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Re: [ORE] Hurling people with the Useful aspect of Telekinesis?

Picking someone up and dropping them is covered by Useful. They aren't hurt until they hit the ground. That sounds like a technicality, but there are ways to save them from that. Superman can sweep in and catch them. Spider-man can arrest his fall with his webs. Batman can use his cape. Non-super humans could have parachutes. If you want an analogy, even a four year old can kill an adult if they bump into the adult along the edge of a cliff.

The same thing with dropping big rocks or cars on people.

If you want a limitation, require it taking at least two rounds: one round to pick up the person/rock, the next round to drop the person/rock.

Slamming them into walls to do damage? I wouldn't allow that without taking the Attack quality. Have you seen movies like Poltergeist, where a supernatural entity throws people onto the walls, or up to the ceiling? They fly across the room and hit the wall, but at most the target is winded, and usually they seem to suffer no ill effects except maybe getting winded. In my mind that's what happens if you buy TK without Attack. The target is supernaturally whipped across the room, but something in the power stops short of hurting the target.

Why? Well, to me, there's something deep in the PC's psyche that just won't let them harm someone with that power, just like if a buddy tells you to hit him as hard as you can most people stop short of a full roundhouse punch. If you want your supernatural power to hurt someone, buy Attack. You're not just buying the ability to hurt, but the will to hurt.

Now, buying Attack means you can attack with TK even if you're in the middle of a salt flat. Somehow you're harming someone with TK with whatever is around, or even if there is nothing around. If a player wants to only hurt people if there's something they can slam the target against, then either assume that's part of the Attack power because you know you're never going to set your adventures on a salt flat (i.e. you'll pretty much always have a wall to slam someone against), or allow them to buy Attack with an If/Then [Slam Against Surface] flaw.

On Thu, Aug 1, 2013 at 5:51 PM, Wade Lahoda <wade.lahoda@gmail.com> wrote:
Can you hurt people by throwing them with the useful aspect of TK? I know in the description if says you can slam people for damage with the attacks aspect, but what about being dangerously useful...

Reason I'm asking is usually folks only take Booster on the Useful aspect of TK. It seems weird to have someone who can lift up a battleship, but then roll like 2 SK to the arm when it comes to attacking someone with that same TK. And what about things like lifting folks up and dropping them?

I'm just trying to think if I should just force folks who take big Boosters and such on their Useful part of TK to also take big damage for the attacks part...or if it is fair game to just be allowing them to do impact/knockback based stuff with Useful (ie: not doing a direct damage roll, but figure out the speed they're going and apply impact damage, etc...).


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