and checks at the Go Center, or you can donate online, using Paypal:


All your donations are tax deductible, since we have 501 (c)(3) status.  Some employers,  such as Microsoft and Google, will match your donation.  Note that we are listed with the IRS under our formal name, the Nihon Ki-in Go Institute of the West. Checks can be made out to either the Seattle Go Center or the Nihon Ki-in Go Institute of the West.


I look forward to seeing you at the Go Center.  We have a great summer coming up, with 4 pros visiting us before and after Go Congress.





Brian  Allen

Manager, Seattle Go Center

Nihon Ki-in Go Institute of the West

700 NE 45th Street

Seattle WA  98105

206 545-1424 (Go Center)

206 632-1122 (Office at Home)

manager@seattlego.org (e-mail)

www.seattlego.org (website)


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[Seattle Go Center] Correction: *S*DK class tonight @ 7pm

An earlier e-mail suggested a DDK class tonight@7pm; the class is actually a single digit kyu class (but double digit kyus are welcome!)

apologies for any confusion -- see you tonight!

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[Seattle Go Center] DDK class WEDNESDAY @ 7pm -- how to get a game review!

Hey all!

This Wednesday we're going to continue the "how to review your game" class from last week, as well as learn some tips on how to ask questions when you've finally cornered a stronger player and get to pick their brain.

And of course, you've all played games so far this week and practiced reviewing them, right?  Send them along!

Also, sign up on the mailing list at https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/seattlego-sdk ! Starting this week i'll be starting longer discussions there about the homework, as well as resource lists and references.

See you all wednesday!  7pm!

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[Seattle Go Center] DDK Class Tonight: BACK TO BASICS-THE MIDDLE GAME

Hi Everyone-

During tonight's class will be reviewing the most basic concepts of the middle phase of a go game.  Many of the concepts that we will discuss have been covered before in the class, but review is always essential to improvement. 

Hope to see you there!

Nick Sibicky - 4 Dan

Double-Digit Kyu Class
Mondays, 6:30-8:30 pm
Seattle Go Center

*there is no additional fee for attending the class

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Re: [ORE] Better Angels - Intro module?


That would ROCK! and be super helpful since I have just over a week until I run the game.


On Wednesday, June 19, 2013 10:26:44 AM UTC-7, Shane Ivey wrote:

We should have Greg's adventure "The Good, the Bad, and the Hunky" out soon. The artist is working on illustrations now. I can see about sending a plain text version to you in the meantime if that will be useful.

Shane Ivey

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[Seattle Go Center] Thursday Meetup at Crossroads Mall Eastside

Dear Go Players,


People are playing Go at the Crossroads Mall in Bellevue fairly regularly.  So we have decided to announce a meet-up this Thursday, June 20, from 2-9 p.m., by QFC, by the giant chess board at the Mall. Look for Larry E. or Lou K.  If you have a portable Go board, please bring it along.  For more info, send me an email at manager@seattlego.org





Brian  Allen

Manager, Seattle Go Center

Nihon Ki-in Go Institute of the West

700 NE 45th Street

Seattle WA  98105

206 545-1424 (Go Center)

206 632-1122 (Office at Home)

manager@seattlego.org (e-mail)

www.seattlego.org (website)


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[Seattle Go Center] Beginner's Classes on Thursday

Dear Go Center Members,


Our summer Go classes are just starting up, and it’s not too late for complete beginners to join the current session of “Real Beginners” on Thursday evenings, starting at 6:30.  This class will run for 6 more weeks. The ongoing “Beginner’s Workshop” is at 7:00.  This is good for adults and teenagers in the 30 kyu to 15 kyu range.  These classes are free, and your first 10 visits to the Go Center are free as well.






Brian  Allen

Manager, Seattle Go Center

Nihon Ki-in Go Institute of the West

700 NE 45th Street

Seattle WA  98105

206 545-1424 (Go Center)

206 632-1122 (Office at Home)

manager@seattlego.org (e-mail)

www.seattlego.org (website)


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Re: [ORE] Better Angels - Intro module?

We should have Greg's adventure "The Good, the Bad, and the Hunky" out soon. The artist is working on illustrations now. I can see about sending a plain text version to you in the meantime if that will be useful.

Shane Ivey

On Wednesday, June 19, 2013, matt wrote:
Hey gang,

I'm going to run Bettter Angels in 2 weeks and I'm wondering if there is an intro adventure/mod out there I could use?

