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Re: [ORE] Ennie Awards Voting

Done! Best of luck, you guys deserve it.

On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 2:38 PM, Shane Ivey <shane.ivey@gmail.com> wrote:
May I humbly beg for your vote in the Ennie Awards?

* The Unspeakable Oath is nominated under Best Accessory.

* The digital edition of the Cthulhu Mythos Encyclopedia is nominated under Best Software. (Strangely, not under best ebook.)

* Arc Dream Publishing is nominated under Fan Favorite Publisher.

EVERY vote does indeed matter. Our silver medals for "Delta Green: Targets of Opportunity" in 2011 proved that.

At Arc Dream, we don't spend much (OK, any) time chasing the market. We devote ourselves to creating games and magazines that have depth and resonance for those readers and players who share our sensibilities. Every single moment of recognition is crucial if it helps us reach more gamers like you.

So PLEASE take a moment to click the link, select "1" for the Oath, "1" for the Cthulhu Mythos Encyclopedia, and "1" for Arc Dream, and hit "SUBMIT" -- and then PLEASE encourage anyone and everyone to do the same. Your individual decision WILL make a difference for us.

Thank you so much.

Shane Ivey, Arc Dream Publishing
The One Roll Engine and more: www.arcdream.com
Cthulhu Mythos gaming, every quarter: TheUnspeakableOath.com
Is your world worth saving? Join the conspiracy: www.delta-green.com

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