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[ORE] Re: Help with building a power

First of all thank you for spending the time to reply
@ hkdharmon - This character will actually have another teleportation power that allows permament portals to be made. With which she will be trying to help that world by reducing the amount of fuel it takes to transport goods around the world.  In that world I'm imagining Talents will be next to illegal making it tricky. 
@ hotjets - I did not give it the attacks quality because the nature of the attack depends completely on what attacks are being thrown around.  If an enemy just stands there she can't hurt them.  In the second edition book there is a section on dangously useful powers.  I originally had the page #, but my 1st reply seems to have been lost and I don't have the books on me.  I think it was page 108. 
     I do agree that a gun barrel would be a very small portal to open, but the way I envision a 2 yd portal.  getting a 2 yard portal infront of a gun barrel is much easier.  Yes I should have to "aim" the portal to get it to hit the target.  That i why i require a second set to hit the target.  1st set for defense 2nd set for hitting something.  At one point I thought about a second role for targeting, but this is the "one role engine"  so figured I should stick to needing 2 sets to defend and hit. 
    Yes I'm up against a speeding bullet.  But I'm up against a person pulling the trigger.  I have to be faster than the trigger.  If not I'm in trouble.  people faster than her will be a huge problem.  I was rereading interference the other day and I think that would take care of this problem, but I don't think I want do that intially.  It would make her very powerful. 
Thank you for your replies,
@ matt conlon - sorry about the formatting I tried to indent things to show what part of the power they would be classified as, but I don't think some of the components actually matter where they are.  I was primarily using the "dangerously useful" section of the book.  It is kind of a Judo power it uses their own power against them, but doesn't do anything dangrous on its own. 

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