If not, have you run it already? What was the basic plot?
How did it work out?
Anything to keep in mind, advice to another B.A. GM?


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Shane Ivey, Arc Dream Publishing
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[Seattle Go Center] Re: SDK class tomorrow -- Wednesday -- 7pm!

Additional reminder for SDK class tonight @ 7pm!

Also, the class now has its own mailing list; attendees should sign up at https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/seattlego-sdk


On Tue, Jun 18, 2013 at 10:12 PM, Andrew J <andrew.m.jackson@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi everyone!  If you aren't planning on attending this week's SDK class, you can disregard the rest of this message :)

Otherwise, class this week promises to be quite full!  I'd like to continue what we started last week on "How to Teach Yourself to Read", with a focus on ladders & nets as visualization practice, and I'd like to start a section on "How to Review Your Games," but there's quite a lot of material on that one ;)

After that, we'll look at some student games!  I've been sent a few games so far, but i think i can fit in one more if anyone else would like to send one along.

Lastly, we'll try and leave time for people to play and have some games ready for next week :)

See you guys at 7pm!


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[ORE] Better Angels - Intro module?

Hey gang,

I'm going to run Bettter Angels in 2 weeks and I'm wondering if there is an intro adventure/mod out there I could use?

If not, have you run it already? What was the basic plot?
How did it work out?
Anything to keep in mind, advice to another B.A. GM?


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[Seattle Go Center] SDK class tomorrow -- Wednesday -- 7pm!

Hi everyone!  If you aren't planning on attending this week's SDK class, you can disregard the rest of this message :)

Otherwise, class this week promises to be quite full!  I'd like to continue what we started last week on "How to Teach Yourself to Read", with a focus on ladders & nets as visualization practice, and I'd like to start a section on "How to Review Your Games," but there's quite a lot of material on that one ;)

After that, we'll look at some student games!  I've been sent a few games so far, but i think i can fit in one more if anyone else would like to send one along.

Lastly, we'll try and leave time for people to play and have some games ready for next week :)

See you guys at 7pm!


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[Seattle Go Center] DDK Class Tonight: BACK TO BASICS-THE OPENING

Hi Everyone-

During tonight's class will be reviewing the most basic concepts of the opening phase of a go game.  Many of the concepts that we will discuss have been covered before in the class, but review is always essential to improvement.  Furthermore, if you have not been to a class in a while, this would be a great time to sneak in and pick up a few tips to improve your game!

Hope to see you there!

Nick Sibicky - 4 Dan

Double-Digit Kyu Class
Mondays, 6:30-8:30 pm
Seattle Go Center

*there is no additional fee for attending the class

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Re: [ORE] While I'm consulting the list - help with more generic powers

I think it's a matter of mechanic.  I would allow hard dice to reflect massive damage while just checking the "head" boxes (which might be another location anyway) in a game I ran.  The effect is the same -- he's dead, Jim.  I would, however, require extras/flaws to meet the flavor text, including Horrifying,  I can see the case for requiring Engulf for a "squish a victim into jelly" power, but to me it's just getting bogged down in the details; dead is dead, and the flavor text is the flavor text.

Now, the advantage to the player in taking Engulf would be the effect on a target with enough armor (or other defense) to survive the experience.  But that (along with lighting the victim on fire or any number of other hilarious notions) would be a matter of taste for me.

Of course, that's what I like about ORE, and why I use it to run other games: it's a wonderfully flexible and customizable system.

Religion, or the duty which we owe our Creator, and the manner of discharging it, can be directed only by reason and conviction, not by force and violence; and therefore all men are equally entitled to the free exercise of religion, according to the dictates of conscience.
  -- James Madison

On Sun, Jun 16, 2013 at 3:09 AM, Matt <moeheid@gmail.com> wrote:
Horrifying, but you'd need engulf as an extra or some kind of "scattered damage" flaw, otherwise you're hitting that brainpan. 

I'm not against finding ways to make your preferred method work, I accept this as a "limitation" of the system, but feel there are plenty of (sometimes points intensive) ways to work around it in the rules without necessarily allowing players to use narrative license to water down their murder powers. 

The example Greg provides with the Hulk I think would be better using Engulf, but he says HD, the fact both ways exist is a testament to the flexibility of the system. 

-Matt Conlon

On Jun 15, 2013, at 5:11 PM, "Kevin L. Nault" <prof.morbius@gmail.com> wrote:

Well, a brute HD attack could also be massive harm rather than precise harm -- dropping a car on someone, crushing them to jelly, a force wave that damages organs and breaks bones, etc.  I'm AFB, but it does seem like massive damage, instead of precise damage, might call for a mental stability roll from people who see it (what's that called? Gruesome?).

