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[Seattle Go Center] No class tonight Wednesday

Dear Go Players,


The Single Digit Kyu Player’s class is not meeting tonight, July 31.  However, we have lots happening starting Thursday, with  a visit from Maeda Ryo 6p.  For more info, please check our calendar for three weeks of non-stop Go events.









Brian  Allen

Manager, Seattle Go Center

Nihon Ki-in Go Institute of the West

700 NE 45th Street

Seattle WA  98105

206 545-1424 (Go Center)

206 632-1122 (Office at Home)

manager@seattlego.org (e-mail)

www.seattlego.org (website)


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[Seattle Go Center] Go Congress Info

Dear Go Players,


The 2013 Go Congress handbook is now available as a pdf.  It’s a pretty big file (4.6 MB)  In case you hadn’t heard, Go Congress starts this Saturday, Aug. 3, at Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma.



Registration can be done on the website:







Brian  Allen

Manager, Seattle Go Center

Nihon Ki-in Go Institute of the West

700 NE 45th Street

Seattle WA  98105

206 545-1424 (Go Center)

206 632-1122 (Office at Home)

manager@seattlego.org (e-mail)

www.seattlego.org (website)


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[ORE] Godlike: Remembering the War

Do you remember the war years?

When Der Flieger sent Polish troops scattering with his sonic booms? When he buzzed London without an aircraft and gained the name Mr. Messerschmitt from a terrified populace?

Do you remember Cien, the Pole who could lift things with his shadow? Or Pevnost, who could link any two doorways with the power of this mind, despite the distance between them?

Do you remember where you were when three million men crossed the Soviet border? Do you recall how the Indestructible Man swam away unscathed from the burning wreck of the Reuben James as it dragged nine-nine of his compatriots to a watery grave?

Or when Charles Lindbergh left for the Reich? Do you recall Null or Feuerzauber or Baba Yaga? Does the name Mr. Nowhere ring any any bells? The League of Five Thousand? Sheol? The Eisenhower Plan or Goldberg Science? Do you remember any of those things? Don't worry. You will.

That's how I remember my first look at Godlike. It was a handful of teaser pages at the Pagan Publishing website, now long gone except for samples buried in the Wayback Machine. The web pages themselves were rather hideous, in stark white text on a plain black background, but the ideas there — the ideas were thrilling. Dennis Detwiller had told me in email that he was about to publish a new game. I could tell already it would be staggering.

The full text: http://arcdream.com/home/?p=1925

Reminder: Today is your last chance to vote for The Unspeakable Oath, the Cthulhu Mythos Encyclopedia, and Arc Dream Publishing in the 2013 Ennie Awards. 

Shane Ivey, Arc Dream Publishing
The One Roll Engine and more: www.arcdream.com
Cthulhu Mythos gaming, every quarter: TheUnspeakableOath.com
Is your world worth saving? Join the conspiracy: www.delta-green.com

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Insider's Guide To Selling Hot Properties

 If you're set on greatly increasing your odds
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Then this may be the most important letter you'll ever read!
Just visit our website:.

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Budi Pratama
gajianexc03 - Supervisor

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[Seattle Go Center] Fees for Pro Events

Dear Go Center Members,


In general, the suggested donation for playing a pro in a simultaneous game is $10 (or more if you want).  For the evening lectures at the Go Center with Ryo Maeda and Masaki Takemiya, the fee for general admission is $15, but it is $10 for youth (under 18) and for “voting members” of the Seattle Go Center (quarterly, yearly and lifetime members).


Here is the calendar:







Brian  Allen

Manager, Seattle Go Center

Nihon Ki-in Go Institute of the West

700 NE 45th Street

Seattle WA  98105

206 545-1424 (Go Center)

206 632-1122 (Office at Home)

manager@seattlego.org (e-mail)

www.seattlego.org (website)


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Re: [Seattle Go Center] Pro Visits before and after Go Congress

are there fees associated with any of these events?

On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 3:48 PM, Brian Allen <bkaphoto@mindspring.com> wrote:

Dear Go Players,


We have some excellent events coming up.  Maeda Ryo 6p from the Kansai Ki-in will be visiting us on Thursday afternoon for simultaneous games, and on Friday evening for a lecture. ($15 general admission, $10 for youth and voting members).


After Go Congress, the famous Masaki Takemiya 9p from the Nihon Ki-in will playing simultaneous games with strong players on Tuesday Aug. 13, and giving lectures in the evening on Aug. 14 and 15.


We will also have a visit from Kansai Ki-in pro  Chihiro Chujo after the Go Congress, so more events will be announced.


Please check our calendar for the latest schedules:



The Seattle Go Center will be closed during Go Congress week, except for Tuesday, Aug. 6, when we will be open for our regular hours.






