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[Seattle Go Center] TOMORROW: NO DDK Class!

Hi Everyone-

Just a friendly reminder that there will NOT be double-digit kyu class
tomorrow (Monday) evening. I am away on break. We will resume class as
normal on the 7th!


Nick Sibicky 4D

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[Seattle Go Center] Jubango start time this Sat. March 29

Dear Go Players,


The Go Center will be open late for the broadcast of the third game of the  Gu Li – Lee Sedol jubango.  The game starts at 6:00 p.m. local time, but we expect the first moves to be very slow.  Commentary on KGS with Myungwan Kim 9P begins at 8:00 p.m. local time, while Go Game Guru starts at 9:00 p.m.   Dennis Wheeler will be your host.


The Go Center will be open for regular activities starting at 1:00 p.m.  The Youth Tournament, which is beginner friendly, will also be happening from 2-5 p.m.





Brian  Allen

Manager, Seattle Go Center

Nihon Ki-in Go Institute of the West

700 NE 45th Street

Seattle WA  98105

206 545-1424 (Go Center)

206 632-1122 (Office at Home)

manager@seattlego.org (e-mail)

www.seattlego.org (website)


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[ORE] Re: Help with building a power

First of all thank you for spending the time to reply
@ hkdharmon - This character will actually have another teleportation power that allows permament portals to be made. With which she will be trying to help that world by reducing the amount of fuel it takes to transport goods around the world.  In that world I'm imagining Talents will be next to illegal making it tricky. 
@ hotjets - I did not give it the attacks quality because the nature of the attack depends completely on what attacks are being thrown around.  If an enemy just stands there she can't hurt them.  In the second edition book there is a section on dangously useful powers.  I originally had the page #, but my 1st reply seems to have been lost and I don't have the books on me.  I think it was page 108. 
     I do agree that a gun barrel would be a very small portal to open, but the way I envision a 2 yd portal.  getting a 2 yard portal infront of a gun barrel is much easier.  Yes I should have to "aim" the portal to get it to hit the target.  That i why i require a second set to hit the target.  1st set for defense 2nd set for hitting something.  At one point I thought about a second role for targeting, but this is the "one role engine"  so figured I should stick to needing 2 sets to defend and hit. 
    Yes I'm up against a speeding bullet.  But I'm up against a person pulling the trigger.  I have to be faster than the trigger.  If not I'm in trouble.  people faster than her will be a huge problem.  I was rereading interference the other day and I think that would take care of this problem, but I don't think I want do that intially.  It would make her very powerful. 
Thank you for your replies,
@ matt conlon - sorry about the formatting I tried to indent things to show what part of the power they would be classified as, but I don't think some of the components actually matter where they are.  I was primarily using the "dangerously useful" section of the book.  It is kind of a Judo power it uses their own power against them, but doesn't do anything dangrous on its own. 

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[Seattle Go Center] Crossroads Continues

Dear Go Players,


This is to confirm that the meet-up at Crossroads continues.  Last week we had 16 players.  Normally we are in the “Game Lane”, but if you can’t find us there, look for us in the nearby food court.  Thane will be the lead volunteer this week.







Brian  Allen

Manager, Seattle Go Center

Nihon Ki-in Go Institute of the West

700 NE 45th Street

Seattle WA  98105

206 545-1424 (Go Center)

206 632-1122 (Office at Home)

manager@seattlego.org (e-mail)

www.seattlego.org (website)


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FW: [Seattle Go Center] CORRECTION Passes for Sakura Con 2014 Volunteers

Hi all – I’ve corrected the dates in the “hours” paragraph.  My apologies for the confusion.



Dear Go Players,


Once again, we will be teaching and sharing the game of Go at the Sakura-Con, Friday - Sunday, April 18-20.  The Con is an amazing gathering of Japanese anime and manga fans, many of them in costume, at the Washington Visitor and Trade Center.  Here is their website:



You do not need a pass to reach the room where we teach.  But our best volunteers do get passes for the rest of the convention.  We usually play teaching games on the 9x9 and 13x13, since many of the visitors to our room already know some Go.


If you can volunteer at least 4 hours, and would like a pass, please contact me at manager@seattlego.org.  We need the names of volunteers who want passes by this Saturday, March 29.  Please tell me when you think you will be coming.  (You can adjust your schedule later, if things change.)


Our hours will be as follows:

Friday, April 18, 10 AM to 8 PM (or later, if we have the volunteers)

Saturday, April 19, 10 AM to 8 PM (or later, if we have the volunteers)

Sunday, April 20, 10 AM to 4 PM

Please note that this weekend also has the Easter holiday, so watch out for schedule conflicts.


