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Re: [ORE] [Wild Talents] Hawkeye's arrows/Ant-man style size shift?

So, after an evening of talking with the player who's going to play Hawkeye, we came up with one conclusion: the two of us see trick arrows as an Augment power, but rules say you should roll the smaller pool if you want the extras. We feel the variable effect route is difficult to understand, and that 'logic' says Hawkeye could put virtually any arrow type where he wanted using his

Our first idea was having this:

Coordination 5D

Hyper Skill (archery) 4D + 1WD (never misses unless oponent is actively dodging or has armor, but he's not always able to strike vitals)

Compound Bow W+1 in K

Explosive Arrow (4D)
Augments (+4)
Area (+1)
Depleted (-1)
If/Then (only augments an archery attack roll) (-1)

Same for Electrical, Gas... trick arrows.

Then, for 20p, you could have 4 charges, with 4 recharges, each charge applying Area to your Coordination+Archery roll. It fits the fact Hawkeye gets a shiny cool arrow from his quiver and everything goes boom. But augments work the other way, obviously for balancing raesons (correct me if I'm wrowng, please). Hawkeye would have to roll 4D if he wants an area attack.

At first we used attached. But attached specifies you have to roll separatedly for each power and skill. That would mean, if we understand, that Hawkeye lands a trick arrow with his Coord. + Archery roll and then the arrow would need to roll with it's own pool to activate... the next round. We felt this wasn't portraying trick arrows the correct way so, we changed to Augment.

Is there any way (rule-wise) to build our idea? Something we can't recall that would work the way we want? We know there's an option to use Willpower to get the extras on Augment, and an extra called "No Willpower Cost x2", but that route seems like cheating (and overpaying). We wanted to ask since we're new to the system.

Thanks a lot.

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