Brian  Allen

Manager, Seattle Go Center

Nihon Ki-in Go Institute of the West

700 NE 45th Street

Seattle WA  98105

206 545-1424 (Go Center)

206 632-1122 (Office at Home)

manager@seattlego.org (e-mail)

www.seattlego.org (website)


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[Seattle Go Center] Pro Visits before and after Go Congress

Dear Go Players,


We have some excellent events coming up.  Maeda Ryo 6p from the Kansai Ki-in will be visiting us on Thursday afternoon for simultaneous games, and on Friday evening for a lecture. ($15 general admission, $10 for youth and voting members).


After Go Congress, the famous Masaki Takemiya 9p from the Nihon Ki-in will playing simultaneous games with strong players on Tuesday Aug. 13, and giving lectures in the evening on Aug. 14 and 15.


We will also have a visit from Kansai Ki-in pro  Chihiro Chujo after the Go Congress, so more events will be announced.


Please check our calendar for the latest schedules:



The Seattle Go Center will be closed during Go Congress week, except for Tuesday, Aug. 6, when we will be open for our regular hours.






Brian  Allen

Manager, Seattle Go Center

Nihon Ki-in Go Institute of the West

700 NE 45th Street

Seattle WA  98105

206 545-1424 (Go Center)

206 632-1122 (Office at Home)

manager@seattlego.org (e-mail)

www.seattlego.org (website)


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[Seattle Go Center] DDK class tonight: All About Pros

Dear Go Players,

The Double Digit Kyu Player's Class will meet tonight, July 29, at the Go Center at 6:30 p.m. Since we will have three pros visiting the Go Center in the next three weeks, and more than 20 pros at the nearby Go Congress, Aug 3-10 in Tacoma, the topic will be "All About Pros". Topics will include etiquette for playing in simultaneous games with pros, what to expect when you have a game reviewed by a pro, how pro ranks compare to amateur ratings, and "Do you want your child to become a professional Go player?" I will substituting for Nick Sibicky. There will be no class next Monday, Aug. 5 because your teachers will be at Go Congress.


Brian Allen
Manager, Seattle Go Center

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[Seattle Go Center] No SDK class this week (7/31) or next (8/7).

Hey All!

There will be no SDK class this Wednesday, and no class the following Wednesday either.

I strongly suggest as many players as possible make it to the Go Congress in Tacoma from 8/3-8/10.  It's a great chance to play a bunch of OTB games and get them reviewed by strong players.

After the Go Congress has finished & the SGC returns to its usual schedule, I'll resume our Wednesday classes as normal.

Stay curious!

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Re: [ORE] Online Wild Talents Game

ok so there is some confusion with my understanding of time zones. Germany is UTC+2 right now due to daylight savings time. And i think you are in UTC-4 so that would put our start time for you at 2 pm this sunday august 4th. Ill do a complete write up of what happened a little later in the week when i have time.
On Monday, July 29, 2013 1:49:38 AM UTC+2, JeStor wrote:
So it was my afternoon I believe oh I had it in my mind it was later....sigh

On Sunday, July 28, 2013, Matt wrote:
You totally did, not to worry, next week, same time Sunday. 

-Matt Conlon
Please tell me I didn't miss this...

On Sunday, July 28, 2013, Matador wrote:
Ok we are set then. All the Skype invites have been set ill place the call, we roll at 2000 GMT+1.

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Re: [ORE] Online Wild Talents Game

It's around 1800 GMT. If you hop in Skype at that time you should be golden. 

Synopsis/timeline: About 2 weeks prior to game start FellStar(Diarmuid "Dermot" Chevalier) accidentally on purpose steals a bunch of Daedalus pharmaceuticals medtech and gives it to his Aunt, a fixer named January Jade to "use it to help people", but I think she sells it on the black market. 
Game start (appx 1pm on a day in the summer): a docked(?) boat partially explodes and threatens people as it sinks, the PCs intervene and rescue folks but don't stick around to help with cleanup. 
Maybe an hour later (while 90% of first responders are busy with the boatastrophe): two Talents (Laser guy and TK) attack January Jade and her companion. The talents claim to be Daedalus Security personnel in pursuit of January for her part in the theft of of their tech. Laser guy blows holes in the Minneapolis skyway and TK guy hurls cars at us. 
We neutralize the threat, January makes good her escape. 
Nemo and Roger consider making a statement to the Police who show up an hour after the fact.

We break there. 

-Matt Conlon

On Jul 28, 2013, at 1:49 PM, Jesse Denos <jessedenos@gmail.com> wrote:

So it was my afternoon I believe oh I had it in my mind it was later....sigh

On Sunday, July 28, 2013, Matt wrote:
You totally did, not to worry, next week, same time Sunday. 

-Matt Conlon

On Jul 28, 2013, at 1:39 PM, Jesse Denos <jessedenos@gmail.com> wrote:

Please tell me I didn't miss this...

On Sunday, July 28, 2013, Matador wrote:
Ok we are set then. All the Skype invites have been set ill place the call, we roll at 2000 GMT+1.

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Re: [ORE] Online Wild Talents Game

So it was my afternoon I believe oh I had it in my mind it was later....sigh

On Sunday, July 28, 2013, Matt wrote:

You totally did, not to worry, next week, same time Sunday. 

