Hyperbole has been answered: no contest of wills. Essentially, if there wouldn't be a defense roll (e.g., bullets), then there's a contest of wills. Since a baseball can be dodged, that's what's rolled.
On Sep 6, 2015 3:12 PM, "John Doe" <erikstutzman@hotmail.com> wrote:
-- With that line of thinking why bother with Harm at all? You want Area? Carry grenades. Penetration? Bazooka. Spray? Machine or submachine gun. Vicious? Gun with more damaging bullets. A character with high Coordination (but no Will points spent in that stat) is probably as damaging as a Talent with Harm, and no worries about Will or Contests.--However, this line of thought doesn't take into account the positives- can't be disarmed, no ammunition needed (other than Will points), no noise (depending on the effect). I suppose whether these positives are worth the cost is for each player to decide.I do wonder though- does HyperSense let a character aim really well, and would therefore be subject to a Contest of Wills? What about HyperBrains to calculate the most logical hiding place for a sniper? If Mr. HyperBody hurls a baseball with all his strength at a target's head, does that trigger a Contest since he is directly aiming for the target? I would imagine that the damage bonus from the object would make it at least as deadly as a bullet.
On Tuesday, May 11, 2010 at 10:55:50 PM UTC-4, Allan Goodall wrote:On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 8:17 PM, Wade Lahoda <wade....@gmail.com> wrote:And that last question could have been resolved by me just rereading
the Contest of Wills section instead of going by memory. Though that
does make me wonder why you can't Contest of Wills someone who throws
a jeep at you if you can contest a hypersniper.
Think of it this way. When a hypersniper fires at you, he is trying to harm you with a bullet. He directly hurts you. The bullet flying through the air is the special effect, just like the light beams coming out of the eyes are the special effect.
When he picks up a jeep and throws it at you, he is willfully, directly lifting the jeep first. Even if he makes the jeep fly through the air at you, he is first changing the nature of the jeep (turning it into a flying projectile, in opposition to its nature).
He is lifting, then throwing the jeep. Which is more than the jeep just being a harm "special effect".
From a purely metagaming stand point, shooting you with a gun really well isn't any different from punching you really well, or hitting you with laser beams firing from your eyes. Therefore, it triggers a Contest of Wills, even though there is a bullet acting as an intermediary. Otherwise, there is no point in having a harm that doesn't involve a projectile as an intermediary. If it doesn't trigger a Contest of Wills, it would be the only harm miracle to bother with. No laser eyes, no flame, no "guy's head explodes". Just put the points into firing a machine gun really good.
That's my take on it, anyway.
Allan Goodall http://www.hyperbear.com
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