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[Seattle Go Center] New email address for Brian

Dear Members,

My gradual retirement as Operations Manager of the Seattle Go Center is proceeding nicely.  I still have a few projects to finish up, but Derek McGuire (DRM) has taken on all the regular duties of the Operations Manager, and all the new projects, with enthusiasm and skill.  And Kyle Burg continues as our friendly Program Manager, adjusting our schedule, on-line gatherings, and outreach as COVID allows.  At this point, all email sent to "operations" or "manager" goes to Derek, and all mail sent to "programs" goes to Kyle.  I am now using a different email: "brian" at our domain name.

This is not a farewell, because I expect to be a regular participant at Tuesday Go.  These days we are meeting on-line, using Zoom and Go servers such as OGS.  (Starting Tuesdays 6:30 pm at Zoom:  https://zoom.us/j/99377436701)  If the COVID reports continue to improve, we will go back to in-person play.  I'll let the Board and the managers decide when that will be; that's no longer my responsibility 😊



Brian Allen


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