-Matt Conlon

On Jul 28, 2013, at 1:39 PM, Jesse Denos <jessedenos@gmail.com> wrote:

Please tell me I didn't miss this...

On Sunday, July 28, 2013, Matador wrote:
Ok we are set then. All the Skype invites have been set ill place the call, we roll at 2000 GMT+1.

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Re: [ORE] Online Wild Talents Game

You totally did, not to worry, next week, same time Sunday. 

-Matt Conlon

On Jul 28, 2013, at 1:39 PM, Jesse Denos <jessedenos@gmail.com> wrote:

Please tell me I didn't miss this...

On Sunday, July 28, 2013, Matador wrote:
Ok we are set then. All the Skype invites have been set ill place the call, we roll at 2000 GMT+1.

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Re: [ORE] Online Wild Talents Game

Please tell me I didn't miss this...

On Sunday, July 28, 2013, Matador wrote:

Ok we are set then. All the Skype invites have been set ill place the call, we roll at 2000 GMT+1.

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[ORE] Re: Online Wild Talents Game

Ok we are set then. All the Skype invites have been set ill place the call, we roll at 2000 GMT+1.

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Re: [ORE] Online Wild Talents Game

Sunday works for me

On Saturday, July 27, 2013, Fidel Santiago wrote:

Ok for me too.

See you.

El sábado, 27 de julio de 2013, Matador escribió:
ok so we will wait on word from JeStor and Fidel

On Saturday, July 27, 2013 1:17:25 AM UTC+2, matt conlon wrote:
That would be feasible for me certainly. 

-Matt Conlon

On Jul 26, 2013, at 1:16 PM, Matador <blueh...@gmail.com> wrote:

Yes we could switch to Sunday if thats good for everyone else. What say you, everyone else?

On Friday, July 26, 2013 11:11:10 PM UTC+2, sherr...@gmail.com wrote:
On Fri, Jul 26, 2013 at 9:38 PM, Matador <blueh...@gmail.com> wrote:
sherr...  I cant see all of your email address no matter what i do can you please email me your skype name?

Weird, but sure. It's sherreragea. And pity about Matt... not a good start... Wouldn't it be possible to move to Sunday?


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Fidel Santiago.

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Re: [ORE] Online Wild Talents Game

Ok for me too.

See you.

El sábado, 27 de julio de 2013, Matador escribió:
ok so we will wait on word from JeStor and Fidel

On Saturday, July 27, 2013 1:17:25 AM UTC+2, matt conlon wrote:
That would be feasible for me certainly. 

-Matt Conlon

On Jul 26, 2013, at 1:16 PM, Matador <blueh...@gmail.com> wrote:

Yes we could switch to Sunday if thats good for everyone else. What say you, everyone else?

On Friday, July 26, 2013 11:11:10 PM UTC+2, sherr...@gmail.com wrote:
On Fri, Jul 26, 2013 at 9:38 PM, Matador <blueh...@gmail.com> wrote:
sherr...  I cant see all of your email address no matter what i do can you please email me your skype name?

Weird, but sure. It's sherreragea. And pity about Matt... not a good start... Wouldn't it be possible to move to Sunday?


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Fidel Santiago.

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Re: [ORE] Re: Online Wild Talents Game

ok so we will wait on word from JeStor and Fidel

On Saturday, July 27, 2013 1:17:25 AM UTC+2, matt conlon wrote:

That would be feasible for me certainly. 

-Matt Conlon

On Jul 26, 2013, at 1:16 PM, Matador <blueh...@gmail.com> wrote:

Yes we could switch to Sunday if thats good for everyone else. What say you, everyone else?

On Friday, July 26, 2013 11:11:10 PM UTC+2, sherr...@gmail.com wrote:
On Fri, Jul 26, 2013 at 9:38 PM, Matador <blueh...@gmail.com> wrote:
sherr...  I cant see all of your email address no matter what i do can you please email me your skype name?

Weird, but sure. It's sherreragea. And pity about Matt... not a good start... Wouldn't it be possible to move to Sunday?


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Re: [ORE] Re: Online Wild Talents Game

That would be feasible for me certainly. 

-Matt Conlon

On Jul 26, 2013, at 1:16 PM, Matador <bluehorndog@gmail.com> wrote:

Yes we could switch to Sunday if thats good for everyone else. What say you, everyone else?

On Friday, July 26, 2013 11:11:10 PM UTC+2, sherr...@gmail.com wrote:
On Fri, Jul 26, 2013 at 9:38 PM, Matador <blueh...@gmail.com> wrote:
sherr...  I cant see all of your email address no matter what i do can you please email me your skype name?

Weird, but sure. It's sherreragea. And pity about Matt... not a good start... Wouldn't it be possible to move to Sunday?


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Re: [ORE] Re: Online Wild Talents Game

Yes we could switch to Sunday if thats good for everyone else. What say you, everyone else?

