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[Seattle Go Center] Annual Meeting Tomorrow, Sunday March 19 at 2 p.m.

Dear Members,


Here is a friendly reminder that the Annual Meeting of the Seattle Go Center will be on Sunday Afternoon, March 19, from 2 - 3 p.m. All members are welcome.  We will have a short slide show, including some images that we will never put on the internet.  There will also be snacks, and reports on the year, and elections to 3 board positions.  Donors to our Go board refinishing project will be asked to sign the backsides of our newly redone boards.


If you are a voting member of the Go Center (yearly or lifetime member), and you are not coming to this meeting, please give your proxy to a voting member who is coming to the meeting, so that we can make our quorum – that is, have enough members represented so that the meeting is legal.  You can do this by email.





Brian Allen Photo


4301 2nd Ave NE

Seattle, WA  98105


206 632-1122 (office at home)

206 370-1069 (cell)






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