On Thursday, June 6, 2013, Matt wrote:
I'd accept that as readily workable, what The issue I run into with the use of HD to represent something other than precision on Attacks is that these powers defined as Brute, Clumsy, Wild, reckless etc. never strike glancing blows, they never take off a hand, or a few toes, they always unerringly strike head, heart, carotid artery, aorta, femoral artery (and even that is being generous with hit location narrative license). 

There are other extant ways to better represent a power that does overwhelming offense than a bunch of HD, but that's just me in "I'm thinkin of running a game" mode, 3 sessions in if a new player wanted a character that was practically a pacifist because he always killed people with his hands I might just go with a bunch of HD to save time and get him into the game ASAP. 

-Matt Conlon

On Jun 6, 2013, at 4:04 AM, Daniel Kane <daniel.m.kane@gmail.com> wrote:

Side note: I personally consider the "head" location to include other vital parts like heart and lungs.  A 5x10 can be an unerring thrust to the heart as plausibly as a literal headshot.

-- Daniel

On Sun, Jun 2, 2013 at 10:26 PM, Matt Conlon <moeheid@gmail.com> wrote:
"Four Color" settings are becoming a thing of the past (or cater explicitly to younger readers) and those "dubious" reasons for low body counts aren't really dubious in context (a reality in which radiation grants super powers rather than cancer or a grisly death) so that sword cuts both ways.  If the campaign is not 4 color, the Black Widow might still survive if she has a metric buttload of Willpower on her (unless the rules are tweaked to make a gritty game full-on grimdark), further she might not even register as a target to something that she literally cannot affect in any significant way, If she didn't trigger the transformation or the Hulk wasn't being compelled to attack her with hoodoo he may just ignore her and everything else that doesn't hit like a freight train.  Rules and narrative lawyering aside that doesn't really have anything to do with the choice of Hard Dice over a Vicious/Deadly extra, additional Attacks qualities, booster Mass, Full Power Only Flaws and so on.
In general Hard dice are chosen for a power to reliably produce the same effect at optimum quality (hence the set of 10s and their prevalence in defensive and "mental" effects, 10s trump all other numbers except more 10s, the option is direct comparison so a pair of 10s would fail to dodge a pair of 5s, you got your head out of the way of an attack to your arm).  Numerous recommendations are made to make them more flexible or functional for different kinds of games (like assigning a number other than 10 that they achieve without fail, I'm a fan of 9 so attacks are center mass every time and still hard to dodge) and there's also Expert or Master Dice. 
I don't think they don't make sense for the Hulk because he generally doesn't take head shots or attack vitals, he hits things so hard they fall to pieces, in ORE that's best represented by extra attacks qualities and maybe armor piercing, so if he clips an Arm with a pair of 5s it's coming off or being driven into the torso so violently it comes out somewhere else.
For a "clumsy TK" that is mostly brute force, a combination of high-capacity Mass and Full power only are a better fit (my opinion) because such a power should not really reliably head shot or demolish critical areas (again my opinion).  Explosive might even be a better fit since the brute force is so great damage is guaranteed but it's scattered because the power lacks accuracy.
Not that it's particularly relevant to this exchange but I'm not the OP so I didn't ask for any input.

On Sun, Jun 2, 2013 at 4:29 PM, Marco Subias <arkhamalum@gmail.com> wrote:
Hulk in the comics is generally in a four-color setting in which he somehow seldom if ever kills anyone with a punch. In a four-color setting authors may come up with dubious reasons for this fact. If a campaign is not four-color and more Avengers movie or Ultimates comic in style, the Hulk is truly terrifying and if the Hulk lands a solid punch on the Black Widow, she'd die. How may people did Hulk kill in The Ultimates?

Wild Talents, unless tweaked, lends itself to a gritty style in which major injuries or death are much more likely. You can see this by looking at the sources that most inspired WT, or reading campaign books like Progenitor. Obviously, one can do anything with the rules that one's fellow players will go along with. You did write to ask for observations about the powers that you constructed though.   


On Sun, Jun 2, 2013 at 4:09 PM, Matt <moeheid@gmail.com> wrote

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Re: [ORE] While I'm consulting the list - help with more generic powers

Horrifying, but you'd need engulf as an extra or some kind of "scattered damage" flaw, otherwise you're hitting that brainpan. 