On Friday, July 26, 2013 11:11:10 PM UTC+2, sherr...@gmail.com wrote:

On Fri, Jul 26, 2013 at 9:38 PM, Matador <blueh...@gmail.com> wrote:
sherr...  I cant see all of your email address no matter what i do can you please email me your skype name?

Weird, but sure. It's sherreragea. And pity about Matt... not a good start... Wouldn't it be possible to move to Sunday?


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Re: [ORE] Re: Online Wild Talents Game

On Fri, Jul 26, 2013 at 9:38 PM, Matador <bluehorndog@gmail.com> wrote:

sherr...  I cant see all of your email address no matter what i do can you please email me your skype name?

Weird, but sure. It's sherreragea. And pity about Matt... not a good start... Wouldn't it be possible to move to Sunday?


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[ORE] Re: Online Wild Talents Game

sherr...  I cant see all of your email address no matter what i do can you please email me your skype name?

On Tuesday, July 2, 2013 10:06:44 PM UTC+2, Matador wrote:

I'm living and working in Germany and would like to run a Wild Talents game over Skype or Google + if any are interested. I'm in GMT +1. Start time and date is flexible. Are there any interested players? 

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Re: [ORE] Online Wild Talents Game

On Wednesday, July 24, 2013 11:14:52 PM UTC+2, sherr...@gmail.com wrote:

Ok, this might be stretching what was originally just a minor joke a bit too much, but maybe it's workable... so I'll run with it and let you say so if I have made it too cheesy. The premise is simply that Roger Stevens was originally a Talent during WWII. During the War he didn't combat in the front lines, though. Instead he contributed to the war effort mostly as a propaganda tool, working in several war films and touring around cheering the troops (under a mask, and with the assumed identity of Corporal Eagle), and maybe working a few missions for the OSS on the side.

After the War he eventually lost the Willpower contest intrinsic in some way related to the emergence of Wild Talents, and was eventually released from service, abandoning his old costume and identity in the process - his service as such is not known to the public, still being classified. The intelligence services probably tried retaining him, but he preferred a civilan life, where he could instead devote his life to his Passion: Inspiring people. Of course, he still had to make a living, which he did by working as a salesman at first, and eventually, after hooking up on the self-help movement, giving presentations and seminars on the topic around the country, while probably working with the Teevee on a few times. He tends to play down his heroic persona (he has had none, after the War: He dresses in a simple, sharp suit almot all of the time, even in action), believing his real work improving humanity is through his self-help speeches and presentations.

His implication in other historic events after the War I might have to work out as needed - there's too much storyline to do in one sitting (plus, to be honest, I would have to reread all of it:-P) , and it might not all be relevant. He probably was involved in the Fish War in a morale / leadership role and as a willpower battery, if anything (In Nereid, of course.. otherwise his survival would be hard to explain).

As for the NPCs, Kallico sounds like a good candidate for a once customer, now friend or on/off flame ;-)

Any idea how our characters are related to each other yet? Or will we meet in the course of the first session as traditional?


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Re: [ORE] Re: Online Wild Talents Game

On Wednesday, July 24, 2013 2:32:59 AM UTC+2, sherr...@gmail.com wrote:

i was waiting for sherr but i dont think he/she is back yet they said they would be gone without internet for two weeks.

My apologies for the lateness... spent most of the two weeks with limited internet access, and serving as a living indoor climbing toy for a dozen nephews and nieces ;-)

Right, now that I'm done crashing back into the harsh reality of work, how about the following concept? I apologize for any mistakes, I'm rather rusty (and sleepy):

Roger Stevens, the Self-Help Man.

Most people who are too much into self-help books only develop a financial hole in their accounts, and a sadly mistaken sense of agency... Roger developed superpowers, instead.

Archetype: Determinator (bleh)
Source: Driven
No Willpower No Way

Cost for Basics: 10

Body 2
Coordination 2
Sense 2
Mind 2
Charm 5
Command 5

Cost for Stats: 90

Base Will: 7
Starting Willpower: 7

Driving (car) 1, Empathy 2, Tactics 4, Lie 3, Persuasion 3, Interrogation 3, Intimidation 2, Leadership 2, Stability 3

Cost for Skills: 46


How to Stop Worrying and Start Living:
Defends+4, Interference, Permanent, Always On, Self
2HD (48)

The Power of Positive Thinking:
Attacks, Augment, Willpower Investment, Self
Useful, Augment, Willpower Investment, Self
1WD (40)

How to Make Friends and Influence People:
Useful, Willpower Investment, Range, Duration
2HD (12)

The Secret:
Dud power (Doesn't age) (2)
Immune to disease and accidental damage (2)

Cost for Powers: 104


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Re: [ORE] Re: Healing really is very cheap, isn't it?


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Re: [ORE] Re: Healing really is very cheap, isn't it?

"I was being very broad with my ideas, sort of dumped my brain into the textbox, not specificaly saying that a hospital would put a contract out on someone's life, but other people that might be makeing a ton of money on a hospital and would do anyhting to protect a buisness interest " 

What is the difference between a hospital putting a contract on someone and people that might be making a ton of money from the hospital? Seems like a distinction without a difference. Obviously a hospital building isn't going to target anyone, but you're suggesting that people associated with it will.    

