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[ORE] Re: [Wild Talents] Need help dealing with hardened HAR+LAR, hitting motivations.

There is more than psi out there... how about entangle him? does he have to breathe? throw him in the water... grapple him... "Magneto" shows up and tears the armor off him. Now he has to spend time and resources (money) to make a new armor.

That 3rd motivation, that's pretty weak. Is he like a Tony Stark?Does he have a company? or is everything in his basement? His tech can be stolen easily. 
How about a bad guy with his armor? Or a bunch of bad guys with weaker version of his armor? 

You can have 1 out of 5 adventures dealing with him. Rotate between the players so you are not 'showing favortism' or having one player in the spotlight too much. Or you can mess with him as the subplot in each session.  

"Getting civilians killed infront of him and have the bad guys steal his tech feel like cheating to him,"
If he doesn't want his disadvantages to be used against him then change them. But they are supposed to used against him, that's the whole point... they make the game better/more fun/interesting/etc.

On Saturday, September 12, 2015 at 6:36:20 AM UTC-7, Winstar wrote:

I have one player with just one power: 5HD in hardened HAR and 5HD in hardened LAR, as a focus. It's an armor. This means I need sources of damage getting to roll sets of width 7 just to scratch him. I know I can hit him with psy powers, or once he's out of his armor, but boss fights are becoming meaningless to him when it's a bout physical damage. Yeah, I know it's his only power and that's what he wants but I don't know... it doesn't feel right for the other party members.

I'm not familiar on how to hit his 3 motivations: protect the weak, a better world through his own tech, don't let the bad guys get his tech. Getting civilians killed infront of him and have the bad guys steal his tech feel like cheating to him, as it feels having a psy powered enemy on every fight.

I'd like to know what do you think.

Thank you in advance.

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