The Cherry Blossom Festival is April 25-27; the following weekend.  We will be doing outreach at that event as well.





Brian  Allen

Manager, Seattle Go Center

Nihon Ki-in Go Institute of the West

700 NE 45th Street

Seattle WA  98105

206 545-1424 (Go Center)

206 632-1122 (Office at Home)

manager@seattlego.org (e-mail)

www.seattlego.org (website)



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[Seattle Go Center] Passes for Sakura Con 2014 Volunteers

Dear Go Players,


Once again, we will be teaching and sharing the game of Go at the Sakura-Con, Friday - Sunday, April 18-20.  The Con is an amazing gathering of Japanese anime and manga fans, many of them in costume, at the Washington Visitor and Trade Center.  Here is their website:



You do not need a pass to reach the room where we teach.  But our best volunteers do get passes for the rest of the convention.  We usually play teaching games on the 9x9 and 13x13, since many of the visitors to our room already know some Go.


If you can volunteer at least 4 hours, and would like a pass, please contact me at manager@seattlego.org.  We need the names of volunteers who want passes by this Saturday, March 29.  Please tell me when you think you will be coming.  (You can adjust your schedule later, if things change.)


Our hours will be as follows:

Friday, March 29, 10 AM to 8 PM (or later, if we have the volunteers)

Saturday, March 30, 10 AM to 8 PM (or later, if we have the volunteers)

Sunday, March 31, 10 AM to 4 PM

Please note that this weekend also has the Easter holiday, so watch out for schedule conflicts.


The Cherry Blossom Festival is April 25-27; the following weekend.  We will be doing outreach at that event as well.





Brian  Allen

Manager, Seattle Go Center

Nihon Ki-in Go Institute of the West

700 NE 45th Street

Seattle WA  98105

206 545-1424 (Go Center)

206 632-1122 (Office at Home)

manager@seattlego.org (e-mail)

www.seattlego.org (website)



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[Seattle Go Center] Regular Saturday + Kid's Tournament + Jubango

Dear Go Players,

In addition to our special events on Saturday, March 29, we will be open for games and informal instruction. We expect about 10 players for the Children's Tournament, which will be from 2-5, so the noise level may be a bit higher than usual during that period. The third game of the Gu Li - Lee Sedol Jubango starts at 6:00 p.m. (our time) on Saturday evening. We will set up the digital projector to watch that tournament, which is being played in Chengdu, Sichuan, China. (It will be broadcast by Pandanet Internet Go Server.) Dennis W is planning on staying for the whole game, which will probably run past midnight.


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[Seattle Go Center] TONIGHT: DDK Class-Gu Li vs Li Zhe #2

Hi Gang-

Tonight we will be reviewing one more pro game in class, a second game
between one of the strongest go players ever, Gu Li, and the youngest
person to ever become a go professional, Li Zhe. I promise you that
this game will be so aggressive that we aren't going to make it to the
endgame! Come see two top pros go at it!

Nick Sibicky, 4D

Double-Digit Kyu Class
Mondays at 6:30 pm
Seattle Go Center

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Re: [ORE] Help with building a power

Sure, if you have mass and range, you can directly teleport some target and drop them, if you "hit" them with your miracle. You do have to hit them though. If the target is very small, you'd need to aim.

If you get your Remo from the Destroyer novels, you know that he easily has a Coordination of over 6 very early in the series.   


On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 11:08 PM, Matt <moeheid@gmail.com> wrote:
Going back to the zipperneck example, he would not need attacks on his flight to pick the target up, fly them into the stratosphere and drop them to a grisly doom. Opening a portal that leads off a cliff or just a hundred yards in the air isn't necessarily "Attacks" and that was my point. 

I might make a Remo Williams argument about dodging bullets or opening portals up in front of gun barrels: you don't need to be faster than a bullet, just faster than the guy pulling the trigger. But that's probably best represented by having a higher Sense and this declaring an action dodge the "aim" but that would be a houserule for a specific kind of game and beyond the scope of this matter. 

-Matt Conlon

On Mar 21, 2014, at 2:33 PM, Marco Subias <arkhamalum@gmail.com> wrote:

You might look at Ian Kraus (page 222) in Progenitor. He has a miracle that can harm people in the same way that they harm others. While not exactly the same thing, it requires an attack power, not a useful one.  

Or, look at Zipperneck (page 211). He can ram people when he flies, doing extra damage, but has to have Attacks as a quality of his flight to do so. He doesn't just get to use his Useful quality in a handwavy manner. 