"Also I was refering to the particularly crazy sect of religeous peeps that dont seek medical care or take medications because everything is "gods will", and they absolutly could see all supers as unnatural." 

What, Jehovah's Witnesses, Seventh Day Adventists, and Christian Scientists? Not exactly a very violent bunch here. And why not assassinate people who fly too? After all, angels fly too, so are fliers not unholy?     

"Also the setting in the core rule book (i dont have it in front of me now) describes a  division of healers with the really talented being available to the rich and located in switzerland or someplace. They could take afront to someone handing it out for free."

There are all sorts of professionals who do pro bono work, and a smaller number who are full-time charitable. Do doctors who work for cash put contracts out on docs who work for free clinics in the real world?    

"And our politicians dont listen to the people, there is no way that we could put pressure on a politician to do anything. They already do what they want."

So, public pressure has never influenced politicians to enact alcohol prohibition, pass civil rights legislation, or make gay marriage more available,  for example?   

"/i also just realized that all this is ridiculous because its a game with Super Heroes anything goes and anything will."

And role playing settings don't have to make any sense at all?


On Fri, Jul 26, 2013 at 8:08 AM, Matador <bluehorndog@gmail.com> wrote:
I was being very broad with my ideas, sort of dumped my brain into the textbox, not specificaly saying that a hospital would put a contract out on someone's life, but other people that might be makeing a ton of money on a hospital and would do anyhting to protect a buisness interest  Also I was refering to the particularly crazy sect of religeous peeps that dont seek medical care or take medications because everything is "gods will", and they absolutly could see all supers as unnatural. Also the setting in the core rule book (i dont have it in front of me now) describes a  division of healers with the really talented being available to the rich and located in switzerland or someplace. They could take afront to someone handing it out for free. And our politicians dont listen to the people, there is no way that we could put pressure on a politician to do anything. They already do what they want. /i also just realized that all this is ridiculous because its a game with Super Heroes anything goes and anything will.

On Thursday, July 25, 2013 6:16:02 PM UTC+2, Hotjets wro
One healer, of even several, would really just be a drop in the bucket. Even if they could heal several hundred a day, think of how many sick people there are in even one large city. And think of all the people with incurable conditions. Why would any hospital be against them being treated? If a healer decided to specialize in patients with incurable problems, no hospital would have a problem with that. They could even use it to market themselves - "if your condition turns out to be incurable, our hospital has a contract with a terrific healer to treat you." This would be a win-win for everyone.  The healer could be a celebrity who brings more patients to the hospital associated with them and the hospital would provide them with incurable patients. The PR would be great for everyone.

The idea that hospitals would put contracts out on healers strikes me as bizarre. And why would religious extremists just target healers? Would not all supers be seen as unnatural, if it came to that? And would someone really want to put a lot of effort into persecuting healers when they or someone in their family might someday need their services?  Public pressure on politicians would likely be strong and pro-healer.


On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 6:18 AM, Matador <blueh...@gmail.com> wrote:
I ,for one, would up-play the hospitals as a buisness aspect of our world. A hospital doesnt make money off empty beds, and anyone selling their healing powers at a premium would probebly have a big problem with someone bouncing around doing it for free. I would hound the absolute crap out of a character with contracts on their life, legistlation, and religeous nutbags. Not to mention what a local union might have to say.

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Re: [ORE] Online Wild Talents Game

Crap, that sucks. Let us know if anything changes you can join at anytime.

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Re: [ORE] Online Wild Talents Game


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Re: [ORE] Re: Healing really is very cheap, isn't it?

I was being very broad with my ideas, sort of dumped my brain into the textbox, not specificaly saying that a hospital would put a contract out on someone's life, but other people that might be makeing a ton of money on a hospital and would do anyhting to protect a buisness interest  Also I was refering to the particularly crazy sect of religeous peeps that dont seek medical care or take medications because everything is "gods will", and they absolutly could see all supers as unnatural. Also the setting in the core rule book (i dont have it in front of me now) describes a  division of healers with the really talented being available to the rich and located in switzerland or someplace. They could take afront to someone handing it out for free. And our politicians dont listen to the people, there is no way that we could put pressure on a politician to do anything. They already do what they want. /i also just realized that all this is ridiculous because its a game with Super Heroes anything goes and anything will.

On Thursday, July 25, 2013 6:16:02 PM UTC+2, Hotjets wro
One healer, of even several, would really just be a drop in the bucket. Even if they could heal several hundred a day, think of how many sick people there are in even one large city. And think of all the people with incurable conditions. Why would any hospital be against them being treated? If a healer decided to specialize in patients with incurable problems, no hospital would have a problem with that. They could even use it to market themselves - "if your condition turns out to be incurable, our hospital has a contract with a terrific healer to treat you." This would be a win-win for everyone.  The healer could be a celebrity who brings more patients to the hospital associated with them and the hospital would provide them with incurable patients. The PR would be great for everyone.

