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[Seattle Go Center] New Deals for SGC Members: Go Magic, AI-Sensei, & the European Go Journal

Greetings Go Players!

The Seattle Go Center is proud to announce 3 new deals for its members with: Go Magic, AI-Sensei, & a digital subscription to the European Go Journal.

Go Magic is currently offering SGC members 20% off subscriptions to their platform.

Go Magic is a platform that aims to put everything about Go, all in one place. This includes interactive lectures, a skill tree, rewards for completing courses and problems, articles, and a friendly community on Discord where you can ask questions about Go.

AI-Sensei is currently offering SGC members a one-month Basic subscription for free. This level of analysis will consist of 500 playouts and variations of about 10 moves in length. You can learn more by viewing their FAQ.

In addition to a great UI, users can post to the community to ask for advice or help.

The Seattle Go Center is offering SGC members a digital subscription to the European Go Journal at the discounted Go Club rate of $3.50 an issue.

You can find a copy of their first issue here as a free sample.

The European Go Journal is a monthly journal about the game of go, officially supported by the European Go Federation (EGF). It was launched in February 2021. The journal is compiled and written by Artem Kachanovskyi, 2-dan professional of the EGF, and co-written, proofread, and designed by his Team.

The EGJ is a roughly 50-page A4 magazine featuring the following go-related topics:

  • Recent go news - focused mainly on Europe but including major events from around the globe.
  • Game commentary.
  • Interviews with go players.
  • Art and photography.
  • AI studies - analysis of fuseki and joseki with superhuman go computer programs.
  • World of Tesuji – Remarkable moves from professional games.
  • Problems and answers.

To simplify things on our end, we'll require those who are interested to pay $21 for the next 6 issues.

A minimum of three subscriptions is required for this deal.

If you’d like to learn how to access any of these deals, simply reply, or e-mail Operations@seattlego.org.

Thank you for reading to the end. If you have a minute to spare, please take this SGC E-mail Frequency Survey

     – Derek R. McGuire, Operations Manager

        Seattle Go Center
        700 NE 45th St
        Seattle, Wa 98105
        Mobile: (206) 569-4331
        Office: (206) 545-1424

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