I see other problems. If you decide to open up a portal in front of a gun so that you can redirect it, shouldn't you have to aim it at a very small area, perhaps targeting it with matching 10s? Guns barrels are small, after all.

If you are going to redirect a bullet, are you not up against an attack with (literally) speeding bullet, necessitating a Coordination (or some other suitable stat) of 6 or better? Shouldn't you have to aim the bullet when you redirect it?


On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 3:56 PM, Matt <moeheid@gmail.com> wrote:
This isn't exactly true. The WT2EE references incidentally damaging useful powers that do things like flinging the target into the air and letting them fall. A liberal GM might interpret using a Useful portal to redirect bullets as a creative use. But:

In general, you're giving the target two chances to evade the attack, one with your initial activation being focused on the bullet, the other on their dodge/block. 

I'd also rule that the initial attack hits whatever the dice of the initial attack indicate, so a shot to the leg is a shot to the leg no matter where you place the exit portal. This for balance reasons mostly and can be explained using the same "a ten isnt necessarily a head shot, it might be a vital organ or artery" numbers hoodoo that other powers use. 

Note: I couldn't read the initial post's power write ups, the format was all off to the side but I thought I saw something like a defends being used as an attack? And to that I just say no. 

-Matt Conlon

On Mar 21, 2014, at 6:30 AM, Marco Subias <arkhamalum@gmail.com> wrote:

You need the Attacks quality, even if you're "redirecting" another's attack. Your redirected attack's damage comes from your Attacks quality. 

You'd need your Attacks to be always on, to work only if you defend successfully and to do damage only up to the number of dice that the attack possesses. That way, it would always work right away and to the same degree as the attack.

Miracles that do damage always have the Attacks quality. 


On Friday, March 21, 2014, hkdharmon <hkdharmon@gmail.com> wrote:
I had a Wild-talent do this not too long ago. He also had the Persistent (Duration? The one that makes it last until he drops it) adder and made a killing leasing his San Francisco to NYC portal to the US Postal Service.

On Thursday, March 20, 2014 12:53:30 PM UTC-7, Arcanix wrote:

If I ever get to play I’m going to play a teleporter. I’ve always found it to be an interesting power, especially some of the interesting applications that can happen with a portal style teleporter.  This power was inspired by Shrakti, a villain from Negation, but I’ve seen Blink of the Exiles use her powers like this occasionally. 


Flash Portals                       Cost (7,14,28)

Power Qualities:

                Defends:             Self (0)

Mass (2) with High Capacity (+1)

                                                Range (2)

                                                                Go First x2 (2)

                                                                If/Then attacks can only be redirected if defense roll is successful (-1)

If/Then attacks that are redirected do amount of damage based on attack roll (-1)

If/Then attack doesn’t do its damage until the place in initiative that attack occurred (-1)

                Useful:                 Speed (0) with Boost x1 (+1)

Mass (2) with High Capacity (+1)

If/Then Portals cannot be opened in between vastly different pressures or viscosities (-1) This is so I can’t open a portal underwater and dump water into a a closed room or put a portal to a hard vacuum into the bad guys lair


                This power causes a portal to blink into existence.  This power can be used for simple uses such as movement, but it also has more complicated uses.  For example, a portal could be opened in front of the barrel of a gun, thus teleporting the bullet.  The exit portal can be placed in any orientation and therefore used to harmlessly redirect the path of the bullet into the ground or it could be directed more aggressively at the shooter or some other foe. 

                Combat example:   The Marshall (character with this power at the level of 5d +1 hd +1 wd) is fighting Blastotron(9d of Harm (range)).  Blastotron declares he will be shooting the Marshall, The Marshall declares she will be “blocking” the shot with a portal and redirecting it at Blastotron. 

They both roll: 

Marshall (1, 2, 2, 5, 8, 10 from Hd, and wiggle dice)  Blastotron(1,3,3,6,7,7,7,8,10).  Marshall opens a portal using the dice 10 from hd and 10 from wiggle die at a with of 4 due to go first x2, so Blastotron’s attack is redirected to the right leg of Blastotron           . 

If The Marshall had rolled (1, 2, 4, 8, 8, 10 from hd and the wiggle die) the shot would have been redirected with the 8’s and could have been redirected to the head. 

If The Marshall had rolled (1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 10 from hd and the wiggle die) a

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Re: [ORE] Help with building a power

Going back to the zipperneck example, he would not need attacks on his flight to pick the target up, fly them into the stratosphere and drop them to a grisly doom. Opening a portal that leads off a cliff or just a hundred yards in the air isn't necessarily "Attacks" and that was my point. 