I'm not against finding ways to make your preferred method work, I accept this as a "limitation" of the system, but feel there are plenty of (sometimes points intensive) ways to work around it in the rules without necessarily allowing players to use narrative license to water down their murder powers. 

The example Greg provides with the Hulk I think would be better using Engulf, but he says HD, the fact both ways exist is a testament to the flexibility of the system. 

-Matt Conlon

On Jun 15, 2013, at 5:11 PM, "Kevin L. Nault" <prof.morbius@gmail.com> wrote:

Well, a brute HD attack could also be massive harm rather than precise harm -- dropping a car on someone, crushing them to jelly, a force wave that damages organs and breaks bones, etc.  I'm AFB, but it does seem like massive damage, instead of precise damage, might call for a mental stability roll from people who see it (what's that called? Gruesome?).

On Thursday, June 6, 2013, Matt wrote:
I'd accept that as readily workable, what The issue I run into with the use of HD to represent something other than precision on Attacks is that these powers defined as Brute, Clumsy, Wild, reckless etc. never strike glancing blows, they never take off a hand, or a few toes, they always unerringly strike head, heart, carotid artery, aorta, femoral artery (and even that is being generous with hit location narrative license). 

There are other extant ways to better represent a power that does overwhelming offense than a bunch of HD, but that's just me in "I'm thinkin of running a game" mode, 3 sessions in if a new player wanted a character that was practically a pacifist because he always killed people with his hands I might just go with a bunch of HD to save time and get him into the game ASAP. 

-Matt Conlon

On Jun 6, 2013, at 4:04 AM, Daniel Kane <daniel.m.kane@gmail.com> wrote:

Side note: I personally consider the "head" location to include other vital parts like heart and lungs.  A 5x10 can be an unerring thrust to the heart as plausibly as a literal headshot.

-- Daniel

On Sun, Jun 2, 2013 at 10:26 PM, Matt Conlon <moeheid@gmail.com> wrote:
"Four Color" settings are becoming a thing of the past (or cater explicitly to younger readers) and those "dubious" reasons for low body counts aren't really dubious in context (a reality in which radiation grants super powers rather than cancer or a grisly death) so that sword cuts both ways.  If the campaign is not 4 color, the Black Widow might still survive if she has a metric buttload of Willpower on her (unless the rules are tweaked to make a gritty game full-on grimdark), further she might not even register as a target to something that she literally cannot affect in any significant way, If she didn't trigger the transformation or the Hulk wasn't being compelled to attack her with hoodoo he may just ignore her and everything else that doesn't hit like a freight train.  Rules and narrative lawyering aside that doesn't really have anything to do with the choice of Hard Dice over a Vicious/Deadly extra, additional Attacks qualities, booster Mass, Full Power Only Flaws and so on.
In general Hard dice are chosen for a power to reliably produce the same effect at optimum quality (hence the set of 10s and their prevalence in defensive and "mental" effects, 10s trump all other numbers except more 10s, the option is direct comparison so a pair of 10s would fail to dodge a pair of 5s, you got your head out of the way of an attack to your arm).  Numerous recommendations are made to make them more flexible or functional for different kinds of games (like assigning a number other than 10 that they achieve without fail, I'm a fan of 9 so attacks are center mass every time and still hard to dodge) and there's also Expert or Master Dice. 
I don't think they don't make sense for the Hulk because he generally doesn't take head shots or attack vitals, he hits things so hard they fall to pieces, in ORE that's best represented by extra attacks qualities and maybe armor piercing, so if he clips an Arm with a pair of 5s it's coming off or being driven into the torso so violently it comes out somewhere else.
For a "clumsy TK" that is mostly brute force, a combination of high-capacity Mass and Full power only are a better fit (my opinion) because such a power should not really reliably head shot or demolish critical areas (again my opinion).  Explosive might even be a better fit since the brute force is so great damage is guaranteed but it's scattered because the power lacks accuracy.
Not that it's particularly relevant to this exchange but I'm not the OP so I didn't ask for any input.

On Sun, Jun 2, 2013 at 4:29 PM, Marco Subias <arkhamalum@gmail.com> wrote:
Hulk in the comics is generally in a four-color setting in which he somehow seldom if ever kills anyone with a punch. In a four-color setting authors may come up with dubious reasons for this fact. If a campaign is not four-color and more Avengers movie or Ultimates comic in style, the Hulk is truly terrifying and if the Hulk lands a solid punch on the Black Widow, she'd die. How may people did Hulk kill in The Ultimates?