The idea that hospitals would put contracts out on healers strikes me as bizarre. And why would religious extremists just target healers? Would not all supers be seen as unnatural, if it came to that? And would someone really want to put a lot of effort into persecuting healers when they or someone in their family might someday need their services?  Public pressure on politicians would likely be strong and pro-healer.


On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 6:18 AM, Matador <blueh...@gmail.com> wrote:
I ,for one, would up-play the hospitals as a buisness aspect of our world. A hospital doesnt make money off empty beds, and anyone selling their healing powers at a premium would probebly have a big problem with someone bouncing around doing it for free. I would hound the absolute crap out of a character with contracts on their life, legistlation, and religeous nutbags. Not to mention what a local union might have to say.

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Re: [ORE] Online Wild Talents Game

Well, this sucks but I just landed a new job (good news) bad news is I work Saturdays from 1900-0100 GMT, so that pretty much nukes my ability to participate.  Sorry.  If there's a permanent schedule change I let you guys know and see if I can segue in at that time.

On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 6:32 PM, Matador <bluehorndog@gmail.com> wrote:

You will all meet in the first session all of the contacts that you and the other players have chosen are interconnected so it will not be hard. The background is good, and we can gloss over the middle details for now. we will filll them in as the game progresses as needed. I like the concept though.

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[ORE] [Progenitor] A better power suite for the Progenitor?

Every once in awhile I look at Amanda's suite of powers and think it really isn't the best. I think the main reason for that is her Dark Energy Projection takes up so, so many points, but most of the time two of its three qualities go to waste - most of the time, she's only going to want to use it to do one thing, making it pretty points inefficient. And she isn't a great defender unless she uses that Dark Energy Projection power to defense - her D.E.Fense power is nice, sure, but without Duration or Endless, she's got to make it an action, and that rapidly lowers the usefulness of any defensive power, especially if you're confronting multiple attackers.

So here's an alternate take on Amanada's Power Suite, pretty much breaking up her Dark Energy Projection and shuffling things around. It feels like someone with 500 Points with a "she can do almost anything" theme should be way more of a powerhouse than Amanda actually is. I really do find that, not 90% of the time, but 70% of the time I'd be way happier with three separate Cosmic Powers with only one quality than one big Cosmic Power that can emulate everything.

If anyone's got other points-mushing ideas to make the Progenitor as potent as she should be while keeping her fundamentally very wide range of capabilities, I'd love to hear it. The one thing I was considering was doing some shuffling to bring DE Defend up to 9HD, so she can choose to be utterly invulnerable with the right Extras if she needs to be.

DE Attack 6HD (84 Points)
 Her general configurable attack power.
Attacks (+2), Endless (+3), If/Then (Must be used for Variable Effect) (-1), If/Then (Only what can be accomplished with observable matter or energy) (-1), Variable Effect (+4)

DE Defend 6HD (84 Points)
Her general configurable defense power.
Defends (+2), Endless (+3), If/Then (Must be used for Variable Effect) (-1), If/Then (Only what can be accomplished with observable matter or energy) (-1), Variable Effect (+4)

DE Utility 6HD (84 Points)
Her general configurable Useful power.
Useful (+2), Endless (+3), If/Then (Must be used for Variable Effect) (-1), If/Then (Only what can be accomplished with observable matter or energy) (-1), Variable Effect (+4)
DE Versatility 5D+1WD (189 Points)
What she uses for powers that need all three qualities (or that only need one of them, but she's got nothing better to do with this). Also what she uses when she needs Hyperstats.
Attacks (+2), Endless (+3), If/Then (Must be used for Variable Effect) (-1), If/Then (Only what can be accomplished with observable matter or energy) (-1), Variable Effect (+4)
Defends (+2), Endless (+3), If/Then (Must be used for Variable Effect) (-1), If/Then (Only what can be accomplished with observable matter or energy) (-1), Variable Effect (+4)
Useful (+2), Endless (+3), If/Then (Must be used for Variable Effect) (-1), If/Then (Only what can be accomplished with observable matter or energy) (-1), Variable Effect (+4)
Immune (Dark Energy Effects) 9HD (36 Points)
As per her power in the book.

DE Reserves 22d (22 Points)
As the Miracle Cafeteria Willpower Battery, with the additional Flaw of If/Then (Only for using her DE Powers). This gives her a nice buffer of willpower she can use for all those Variable Effect costs.

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Re: [ORE] Re: Healing really is very cheap, isn't it?

One healer, of even several, would really just be a drop in the bucket. Even if they could heal several hundred a day, think of how many sick people there are in even one large city. And think of all the people with incurable conditions. Why would any hospital be against them being treated? If a healer decided to specialize in patients with incurable problems, no hospital would have a problem with that. They could even use it to market themselves - "if your condition turns out to be incurable, our hospital has a contract with a terrific healer to treat you." This would be a win-win for everyone.  The healer could be a celebrity who brings more patients to the hospital associated with them and the hospital would provide them with incurable patients. The PR would be great for everyone.