I might make a Remo Williams argument about dodging bullets or opening portals up in front of gun barrels: you don't need to be faster than a bullet, just faster than the guy pulling the trigger. But that's probably best represented by having a higher Sense and this declaring an action dodge the "aim" but that would be a houserule for a specific kind of game and beyond the scope of this matter. 

-Matt Conlon

On Mar 21, 2014, at 2:33 PM, Marco Subias <arkhamalum@gmail.com> wrote:

You might look at Ian Kraus (page 222) in Progenitor. He has a miracle that can harm people in the same way that they harm others. While not exactly the same thing, it requires an attack power, not a useful one.  

Or, look at Zipperneck (page 211). He can ram people when he flies, doing extra damage, but has to have Attacks as a quality of his flight to do so. He doesn't just get to use his Useful quality in a handwavy manner. 

I see other problems. If you decide to open up a portal in front of a gun so that you can redirect it, shouldn't you have to aim it at a very small area, perhaps targeting it with matching 10s? Guns barrels are small, after all.

If you are going to redirect a bullet, are you not up against an attack with (literally) speeding bullet, necessitating a Coordination (or some other suitable stat) of 6 or better? Shouldn't you have to aim the bullet when you redirect it?


On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 3:56 PM, Matt <moeheid@gmail.com> wrote:
This isn't exactly true. The WT2EE references incidentally damaging useful powers that do things like flinging the target into the air and letting them fall. A liberal GM might interpret using a Useful portal to redirect bullets as a creative use. But:

In general, you're giving the target two chances to evade the attack, one with your initial activation being focused on the bullet, the other on their dodge/block. 

I'd also rule that the initial attack hits whatever the dice of the initial attack indicate, so a shot to the leg is a shot to the leg no matter where you place the exit portal. This for balance reasons mostly and can be explained using the same "a ten isnt necessarily a head shot, it might be a vital organ or artery" numbers hoodoo that other powers use. 

Note: I couldn't read the initial post's power write ups, the format was all off to the side but I thought I saw something like a defends being used as an attack? And to that I just say no. 

-Matt Conlon

On Mar 21, 2014, at 6:30 AM, Marco Subias <arkhamalum@gmail.com> wrote:

You need the Attacks quality, even if you're "redirecting" another's attack. Your redirected attack's damage comes from your Attacks quality. 

You'd need your Attacks to be always on, to work only if you defend successfully and to do damage only up to the number of dice that the attack possesses. That way, it would always work right away and to the same degree as the attack.

Miracles that do damage always have the Attacks quality. 


On Friday, March 21, 2014, hkdharmon <hkdharmon@gmail.com> wrote:
I had a Wild-talent do this not too long ago. He also had the Persistent (Duration? The one that makes it last until he drops it) adder and made a killing leasing his San Francisco to NYC portal to the US Postal Service.

On Thursday, March 20, 2014 12:53:30 PM UTC-7, Arcanix wrote:

If I ever get to play I'm going to play a teleporter. I've always found it to be an interesting power, especially some of the interesting applications that can happen with a portal style teleporter.  This power was inspired by Shrakti, a villain from Negation, but I've seen Blink of the Exiles use her powers like this occasionally. 


Flash Portals                       Cost (7,14,28)

Power Qualities:

                Defends:             Self (0)

Mass (2) with High Capacity (+1)

                                                Range (2)

                                                                Go First x2 (2)

                                                                If/Then attacks can only be redirected if defense roll is successful (-1)

If/Then attacks that are redirected do amount of damage based on attack roll (-1)

If/Then attack doesn't do its damage until the place in initiative that attack occurred (-1)

                Useful:                 Speed (0) with Boost x1 (+1)

Mass (2) with High Capacity (+1)

If/Then Portals cannot be opened in between vastly different pressures or viscosities (-1) This is so I can't open a portal underwater and dump water into a a closed room or put a portal to a hard vacuum into the bad guys lair


                This power causes a portal to blink into existence.  This power can be used for simple uses such as movement, but it also has more complicated uses.  For example, a portal could be opened in front of the barrel of a gun, thus teleporting the bullet.  The exit portal can be placed in any orientation and therefore used to harmlessly redirect the path of the bullet into the ground or it could be directed more aggressively at the shooter or some other foe. 

                Combat example:   The Marshall (character with this power at the level of 5d +1 hd +1 wd) is fighting Blastotron(9d of Harm (range)).  Blastotron declares he will be shooting the Marshall, The Marshall declares she will be "blocking" the shot with a portal and redirecting it at Blastotron. 

