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[ORE] GODLIKE: One-Roll Skill Generator

Via http://arcdream.com/home/2013/11/godlike-one-roll-skill-generator/

Click here for a printer-friendly version of this tool. Combine it with the Talent Power Generator to make characters fast.

Player characters in GODLIKE receive 20 dice worth of "elective" skills to go with their commando training. This tool assigns those elective skills randomly based on character background elements. The backgrounds are based on census data for American males before World War II. Adjust to suit other kinds of characters.

To use the generator, roll five dice. Each matching set indicates an occupational background. Each unmatched or "loose" die indicates a dedicated hobby or inclination. A character with no matching sets never settled into a traditional career.

A beginning character cannot have more dice in a skill than dice in the associated stat. If you wind up with a skill that's too high, put the excess dice wherever you like.

Unless an entry says otherwise, the occupation entries are not cumulative. Use only the line for the width of your set.

Matching Dice: Occupations


  • 2x: Endurance 1, Climbing 1 or Riding 1, Driving 1, Mental Stability 1, Navigation (Land) 1, Rifle 1, Stealth 1, Sight 1
  • 3x: Endurance 1, Climbing 1 or Riding 1, Driving 1, First Aid 1, Mental Stability 2, Mechanics 1, Navigation (Land) 1, Rifle 1, Stealth 1, Sight 2
  • 4x: Endurance 1, Climbing 2 or Riding 2, Driving 2, First Aid 1, Hearing 1, Leadership 1, Mental Stability 2, Mechanics 1, Navigation (Land) 1, Rifle 1, Stealth 1, Sight 2
  • 5x: Endurance 1, Climbing 2 or Riding 2, Driving 2, First Aid 1, Hearing 2, Leadership 2, Mental Stability 2, Mechanics 2, Navigation (Land) 2, Rifle 1, Stealth 1, Sight 2


  • 2x: Dodge 1, Driving 1, Endurance 1, Hearing 1, Mechanics 2, Mental Stability 1, Smell 1
  • 3x: Bluff 1, Dodge 2, Driving 1, Endurance 2, Hearing 1, Mechanics 2, Mental Stability 2, Smell 1
  • 4x: Bluff 1, Dodge 1, Driving 2, Endurance 2, Electronics 1, First Aid 1, Hearing 2, Mechanics 2, Mental Stability 2, Smell 2
  • 5x: Bluff 1, Dodge 2, Driving 2, Endurance 2, Electronics 2, First Aid 1, Hearing 2, Leadership 2, Mechanics 2, Mental Stability 2, Smell 2


  • 2x: Driving 2 or Education 2, Hearing 2, Lie 2, Stealth 2
  • 3x: Bluff 1,  Driving 2 or Education 2, First Aid 1, Hearing 2, Lie 2, Mental Stability 1, Navigation (Land) 1, Stealth 2
  • 4x: Bluff 2, Driving 2 or Education 2, First Aid 1, Hearing 2, Language 2, Lie 2, Mental Stability 1, Navigation (Land) 2, Stealth 2
  • 5x: Bluff 2, Driving 2 or Education 2, Electronics 1, First Aid 1, Hearing 2, Language 4, Lie 2, Mechanics 1, Mental Stability 1, Navigation (Land) 2, Stealth 2


Examples: Schoolteacher, police officer, firefighter, accountant, lawyer, doctor, politician.

  • 2x: (Firefighter) Climbing 2, Driving 1, Endurance 2, First Aid 2, Mental Stability 1
  • 2x: (Medical Professional) Education 2, First Aid 2, Language 2, Medicine 2
  • 2x: (Police Officer) Brawl 2, Driving 1, Intimidation 2, Law 1, Mental Stability 1, Pistol 1
  • 2x: (White-Collar Professional) Education 2, Language 2, Law 2, Lie 2
  • 3x: As 2x plus Bluff 1, Inspire 1, Language 1, Leadership 1
  • 4x: As 2x plus Bluff 2, Inspire 2, Language 2, Leadership 2
  • 5x: As 2x plus Bluff 2, Inspire 2, Languages 4, Leadership 2, Mental Stability 2


  • 2x: Driving 2, Electronics 1, Hearing 1, Mechanics 1, Navigation (Land) 1, Radio Operator 1, Sight 1
  • 3x: Driving 2, Electronics 1, Hearing 1, Mechanics 2, Navigation (Land) 2, Radio Operator 2, Sight 2
  • 4x: Bluff 1, Driving 2, Electronics 2, Hearing 1, Language 1, Mechanics 2, Mental Stability 1, Navigation (Land) 2, Radio Operator 2, Sight 2
  • 5x: Bluff 2, Driving 2, Electronics 2, Hearing 2, Language 2, Mechanics 2, Mental Stability 2, Navigation (Land) 2, Radio Operator 2, Sight 2


  • 2x: Bluff 1, Driving 1, Health 1, Hearing 1, Inspire 2, Leadership 1, Lie 1
  • 3x: Bluff 1, Driving 1, Electronics 1, Health 1, Hearing 1, Inspire 2, Leadership 1, Language 2, Lie 1, Mechanics 1
  • 4x: Bluff 1, Driving 1, Electronics 1, Health 1, Hearing 1, Inspire 2, Leadership 2, Language 2, Lie 2, Mechanics 1, Taste 2
  • 5x: Bluff 2, Driving 1, Electronics 1, Health 2, Hearing 1, Inspire 2, Leadership 2, Language 4, Mechanics 1, Lie 2, Taste 2

Loose Dice: Inclinations

1) ATHLETE: Athletics +2, Health +1, Run +1

2) BRAWLER: Brawl +1, Intimidation +1, Knife-Fighting +1, Mental Stability +1

3) GOOD SAMARITAN: First Aid +2, Inspire +1, Medicine +1

4) GREASE MONKEY: Driving +1, Hearing +1, Electronics +1, Mechanics +1

5) LADIES' MAN: Inspire +1, Lie +1, Seduction +2

6) LEADER: Inspire +1, Leadership +2, Mental Stability +1

7) OUTDOORSMAN: Navigation (Land) +1, Rifle +1, Sight +1, Stealth +1

8) PERFORMER: Inspire +2, Perform +2

9) PILOT, SAILOR, OR CRIMINAL: (Pilot or Sailor) Pilot +2 or Sailing +2, Navigation (Sea/Air) +2; (Criminal) Bluff +1, Knife-Fighting +1 or Pistol +1, Lie +1, Stealth +1

10) SWIMMER: Swimming +2, Endurance +1, Health +1

If you have any suggestions or roll up interesting combinations, tell us in the comments.


Shane Ivey, Arc Dream Publishing
The One Roll Engine and more: www.arcdream.com
Cthulhu Mythos gaming, every quarter: TheUnspeakableOath.com
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