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Re: [ORE] [OR] Conversions, please help

I have this I just cant figure out how to use it for conversions. Any leads? Thanks.

On Tuesday, June 14, 2016 at 3:12:04 PM UTC-7, DTH wrote:


Will drop my ORE Toolkit into the group when I find a copy.

A-ha! 1KM1KT still has a copy!


On 14 Jun 2016 23:02, "Daniel Enoch Tobin" <danielen...@gmail.com> wrote:
Is there a general conversion doc somewhere for the different ORG games. Please say yes this would make thinks so much simpler for me. Also I have found Cthulhulike out there. Are there ORE conversions (both way would be awesome) for other systems. I am a noob who is wanting to run Elder Godlike but within the ORE system and want to add magic ala Grim War. Thanks all for any input.

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