Wild Talents, unless tweaked, lends itself to a gritty style in which major injuries or death are much more likely. You can see this by looking at the sources that most inspired WT, or reading campaign books like Progenitor. Obviously, one can do anything with the rules that one's fellow players will go along with. You did write to ask for observations about the powers that you constructed though.   


On Sun, Jun 2, 2013 at 4:09 PM, Matt <moeheid@gmail.com> wrote

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Re: [ORE] While I'm consulting the list - help with more generic powers

Well, a brute HD attack could also be massive harm rather than precise harm -- dropping a car on someone, crushing them to jelly, a force wave that damages organs and breaks bones, etc.  I'm AFB, but it does seem like massive damage, instead of precise damage, might call for a mental stability roll from people who see it (what's that called? Gruesome?).

On Thursday, June 6, 2013, Matt wrote:
I'd accept that as readily workable, what The issue I run into with the use of HD to represent something other than precision on Attacks is that these powers defined as Brute, Clumsy, Wild, reckless etc. never strike glancing blows, they never take off a hand, or a few toes, they always unerringly strike head, heart, carotid artery, aorta, femoral artery (and even that is being generous with hit location narrative license). 

There are other extant ways to better represent a power that does overwhelming offense than a bunch of HD, but that's just me in "I'm thinkin of running a game" mode, 3 sessions in if a new player wanted a character that was practically a pacifist because he always killed people with his hands I might just go with a bunch of HD to save time and get him into the game ASAP. 

-Matt Conlon

On Jun 6, 2013, at 4:04 AM, Daniel Kane <daniel.m.kane@gmail.com> wrote:

Side note: I personally consider the "head" location to include other vital parts like heart and lungs.  A 5x10 can be an unerring thrust to the heart as plausibly as a literal headshot.

-- Daniel

On Sun, Jun 2, 2013 at 10:26 PM, Matt Conlon <moeheid@gmail.com> wrote:
"Four Color" settings are becoming a thing of the past (or cater explicitly to younger readers) and those "dubious" reasons for low body counts aren't really dubious in context (a reality in which radiation grants super powers rather than cancer or a grisly death) so that sword cuts both ways.  If the campaign is not 4 color, the Black Widow might still survive if she has a metric buttload of Willpower on her (unless the rules are tweaked to make a gritty game full-on grimdark), further she might not even register as a target to something that she literally cannot affect in any significant way, If she didn't trigger the transformation or the Hulk wasn't being compelled to attack her with hoodoo he may just ignore her and everything else that doesn't hit like a freight train.  Rules and narrative lawyering aside that doesn't really have anything to do with the choice of Hard Dice over a Vicious/Deadly extra, additional Attacks qualities, booster Mass, Full Power Only Flaws and so on.
In general Hard dice are chosen for a power to reliably produce the same effect at optimum quality (hence the set of 10s and their prevalence in defensive and "mental" effects, 10s trump all other numbers except more 10s, the option is direct comparison so a pair of 10s would fail to dodge a pair of 5s, you got your head out of the way of an attack to your arm).  Numerous recommendations are made to make them more flexible or functional for different kinds of games (like assigning a number other than 10 that they achieve without fail, I'm a fan of 9 so attacks are center mass every time and still hard to dodge) and there's also Expert or Master Dice. 
I don't think they don't make sense for the Hulk because he generally doesn't take head shots or attack vitals, he hits things so hard they fall to pieces, in ORE that's best represented by extra attacks qualities and maybe armor piercing, so if he clips an Arm with a pair of 5s it's coming off or being driven into the torso so violently it comes out somewhere else.
For a "clumsy TK" that is mostly brute force, a combination of high-capacity Mass and Full power only are a better fit (my opinion) because such a power should not really reliably head shot or demolish critical areas (again my opinion).  Explosive might even be a better fit since the brute force is so great damage is guaranteed but it's scattered because the power lacks accuracy.
Not that it's particularly relevant to this exchange but I'm not the OP so I didn't ask for any input.

On Sun, Jun 2, 2013 at 4:29 PM, Marco Subias <arkhamalum@gmail.com> wrote:
Hulk in the comics is generally in a four-color setting in which he somehow seldom if ever kills anyone with a punch. In a four-color setting authors may come up with dubious reasons for this fact. If a campaign is not four-color and more Avengers movie or Ultimates comic in style, the Hulk is truly terrifying and if the Hulk lands a solid punch on the Black Widow, she'd die. How may people did Hulk kill in The Ultimates?