They both roll: 

Marshall (1, 2, 2, 5, 8, 10 from Hd, and wiggle dice)  Blastotron(1,3,3,6,7,7,7,8,10).  Marshall opens a portal using the dice 10 from hd and 10 from wiggle die at a with of 4 due to go first x2, so Blastotron's attack is redirected to the right leg of Blastotron           . 

If The Marshall had rolled (1, 2, 4, 8, 8, 10 from hd and the wiggle die) the shot would have been redirected with the 8's and could have been redirected to the head. 

If The Marshall had rolled (1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 10 from hd and the wiggle die) a

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Re: [ORE] Help with building a power

You might look at Ian Kraus (page 222) in Progenitor. He has a miracle that can harm people in the same way that they harm others. While not exactly the same thing, it requires an attack power, not a useful one.  

Or, look at Zipperneck (page 211). He can ram people when he flies, doing extra damage, but has to have Attacks as a quality of his flight to do so. He doesn't just get to use his Useful quality in a handwavy manner. 

I see other problems. If you decide to open up a portal in front of a gun so that you can redirect it, shouldn't you have to aim it at a very small area, perhaps targeting it with matching 10s? Guns barrels are small, after all.

If you are going to redirect a bullet, are you not up against an attack with (literally) speeding bullet, necessitating a Coordination (or some other suitable stat) of 6 or better? Shouldn't you have to aim the bullet when you redirect it?


On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 3:56 PM, Matt <moeheid@gmail.com> wrote:
This isn't exactly true. The WT2EE references incidentally damaging useful powers that do things like flinging the target into the air and letting them fall. A liberal GM might interpret using a Useful portal to redirect bullets as a creative use. But:

In general, you're giving the target two chances to evade the attack, one with your initial activation being focused on the bullet, the other on their dodge/block. 

I'd also rule that the initial attack hits whatever the dice of the initial attack indicate, so a shot to the leg is a shot to the leg no matter where you place the exit portal. This for balance reasons mostly and can be explained using the same "a ten isnt necessarily a head shot, it might be a vital organ or artery" numbers hoodoo that other powers use. 

Note: I couldn't read the initial post's power write ups, the format was all off to the side but I thought I saw something like a defends being used as an attack? And to that I just say no. 

-Matt Conlon

On Mar 21, 2014, at 6:30 AM, Marco Subias <arkhamalum@gmail.com> wrote:

You need the Attacks quality, even if you're "redirecting" another's attack. Your redirected attack's damage comes from your Attacks quality. 

You'd need your Attacks to be always on, to work only if you defend successfully and to do damage only up to the number of dice that the attack possesses. That way, it would always work right away and to the same degree as the attack.

Miracles that do damage always have the Attacks quality. 


On Friday, March 21, 2014, hkdharmon <hkdharmon@gmail.com> wrote:
I had a Wild-talent do this not too long ago. He also had the Persistent (Duration? The one that makes it last until he drops it) adder and made a killing leasing his San Francisco to NYC portal to the US Postal Service.

On Thursday, March 20, 2014 12:53:30 PM UTC-7, Arcanix wrote:

If I ever get to play I’m going to play a teleporter. I’ve always found it to be an interesting power, especially some of the interesting applications that can happen with a portal style teleporter.  This power was inspired by Shrakti, a villain from Negation, but I’ve seen Blink of the Exiles use her powers like this occasionally. 


Flash Portals                       Cost (7,14,28)

Power Qualities:

                Defends:             Self (0)

Mass (2) with High Capacity (+1)

                                                Range (2)

                                                                Go First x2 (2)

                                                                If/Then attacks can only be redirected if defense roll is successful (-1)

If/Then attacks that are redirected do amount of damage based on attack roll (-1)

If/Then attack doesn’t do its damage until the place in initiative that attack occurred (-1)

                Useful:                 Speed (0) with Boost x1 (+1)

Mass (2) with High Capacity (+1)

If/Then Portals cannot be opened in between vastly different pressures or viscosities (-1) This is so I can’t open a portal underwater and dump water into a a closed room or put a portal to a hard vacuum into the bad guys lair


                This power causes a portal to blink into existence.  This power can be used for simple uses such as movement, but it also has more complicated uses.  For example, a portal could be opened in front of the barrel of a gun, thus teleporting the bullet.  The exit portal can be placed in any orientation and therefore used to harmlessly redirect the path of the bullet into the ground or it could be directed more aggressively at the shooter or some other foe. 