The idea that hospitals would put contracts out on healers strikes me as bizarre. And why would religious extremists just target healers? Would not all supers be seen as unnatural, if it came to that? And would someone really want to put a lot of effort into persecuting healers when they or someone in their family might someday need their services?  Public pressure on politicians would likely be strong and pro-healer.


On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 6:18 AM, Matador <bluehorndog@gmail.com> wrote:
I ,for one, would up-play the hospitals as a buisness aspect of our world. A hospital doesnt make money off empty beds, and anyone selling their healing powers at a premium would probebly have a big problem with someone bouncing around doing it for free. I would hound the absolute crap out of a character with contracts on their life, legistlation, and religeous nutbags. Not to mention what a local union might have to say.

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[ORE] Re: Healing really is very cheap, isn't it?

I ,for one, would up-play the hospitals as a buisness aspect of our world. A hospital doesnt make money off empty beds, and anyone selling their healing powers at a premium would probebly have a big problem with someone bouncing around doing it for free. I would hound the absolute crap out of a character with contracts on their life, legistlation, and religeous nutbags. Not to mention what a local union might have to say.

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Re: [ORE] Online Wild Talents Game

You will all meet in the first session all of the contacts that you and the other players have chosen are interconnected so it will not be hard. The background is good, and we can gloss over the middle details for now. we will filll them in as the game progresses as needed. I like the concept though.

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Re: [ORE] Online Wild Talents Game

Ok, this might be stretching what was originally just a minor joke a bit too much, but maybe it's workable... so I'll run with it and let you say so if I have made it too cheesy. The premise is simply that Roger Stevens was originally a Talent during WWII. During the War he didn't combat in the front lines, though. Instead he contributed to the war effort mostly as a propaganda tool, working in several war films and touring around cheering the troops (under a mask, and with the assumed identity of Corporal Eagle), and maybe working a few missions for the OSS on the side.

After the War he eventually lost the Willpower contest intrinsic in some way related to the emergence of Wild Talents, and was eventually released from service, abandoning his old costume and identity in the process - his service as such is not known to the public, still being classified. The intelligence services probably tried retaining him, but he preferred a civilan life, where he could instead devote his life to his Passion: Inspiring people. Of course, he still had to make a living, which he did by working as a salesman at first, and eventually, after hooking up on the self-help movement, giving presentations and seminars on the topic around the country, while probably working with the Teevee on a few times. He tends to play down his heroic persona (he has had none, after the War: He dresses in a simple, sharp suit almot all of the time, even in action), believing his real work improving humanity is through his self-help speeches and presentations.

His implication in other historic events after the War I might have to work out as needed - there's too much storyline to do in one sitting (plus, to be honest, I would have to reread all of it:-P) , and it might not all be relevant. He probably was involved in the Fish War in a morale / leadership role and as a willpower battery, if anything (In Nereid, of course.. otherwise his survival would be hard to explain).

As for the NPCs, Kallico sounds like a good candidate for a once customer, now friend or on/off flame ;-)

Any idea how our characters are related to each other yet? Or will we meet in the course of the first session as traditional?


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Re: [ORE] Re: Wild Talents: All Too Superhuman

I would like to add that I've loved this game ever since I first read the godlike short stories in Dungeon/Polyhedron. Really great stuff guys, honestly. I'm looking forward to the next things I'm going to get my hands on: e-collapse and Better Angels.

Thank you!

Shane Ivey, Arc Dream Publishing
The One Roll Engine and more: www.arcdream.com
Cthulhu Mythos gaming, every quarter: TheUnspeakableOath.com
Is your world worth saving? Join the conspiracy: www.delta-green.com

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[ORE] Re: Wild Talents: All Too Superhuman

I would like to add that I've loved this game ever since I first read the godlike short stories in Dungeon/Polyhedron. Really great stuff guys, honestly. I'm looking forward to the next things I'm going to get my hands on: e-collapse and Better Angels.

On Wednesday, July 24, 2013 5:55:36 PM UTC+2, Shane Ivey wrote:

Today at the blog I look back at how we created Wild Talents -- and why. Please spread it around (especially the bit about the sale) if the spirit moves you. 

Link: http://arcdream.com/home/?p=1885

Wild Talents: All Too Superhuman

Arc Dream Publishing's superhero RPG Wild Talents has always been about the gamers who love our work. It's built to allow you to create not just an infinite variety of superpowers, but to create the very "rules" of the game world itself that give rise to those powers. And it's built explicitly to do all that while delivering a particularly suspenseful kind of game play. Characters are more physically vulnerable than in most superhero RPGs, and they are deeply affected by Motivations that affect their ability to use superpowers. Wild Talents is not just about whether your character can beat another super-character in a super-brawl. It's even more about your motivations for pursuing that brawl and what you put at risk to achieve great things.