Wild Talents, unless tweaked, lends itself to a gritty style in which major injuries or death are much more likely. You can see this by looking at the sources that most inspired WT, or reading campaign books like Progenitor. Obviously, one can do anything with the rules that one's fellow players will go along with. You did write to ask for observations about the powers that you constructed though.   


On Sun, Jun 2, 2013 at 4:09 PM, Matt <moeheid@gmail.com> wrote

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[ORE] HyperiCon

I'm heading up to Nashville for HyperiCon (http://www.hypericon.us/)
for the day. They have some great writers there and it looks fun. If
you're nearby come join the con and say hi.



1:00 — Game demo, "Better Angels." Donelson room.

3:00 — Panel, "Game Building." Jackson room.

4:00 — Game demo, "Call of Cthulhu: The Sense of the Sleight-of-Hand
Man." Donelson room.

6:00 — Panel, "Fantasy World Building." Room 145.

8:00 — Signings, Q&A, game demos on demand. Davison room.




Holiday Inn Express Nashville Airport
1111 Airport Center Dr
Nashville, TN 37214

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[ORE] Better Angels delivery news and new resources

(Cross-posted from this morning's Kickstarter update.)

I've gotten confirmation from the printer and warehouse. The color hardback edition of Better Angels will start shipping to its Kickstarter backers the week of July 22, 2013! 

The local parks will never see it coming!

In the meantime we've added to our not-so-heavenly host of resources and gaming tips for Better Angels, all available free at the Arc Dream blog.


Greg Stolze's novel SINNER, which I read and loved, still has a couple of weeks to go in its Kickstarter program. It's about a supervillain trying to turn things around. If you liked Greg's short fiction for Better Angels, this novel will be 100% your cup of radioactive tea. Help make it happen.

Shane Ivey, Arc Dream Publishing
The One Roll Engine and more: www.arcdream.com
Cthulhu Mythos gaming, every quarter: TheUnspeakableOath.com
Is your world worth saving? Join the conspiracy: www.delta-green.com

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Re: [ORE] Question about Cosmic Powers, Gadgeteering, etc...

l see what you meant now.


On Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 3:40 PM, Odd Man Out <naldiin@gmail.com> wrote:
That's why in the earlier comment I noted that the dice splitting to determine range, mass, or speed, was for a Quality that had more than one Capacity. If you only have Mass, speed, or range, then there's nothing to divide the dice among. If you have two or more capacities there is. This is the entire point of Extras like High Capacity.

On Thursday, June 13, 2013 2:45:22 PM UTC-5, Hotjets wrote:
But these two sets of three dice in two U powers are separate powers and do not work together. You'd have a 3d power that worked at range and had no Mass capacity and a 3d power with the Mass capacity that had no range. You could use one per round, but not both, unless you dropped a die and went for two (impossible) sets.

If you want range and mass on your iron to steel, you buy the Mass extra for +2 and offset it with Slow or some other flaw or flaws. Or, could could spend WP to balance it out - 2 points of WP per die, IIRC.  


On Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 10:46 AM, Odd Man Out <nal...@gmail.com> wrote:
Take a 6d useful quality power that lets you turn iron into steel at a distance. You would need Mass and Range, dividing the 6d among them so that it had the range of a 3d power and the mass of a 3d power. Or 4d and 2d or any combination that yielded a total of 6d devoted to the capacities.

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Re: [ORE] Question about Cosmic Powers, Gadgeteering, etc...

There are already substantial rewards to having more than 10d of any type in Variable Effect, namely the ability to keep more and stronger powers going simultaneously. For other powers the ability to deal with penalties, change the width and height, and such are also substantial.

On Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 11:25 PM, Matt <moeheid@gmail.com> wrote:
For the record, I don't disagree with my previous interpretation, it rewards garnering more than 10d in the power for more than eliminating multi action penalties. 

-Matt Conlon

On Jun 13, 2013, at 2:29 PM, Daniel Kane <daniel.m.kane@gmail.com> wrote:

Flaws aren't worth points if they don't actually penalize the power's use.  I'd never allow One Use on an emulated power (... unless the VE power had One Use for some crazy reason).  Exhausted, probably, but not One Use.  If the quality with variable effect had Permanent, I wouldn't even allow Exhausted or Depleted, since there's no penalty for emulating a new power.

