Hello guys, perhaps you could help me and my friend to fix this
problem (excuse my english, i'm french)
Damien plays a combat diver transformed into a sort of water
He designed a Miracle called "hydraulic Force"
basically, he uses his own water body to exert a growing force where a
want, increasing the pressure if needed, and being capable with some
time to crush almost anything.
We simulate that with booster, to greatly increase the mass effect.
Then we came to the point where his crushing force stall to 10 dice,
period, Which somewhat broken. With his booster augment, the table
says the mass he is applying is equivalent to that of the Cheops
pyramid. Impressive! But with ten dice, he is suceptible to roll a
Width of 3 most of time... A bit light as a matter of damage...
Using hd is tempting, but pose other problem (when starting using them
for example).
Any highlights? Thanks.
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