                Combat example:   The Marshall (character with this power at the level of 5d +1 hd +1 wd) is fighting Blastotron(9d of Harm (range)).  Blastotron declares he will be shooting the Marshall, The Marshall declares she will be “blocking” the shot with a portal and redirecting it at Blastotron. 

They both roll: 

Marshall (1, 2, 2, 5, 8, 10 from Hd, and wiggle dice)  Blastotron(1,3,3,6,7,7,7,8,10).  Marshall opens a portal using the dice 10 from hd and 10 from wiggle die at a with of 4 due to go first x2, so Blastotron’s attack is redirected to the right leg of Blastotron           . 

If The Marshall had rolled (1, 2, 4, 8, 8, 10 from hd and the wiggle die) the shot would have been redirected with the 8’s and could have been redirected to the head. 

If The Marshall had rolled (1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 10 from hd and the wiggle die) a

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Re: [ORE] Help with building a power

This isn't exactly true. The WT2EE references incidentally damaging useful powers that do things like flinging the target into the air and letting them fall. A liberal GM might interpret using a Useful portal to redirect bullets as a creative use. But:

In general, you're giving the target two chances to evade the attack, one with your initial activation being focused on the bullet, the other on their dodge/block. 

I'd also rule that the initial attack hits whatever the dice of the initial attack indicate, so a shot to the leg is a shot to the leg no matter where you place the exit portal. This for balance reasons mostly and can be explained using the same "a ten isnt necessarily a head shot, it might be a vital organ or artery" numbers hoodoo that other powers use. 

Note: I couldn't read the initial post's power write ups, the format was all off to the side but I thought I saw something like a defends being used as an attack? And to that I just say no. 

-Matt Conlon

On Mar 21, 2014, at 6:30 AM, Marco Subias <arkhamalum@gmail.com> wrote:

You need the Attacks quality, even if you're "redirecting" another's attack. Your redirected attack's damage comes from your Attacks quality. 

You'd need your Attacks to be always on, to work only if you defend successfully and to do damage only up to the number of dice that the attack possesses. That way, it would always work right away and to the same degree as the attack.

Miracles that do damage always have the Attacks quality. 


On Friday, March 21, 2014, hkdharmon <hkdharmon@gmail.com> wrote:
I had a Wild-talent do this not too long ago. He also had the Persistent (Duration? The one that makes it last until he drops it) adder and made a killing leasing his San Francisco to NYC portal to the US Postal Service.

On Thursday, March 20, 2014 12:53:30 PM UTC-7, Arcanix wrote:

If I ever get to play I'm going to play a teleporter. I've always found it to be an interesting power, especially some of the interesting applications that can happen with a portal style teleporter.  This power was inspired by Shrakti, a villain from Negation, but I've seen Blink of the Exiles use her powers like this occasionally. 


Flash Portals                       Cost (7,14,28)

Power Qualities:

                Defends:             Self (0)

Mass (2) with High Capacity (+1)

                                                Range (2)

                                                                Go First x2 (2)

                                                                If/Then attacks can only be redirected if defense roll is successful (-1)

If/Then attacks that are redirected do amount of damage based on attack roll (-1)

If/Then attack doesn't do its damage until the place in initiative that attack occurred (-1)

                Useful:                 Speed (0) with Boost x1 (+1)

Mass (2) with High Capacity (+1)

If/Then Portals cannot be opened in between vastly different pressures or viscosities (-1) This is so I can't open a portal underwater and dump water into a a closed room or put a portal to a hard vacuum into the bad guys lair


                This power causes a portal to blink into existence.  This power can be used for simple uses such as movement, but it also has more complicated uses.  For example, a portal could be opened in front of the barrel of a gun, thus teleporting the bullet.  The exit portal can be placed in any orientation and therefore used to harmlessly redirect the path of the bullet into the ground or it could be directed more aggressively at the shooter or some other foe. 

                Combat example:   The Marshall (character with this power at the level of 5d +1 hd +1 wd) is fighting Blastotron(9d of Harm (range)).  Blastotron declares he will be shooting the Marshall, The Marshall declares she will be "blocking" the shot with a portal and redirecting it at Blastotron. 

They both roll: 

Marshall (1, 2, 2, 5, 8, 10 from Hd, and wiggle dice)  Blastotron(1,3,3,6,7,7,7,8,10).  Marshall opens a portal using the dice 10 from hd and 10 from wiggle die at a with of 4 due to go first x2, so Blastotron's attack is redirected to the right leg of Blastotron           . 

