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Re: [ORE] Powerbuild Astral Projection

Not entirely.  This is what Augment is for!  It comes out pretty expensive:

Add Range (18)
Attacks: Augments +4, Booster +6, Attached (Project Senses/whatever) -2, If/Then (only for Augment) -1, If/Then (only Augment Extras) -1, If/Then (only Augments Miracles with On Sight) -2
Defends: Augments +4, Booster +6, Attached (Project Senses/whatever) -2, If/Then (only for Augment) -1, If/Then (only Augment Extras) -1, If/Then (only Augments Miracles with On Sight) -2
Useful: Augments +4, Booster +6, Attached (Project Senses/whatever) -2, If/Then (only for Augment) -1, If/Then (only Augment Extras) -1, If/Then (only Augments Miracles with On Sight) -2

... and even capping the augmented powers at 5d would cost 90 points. Ouch!  Also, if you add 9pts/die, it can *add* On Sight to a Quality instead of requiring it.

Side-stepping that expense by letting a single Useful Quality add Extras willy-nilly to any Quality leads to madness, IMHO.

-- Daniel

On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 5:57 PM, Ron <ronald.pyatt@gmail.com> wrote:
I'm constructing an alternative to the Ghost power, where instead of
having to purchase defense or hit locations, it's treated more like a
long range projection of powers and abilities.

Astral Projection (16)
Qualities: U
HyperSense(6): Booster Range (Earth) +6
Useful Apply Boosted Range Capacity to On Sight Power(2-1+6+4-1=10):
Attached (to HyperSense Booster) -1, Booster Range (Earth) +6,
Permanent +4, Always On -1
Effect: Leave your body behind and then instantly travel to anywhere
in the world. Apply the Boosted range to any sense or ability that has
the On Sight Extra

It's expensive. Is it legal?

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