Dear Go Players,
We are going to try another Saturday night meet-up this April 19 at the Crossroads Bellevue Shopping Mall, from 5:30 – 8:30. Frank F. and Thane will be there. If you want to play Go on Saturday nights on the Eastside, please come to Crossroads. This is an experiment to see if we can gather enough people to make it a regular Saturday event. The Thursday night meet-ups at Crossroads, also from 5:30 – 8:30, are doing well, and we expect to continue them indefinitely. Last week we had 12 players, and we have had as many as 16. In all cases, we meet at the Game Lane near Uncle’s Games.
Brian Allen
Manager, Seattle Go Center
Nihon Ki-in Go Institute of the West
700 NE 45th Street
Seattle WA 98105
206 545-1424 (Go Center)
206 632-1122 (Office at Home) (e-mail) (website)
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