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[Seattle Go Center] Re: AGA rated Self-Pair games anytime at the Seattle Go Center

The Tuesday night self-pair competition is heating up.

Peter Conerly - 2 games
John Johnson - 1 game
Leo Conniff - 1 game

Keep on playing more games

-- Dennis

From: Dennis Wheeler <denniswheeler@yahoo.com>
To: Seattle Google <seattlego@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Monday, December 21, 2015 10:17 AM
Subject: AGA rated Self-Pair games anytime at the Seattle Go Center

We've had available for sometime the ability to submit individual self-pair rated games, but no one has yet taken advantage -- until this past Tuesday. Yay.

This past week, some Tuesday night players played a self-paired rated game and have submitted their results to be entered into the AGA ratings database. As the Self-Pair TD, I've just submitted those game results, and you should soon see them posted here (it could take up to a week to show up):

There are slips on the front desk with instructions and requirements. Games can be played anytime throughout the week, and the TD need not be present (the Go Center manager or other members should be sufficient). Players must have current AGA membership.

Place the completed game result slip in the jar on the desk, and I'll periodically gather them and submit the results to be rated.

Take full advantage of your AGA membership and get your games rated, keeping your own public rating up-to-date. No need to wait for the monthly ratings tournament. Play often and have fun either way, or do both and play even more games. One of the best ways to improve, is to play and play often. Make those rated games and keep track of your progress over time (but never worry about single loses or wins or small streaks, we're in it for the long haul).

Get yourself on the national top 10 list too :)

And here's another valuable resource for tracking your progress and games:

Dennis Wheeler
Saturday day manager

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