Likewise, If/Then (only while attacking) on an attack buff wouldn't be worth any points, any more than Attacks (set people on fire) having If/Then (only while setting people on fire).  This sort of makes sense if you assume your ADU dice are all tied up with the buff, but we've established that everyone disagrees with that usage of multi-quality variable effect. :-)

-- Daniel

On Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 10:45 AM, Matt <moeheid@gmail.com> wrote:
"I'll point out that if you had 6d + 2hd in the combined TK power, because the defense is with Duration, you can activate it with your 2hd + 6d, and then in subsequent rounds still use those 2hd+6d - you don't have to set any dice aside as "in use" or whatever."

Ok, this seems reasonable, then I think Cosmic Power. "Every time I use it I make a cheap, endless, 1 use Invulnerability to X" Fire and forget. Or same permanent, if/then when attacking, one use Vicious type power. If the dice don't have to be "assigned" to continue performing their effect it breaks down fast.

I realize with nullify powers and rules exceptions, etc. it can be tailored to taste but that sort of thing makes it feel like I'm running another game for one person, where grudge monsters are fine and rules work differently. I'm not saying you're wrong, rather I don't like if/how you're right maybe?

-Matt Conlon

On Jun 12, 2013, at 8:40 PM, Wade Lahoda <wade.lahoda@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'll point out that if you had 6d + 2hd in the combined TK power, because the defense is with Duration, you can activate it with your 2hd + 6d, and then in subsequent rounds still use those 2hd+6d - you don't have to set any dice aside as "in use" or whatever.

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Re: [ORE] Question about Cosmic Powers, Gadgeteering, etc...

For the record, I don't disagree with my previous interpretation, it rewards garnering more than 10d in the power for more than eliminating multi action penalties. 

-Matt Conlon

On Jun 13, 2013, at 2:29 PM, Daniel Kane <daniel.m.kane@gmail.com> wrote:

Flaws aren't worth points if they don't actually penalize the power's use.  I'd never allow One Use on an emulated power (... unless the VE power had One Use for some crazy reason).  Exhausted, probably, but not One Use.  If the quality with variable effect had Permanent, I wouldn't even allow Exhausted or Depleted, since there's no penalty for emulating a new power.

Likewise, If/Then (only while attacking) on an attack buff wouldn't be worth any points, any more than Attacks (set people on fire) having If/Then (only while setting people on fire).  This sort of makes sense if you assume your ADU dice are all tied up with the buff, but we've established that everyone disagrees with that usage of multi-quality variable effect. :-)

-- Daniel

On Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 10:45 AM, Matt <moeheid@gmail.com> wrote:
"I'll point out that if you had 6d + 2hd in the combined TK power, because the defense is with Duration, you can activate it with your 2hd + 6d, and then in subsequent rounds still use those 2hd+6d - you don't have to set any dice aside as "in use" or whatever."

Ok, this seems reasonable, then I think Cosmic Power. "Every time I use it I make a cheap, endless, 1 use Invulnerability to X" Fire and forget. Or same permanent, if/then when attacking, one use Vicious type power. If the dice don't have to be "assigned" to continue performing their effect it breaks down fast.

I realize with nullify powers and rules exceptions, etc. it can be tailored to taste but that sort of thing makes it feel like I'm running another game for one person, where grudge monsters are fine and rules work differently. I'm not saying you're wrong, rather I don't like if/how you're right maybe?

-Matt Conlon

On Jun 12, 2013, at 8:40 PM, Wade Lahoda <wade.lahoda@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'll point out that if you had 6d + 2hd in the combined TK power, because the defense is with Duration, you can activate it with your 2hd + 6d, and then in subsequent rounds still use those 2hd+6d - you don't have to set any dice aside as "in use" or whatever.

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Re: [ORE] Question about Cosmic Powers, Gadgeteering, etc...

Flaws aren't worth points if they don't actually penalize the power's use.  I'd never allow One Use on an emulated power (... unless the VE power had One Use for some crazy reason).  Exhausted, probably, but not One Use.  If the quality with variable effect had Permanent, I wouldn't even allow Exhausted or Depleted, since there's no penalty for emulating a new power.

Likewise, If/Then (only while attacking) on an attack buff wouldn't be worth any points, any more than Attacks (set people on fire) having If/Then (only while setting people on fire).  This sort of makes sense if you assume your ADU dice are all tied up with the buff, but we've established that everyone disagrees with that usage of multi-quality variable effect. :-)

-- Daniel

On Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 10:45 AM, Matt <moeheid@gmail.com> wrote:
"I'll point out that if you had 6d + 2hd in the combined TK power, because the defense is with Duration, you can activate it with your 2hd + 6d, and then in subsequent rounds still use those 2hd+6d - you don't have to set any dice aside as "in use" or whatever."

