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[Seattle Go Center] Weekly Kibitzer (Rengo on Saturday!) (Ix-nay on Wednesday)

Hi fellow Go fans,

I probably won't actually do this weekly. It felt like this time, I had a bunch of stuff to cover, and it'd be better to give
each a sentence or two in one email, rather than sending 3 or 4 separate emails. I'll try to be brief.

Lots GOing on at the Go Center the past couple of nights! Nick Sibicky's DDK Mondays is still going strong -- five
perplexed players pored over puzzling positions as Nick trucked out treasures from his trove of tricky tesujis on June 3.
Look for the video soon on Nick Sibicky Go Lectures: https://www.youtube.com/user/nicksibicky

Tuesday, the "largest weekly gathering of Go players in North America" had 25 players in the room, including a young
(about 8 years old, I think) 4-dan from Los Angeles, and a games enthusiast from Germany. The Seattle AGA Chapter
chose Nick Wilmes to be its new representative to the AGA, and thanked Peter Nelson for his service, and bid him
farewell. Peter's moving to the Midwest soon, so we won't be seeing him around much.

Reminder -- The "Rengo with Pie and Coffee" tournament will be this Saturday, June 9, at the Go Center. Registration
starts at 5:30; play starts at 6:00. $10 registration fee ($5 for Go Center voting members and children). Bring your own
teammate, or join at team at the event. It's going to be fun, so be there if you can. (Four daring players couldn't wait for
Saturday, and played Rengo last night at the Center.) Event info: http://www.seattlego.org/events/

Schedule update -- "SDK Wednesdays" is on summer vacation, hopefully to return approximately late August, if possible.
The Go Center won't be publicly open on Wednesdays for a while, and will be available for the Paid Private Instruction
program -- see http://www.seattlego.org/paid-instruction/ to find a teacher.

Thank you to everyone who responded to the call for volunteers to staff the Go Center on July 16. It makes me feel
good, seeing how many people were ready to pitch in and help out.

Best regards,

Mike Malveaux
Seattle Go Center Programs Manager

email: programs@SeattleGo.org
web: www.SeattleGo.org
Go Center phone: 206-545-1424

PS -- Who was the first American Go player?

(It must have been Patrick Henry, 1775 -- "Give me liberties, or give me death!")

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