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[Seattle Go Center] Tuesday and World Go Championship

Dear Go Players,


We will be watching the 2nd day of the World Go Championship tomorrow evening at the Go Center, in addition to our regular Tuesday events.  The games start at 6:30 p.m. our time.   As I write this at 10:15 pm Monday, the first day games are still being broadcast on youtube.  There are two games.  At times, there is commentary in English by Michael Redmond, 9P and Antti Torman 1P.  At other times, the channel just shows the players of the games, or the boards themselves.









Brian  Allen

General Manager, Seattle Go Center

Nihon Ki-in Go Institute of the West

700 NE 45th Street

Seattle WA  98105

206 545-1424 (Go Center)

206 370-1069 (Cell Phone)

206 632-1122 (Office at Home)

manager@seattlego.org (e-mail)

www.seattlego.org (website)


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