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Re: [ORE] Hurling people with the Useful aspect of Telekinesis?

On 8/2/2013 7:41 AM, Allan Goodall wrote:
Now, buying Attack means you can attack with TK even if you're in the middle of a salt flat. Somehow you're harming someone with TK with whatever is around, or even if there is nothing around. If a player wants to only hurt people if there's something they can slam the target against, then either assume that's part of the Attack power because you know you're never going to set your adventures on a salt flat (i.e. you'll pretty much always have a wall to slam someone against), or allow them to buy Attack with an If/Then [Slam Against Surface] flaw.

Of course even on a salt flat TK could whip them abruptly into the air and slam them down to the ground. Even just 6-9 ft. of loft would be enough to do some damage.


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