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[ORE] Hyperskill & Augment Miracle

Again sorry for bad english, i'm french

Another problem about WT.
Steph is playing a cyborg, with a particular talent for firearms due
to excellent performance and computer analysis.
Think to something similar ti the gun kata in the movie equilibrium.
She wanted to apply some exstra to his firearms skill, with some
versatility, to simulate different shooting pattern.

Here's come the math:

4d + 1wd

Hyperskill firearms
Attack, penetration 3, area 2, engulf, speeding bullet
1d (cost 15)
I used at first if/then to limit to the use of one extra at a time,
but the point gain is feeble and you can turn extra on and off at the
declaration phase, so we choose this option, knowing that as master i
would punish the abuse of "all extra on" use of this hyperskill.

ballistic computer
Attack, augment, attach to firearms, only to augment self
4hd (cost 24)

This give a 5d+ 4hd + 1w pool with a good arsenal of effects.

And here come the question: is this broken or do i missed something?
It's far cheaper to buy an augment miracle restricted to a hyperskill
to obtain hd dice boosting the effect than buying the hyperskill dice.
In the same way, buying a strong stat and a small hyperskill with
impressive extra gives monstruous effects, for a reduce cost.

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