If The Marshall had rolled (1, 2, 4, 8, 8, 10 from hd and the wiggle die) the shot would have been redirected with the 8's and could have been redirected to the head. 

If The Marshall had rolled (1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 10 from hd and the wiggle die) a

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Re: [ORE] Help with building a power

You need the Attacks quality, even if you're "redirecting" another's attack. Your redirected attack's damage comes from your Attacks quality. 

You'd need your Attacks to be always on, to work only if you defend successfully and to do damage only up to the number of dice that the attack possesses. That way, it would always work right away and to the same degree as the attack.

Miracles that do damage always have the Attacks quality. 


On Friday, March 21, 2014, hkdharmon <hkdharmon@gmail.com> wrote:
I had a Wild-talent do this not too long ago. He also had the Persistent (Duration? The one that makes it last until he drops it) adder and made a killing leasing his San Francisco to NYC portal to the US Postal Service.

On Thursday, March 20, 2014 12:53:30 PM UTC-7, Arcanix wrote:

If I ever get to play I’m going to play a teleporter. I’ve always found it to be an interesting power, especially some of the interesting applications that can happen with a portal style teleporter.  This power was inspired by Shrakti, a villain from Negation, but I’ve seen Blink of the Exiles use her powers like this occasionally. 


Flash Portals                       Cost (7,14,28)

Power Qualities:

                Defends:             Self (0)

Mass (2) with High Capacity (+1)

                                                Range (2)

                                                                Go First x2 (2)

                                                                If/Then attacks can only be redirected if defense roll is successful (-1)

If/Then attacks that are redirected do amount of damage based on attack roll (-1)

If/Then attack doesn’t do its damage until the place in initiative that attack occurred (-1)

                Useful:                 Speed (0) with Boost x1 (+1)

Mass (2) with High Capacity (+1)

If/Then Portals cannot be opened in between vastly different pressures or viscosities (-1) This is so I can’t open a portal underwater and dump water into a a closed room or put a portal to a hard vacuum into the bad guys lair


                This power causes a portal to blink into existence.  This power can be used for simple uses such as movement, but it also has more complicated uses.  For example, a portal could be opened in front of the barrel of a gun, thus teleporting the bullet.  The exit portal can be placed in any orientation and therefore used to harmlessly redirect the path of the bullet into the ground or it could be directed more aggressively at the shooter or some other foe. 

                Combat example:   The Marshall (character with this power at the level of 5d +1 hd +1 wd) is fighting Blastotron(9d of Harm (range)).  Blastotron declares he will be shooting the Marshall, The Marshall declares she will be “blocking” the shot with a portal and redirecting it at Blastotron. 

They both roll: 

Marshall (1, 2, 2, 5, 8, 10 from Hd, and wiggle dice)  Blastotron(1,3,3,6,7,7,7,8,10).  Marshall opens a portal using the dice 10 from hd and 10 from wiggle die at a with of 4 due to go first x2, so Blastotron’s attack is redirected to the right leg of Blastotron           . 

If The Marshall had rolled (1, 2, 4, 8, 8, 10 from hd and the wiggle die) the shot would have been redirected with the 8’s and could have been redirected to the head. 

If The Marshall had rolled (1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 10 from hd and the wiggle die) a

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[ORE] Re: Help with building a power

I had a Wild-talent do this not too long ago. He also had the Persistent (Duration? The one that makes it last until he drops it) adder and made a killing leasing his San Francisco to NYC portal to the US Postal Service.

On Thursday, March 20, 2014 12:53:30 PM UTC-7, Arcanix wrote:

If I ever get to play I'm going to play a teleporter. I've always found it to be an interesting power, especially some of the interesting applications that can happen with a portal style teleporter.  This power was inspired by Shrakti, a villain from Negation, but I've seen Blink of the Exiles use her powers like this occasionally. 


Flash Portals                       Cost (7,14,28)

Power Qualities:

                Defends:             Self (0)

Mass (2) with High Capacity (+1)

                                                Range (2)

                                                                Go First x2 (2)

                                                                If/Then attacks can only be redirected if defense roll is successful (-1)

If/Then attacks that are redirected do amount of damage based on attack roll (-1)

If/Then attack doesn't do its damage until the place in initiative that attack occurred (-1)

                Useful:                 Speed (0) with Boost x1 (+1)

Mass (2) with High Capacity (+1)

If/Then Portals cannot be opened in between vastly different pressures or viscosities (-1) This is so I can't open a portal underwater and dump water into a a closed room or put a portal to a hard vacuum into the bad guys lair


                This power causes a portal to blink into existence.  This power can be used for simple uses such as movement, but it also has more complicated uses.  For example, a portal could be opened in front of the barrel of a gun, thus teleporting the bullet.  The exit portal can be placed in any orientation and therefore used to harmlessly redirect the path of the bullet into the ground or it could be directed more aggressively at the shooter or some other foe. 

