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[Seattle Go Center] Saturday: Open only for Kuma Workshop

Dear Go Players,


The Seattle Go Center will be open only for the Nihon Ki-in Pro Workshop with Kuma on Saturday, Nov. 15.  John Richards and Simon Yu will not be teaching that day, and casual games will not be possible.  We apologize for any inconvenience this schedule creates.


It is possible to take one day of the workshop (for half the rate).  However, you need to pay with cash or check on the day you come.


More info:   http://www.seattlego.org/instruction/nihon-ki-in-workshop/





Brian  Allen

Manager, Seattle Go Center

Nihon Ki-in Go Institute of the West

700 NE 45th Street

Seattle WA  98105

206 545-1424 (Go Center)

206 370-1069 (Cell Phone)

206 632-1122 (Office at Home)

manager@seattlego.org (e-mail)

www.seattlego.org (website)


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