Ok, this seems reasonable, then I think Cosmic Power. "Every time I use it I make a cheap, endless, 1 use Invulnerability to X" Fire and forget. Or same permanent, if/then when attacking, one use Vicious type power. If the dice don't have to be "assigned" to continue performing their effect it breaks down fast.

I realize with nullify powers and rules exceptions, etc. it can be tailored to taste but that sort of thing makes it feel like I'm running another game for one person, where grudge monsters are fine and rules work differently. I'm not saying you're wrong, rather I don't like if/how you're right maybe?

-Matt Conlon

On Jun 12, 2013, at 8:40 PM, Wade Lahoda <wade.lahoda@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'll point out that if you had 6d + 2hd in the combined TK power, because the defense is with Duration, you can activate it with your 2hd + 6d, and then in subsequent rounds still use those 2hd+6d - you don't have to set any dice aside as "in use" or whatever.

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Re: [ORE] Question about Cosmic Powers, Gadgeteering, etc...

That's why in the earlier comment I noted that the dice splitting to determine range, mass, or speed, was for a Quality that had more than one Capacity. If you only have Mass, speed, or range, then there's nothing to divide the dice among. If you have two or more capacities there is. This is the entire point of Extras like High Capacity.

On Thursday, June 13, 2013 2:45:22 PM UTC-5, Hotjets wrote:
But these two sets of three dice in two U powers are separate powers and do not work together. You'd have a 3d power that worked at range and had no Mass capacity and a 3d power with the Mass capacity that had no range. You could use one per round, but not both, unless you dropped a die and went for two (impossible) sets.

If you want range and mass on your iron to steel, you buy the Mass extra for +2 and offset it with Slow or some other flaw or flaws. Or, could could spend WP to balance it out - 2 points of WP per die, IIRC.  


On Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 10:46 AM, Odd Man Out <nal...@gmail.com> wrote:
Take a 6d useful quality power that lets you turn iron into steel at a distance. You would need Mass and Range, dividing the 6d among them so that it had the range of a 3d power and the mass of a 3d power. Or 4d and 2d or any combination that yielded a total of 6d devoted to the capacities.

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Re: [ORE] Question about Cosmic Powers, Gadgeteering, etc...

But these two sets of three dice in two U powers are separate powers and do not work together. You'd have a 3d power that worked at range and had no Mass capacity and a 3d power with the Mass capacity that had no range. You could use one per round, but not both, unless you dropped a die and went for two (impossible) sets.

If you want range and mass on your iron to steel, you buy the Mass extra for +2 and offset it with Slow or some other flaw or flaws. Or, could could spend WP to balance it out - 2 points of WP per die, IIRC.  


On Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 10:46 AM, Odd Man Out <naldiin@gmail.com> wrote:
Take a 6d useful quality power that lets you turn iron into steel at a distance. You would need Mass and Range, dividing the 6d among them so that it had the range of a 3d power and the mass of a 3d power. Or 4d and 2d or any combination that yielded a total of 6d devoted to the capacities.

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Re: [ORE] Question about Cosmic Powers, Gadgeteering, etc...

It happens. I'm not sure how kosher the Permanent then Switch powers idea is. Once you reassign the dice the power doesn't exist anymore. Variable Effect is meant to be impressive but that's a bit much.

On Thursday, June 13, 2013, Matt wrote:

Ok, so I did add a step. I'll have to reread the rules. Don't know why I felt the line was per power rathe than per quality...

-Matt Conlon

On Jun 13, 2013, at 7:43 AM, Odd Man Out <naldiin@gmail.com> wrote:

> Capacities are divided for qualities, you've linked things that are not connected. A 6d power that has two qualities has each capacity working at max. The split is when you have the same quality with multiple capacities, like being able to remotely move a lot of weight, via range and mass.
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Re: [ORE] Question about Cosmic Powers, Gadgeteering, etc...

Ok, so I did add a step. I'll have to reread the rules. Don't know why I felt the line was per power rathe than per quality...

-Matt Conlon

On Jun 13, 2013, at 7:43 AM, Odd Man Out <naldiin@gmail.com> wrote:

> Capacities are divided for qualities, you've linked things that are not connected. A 6d power that has two qualities has each capacity working at max. The split is when you have the same quality with multiple capacities, like being able to remotely move a lot of weight, via range and mass.
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