                Combat example:   The Marshall (character with this power at the level of 5d +1 hd +1 wd) is fighting Blastotron(9d of Harm (range)).  Blastotron declares he will be shooting the Marshall, The Marshall declares she will be "blocking" the shot with a portal and redirecting it at Blastotron. 

They both roll: 

Marshall (1, 2, 2, 5, 8, 10 from Hd, and wiggle dice)  Blastotron(1,3,3,6,7,7,7,8,10).  Marshall opens a portal using the dice 10 from hd and 10 from wiggle die at a with of 4 due to go first x2, so Blastotron's attack is redirected to the right leg of Blastotron           . 

If The Marshall had rolled (1, 2, 4, 8, 8, 10 from hd and the wiggle die) the shot would have been redirected with the 8's and could have been redirected to the head. 

If The Marshall had rolled (1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 10 from hd and the wiggle die) and Blastotron rolled (1,2,3,4,5,10,10,10,10,10) The Marshall will be having a very bad day due to not being fast enough to stop the head shot. 

                The damage will be determined by Blastotrons roll, but the location by the Marshall's second set. 


Does this power need Interference to function like I want?  If not, what would interference add to this power?

Can spray dice be added to a non-attack power to let me defend against extra attacks more easily?

Thanks for any help,


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Re: [ORE] Help with building a power

Spray can be added to a defends to let you defend against multiple attacks without penalty, but you may be better served with a duration. 

Interference is essentially "goes first" for defenses, but I don't think you need it unless the GM has said you should be as well defended as crunch allows. 

-Matt Conlon

On Mar 20, 2014, at 9:53 AM, Arcanix <stinsoneric@hotmail.com> wrote:

If I ever get to play I'm going to play a teleporter. I've always found it to be an interesting power, especially some of the interesting applications that can happen with a portal style teleporter.  This power was inspired by Shrakti, a villain from Negation, but I've seen Blink of the Exiles use her powers like this occasionally. 


Flash Portals                       Cost (7,14,28)

Power Qualities:

                Defends:             Self (0)

Mass (2) with High Capacity (+1)

                                                Range (2)

                                                                Go First x2 (2)

                                                                If/Then attacks can only be redirected if defense roll is successful (-1)

If/Then attacks that are redirected do amount of damage based on attack roll (-1)

If/Then attack doesn't do its damage until the place in initiative that attack occurred (-1)

                Useful:                 Speed (0) with Boost x1 (+1)

Mass (2) with High Capacity (+1)

If/Then Portals cannot be opened in between vastly different pressures or viscosities (-1) This is so I can't open a portal underwater and dump water into a a closed room or put a portal to a hard vacuum into the bad guys lair


                This power causes a portal to blink into existence.  This power can be used for simple uses such as movement, but it also has more complicated uses.  For example, a portal could be opened in front of the barrel of a gun, thus teleporting the bullet.  The exit portal can be placed in any orientation and therefore used to harmlessly redirect the path of the bullet into the ground or it could be directed more aggressively at the shooter or some other foe. 

                Combat example:   The Marshall (character with this power at the level of 5d +1 hd +1 wd) is fighting Blastotron(9d of Harm (range)).  Blastotron declares he will be shooting the Marshall, The Marshall declares she will be "blocking" the shot with a portal and redirecting it at Blastotron. 

They both roll: 

Marshall (1, 2, 2, 5, 8, 10 from Hd, and wiggle dice)  Blastotron(1,3,3,6,7,7,7,8,10).  Marshall opens a portal using the dice 10 from hd and 10 from wiggle die at a with of 4 due to go first x2, so Blastotron's attack is redirected to the right leg of Blastotron           . 

If The Marshall had rolled (1, 2, 4, 8, 8, 10 from hd and the wiggle die) the shot would have been redirected with the 8's and could have been redirected to the head. 

If The Marshall had rolled (1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 10 from hd and the wiggle die) and Blastotron rolled (1,2,3,4,5,10,10,10,10,10) The Marshall will be having a very bad day due to not being fast enough to stop the head shot. 

                The damage will be determined by Blastotrons roll, but the location by the Marshall's second set. 


Does this power need Interference to function like I want?  If not, what would interference add to this power?

Can spray dice be added to a non-attack power to let me defend against extra attacks more easily?

Thanks for any help,


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