The Origin Story

Longtime Arc Dream fans remember when the idea for it first appeared in 2002, when Dennis Detwiller conceived it as a supplement for Godlike. It was meant to explore that game's setting after World War II when the "rules" for superhuman powers began to change and stranger and stranger Talents appeared. At the same time we heard one demand from gamers above all others: to open up the rules for Godlike to accomodate other settings and other approaches to superpowers. Those goals fit each other well. But more than that, they demanded not just a Godlike supplement but a new set of rules that allowed gamers to start from scratch to develop the world and the rules themselves to suit exactly the games they had in mind. To this day, that's what Wild Talents is all about.

Wildtalents_coverWhile Godlike was still new, Dennis began public brainstorming on an open Yahoo! group to develop and refine the new rules for Wild Talents. He started with the rules for superpowers that he and Greg Stolze had developed for Godlike and reverse-engineered many of them to allow players to tinker with them and put them back together in new ways. That became the first edition of Wild Talentsin 2006, published in a hardback limited to 1,000 copies. As soon as it appeared, we began refining the system further based on feedback from gamers.

In 2008, I flew up to Vancouver to visit Dennis and his wife Hilary for a long working weekend. Dennis and I hammered out the final shape of the Wild Talents rules in marathon sessions in coffee houses and in walks around the city. That resulted in superpowers rules that were stripped down as far to their essence as we could conceive.

Building Your Powers

Godlike's rules had already been impressively flexible and customizable, with each power defined by four basic questions: Can it attack? Can it defend? Is it useful outside of combat? Is it robust enough to keep working despite distractions? A custom power started there and then could be further refined with extras and flaws. With the new edition of Wild Talents we defined each of those qualities (Attacks, Defends, Useful) as its own discrete power with its own set of extras and flaws; they can be combined and mixed for power suites however you like. We removed the Robust quality and made it an optional flaw—it made sense as an inherent quality of superpowers only inGodlike, where powers are psychic in nature and easily thwarted.

wt-essential-editionAnd we developed a few new approaches to powers that allowed gamers to apply that supreme flexibility during play, not just during character creation: Variable Effect, Interference, and Augmentation. These are extras that enhance individual powers, but they have profound effects on game play because they alter the way that powers interact with the core rules of the game. That makes them the hardest part of the rules for players to figure out, which is why we explicitly encourage readers to get plenty of experience playing the game before messing with them too much.

And that's instructive about Wild Talents. It's built on the One Roll Engine rules that made Godlike's style of play unique. The potential dissonance between declared actions and the unpredictability of the dice, and the vulnerability of characters to even mundane weapons and threats, make every encounter and challenge truly suspenseful. But unlike Godlike, which has superpowers rules that are keyed to a very specific setting with very specific metaphysics, Wild Talents is built to allow you to create your setting and its metaphysics from scratch. That kind of flexibility means complexity. It's challenging. But like most challenges, the struggle to master it can yield pure brilliance.

Super Settings

You can see that in the setting books that Wild Talents inspired. The Kerberos Club, with its disreputable superhumans changing the culture of Victorian London. Grim War, where classic superheroes clash with secretive spirit-summoning sorcerers. This Favored Land, which puts Godlike-style superhumans in the U.S. Civil War.eCollapse, where cyberpunk superpowers help desperate people get ahead in a thoroughly dystopic future.Progenitor, where superheroes create their own nemeses because using superpowers causes others to get superpowers of their own, and which includes rules for even modest superhuman player characters to change the course of the Twentieth Century. And of course there's the "World Gone Mad," the setting presented in the Wild Talents hardcover rulebook, which takes the world of Godlike and extends it through the rest of the Twentieth Century and into the Twenty-First, with the increasing prevalence of superpowers wreaking greater and greater changes in the world.

progenitor-coverEach of those settings is built on the notion of presenting superhuman characters as first and foremost human. Characters inWild Talents are affected primarily by the Motivations that are defined for each character at the outset. Despite all their power, they (and, just as important, their loved ones) are immediately vulnerable to the dangers of the world around them. Each of those amazing settings uses the flexibility of the Wild Talents rules to present superpowers that are stranger and stranger, but that nevertheless always bring game play back to the same core issues of motivation, unpredictability, and suspense.

I haven't even touched on my personal favorite part of Wild Talents, "Building Superheroic Histories" by Kenneth Hite. That chapter presents a system for creating an alternate history in a superheroic world that holds together within its own logic. Ken came up with an ingenious four-color axis to measure the way superpowers affect your world. Red represents historical inertia—the higher the Red value, from one to five, the less the course of history changes. Gold represents Talent inertia—the higher the Gold, the less superpowers themselves change over time. Blue represents "the lovely and the pointless," a measure of the bizarre and wondrous things that crop up in a world with superpowers—the higher the Blue, the weirder the world becomes. Black represents moral clarity—the higher the black, the easier it is to tell good from evil in your world. By dialing each of those axes up and down and paying attention to Ken's insights you can develop an alternate history that has depth and resonance.

I don't mind saying that I am deeply proud of the work we put into Wild Talents, and of the way it works at the game table and in gamers' imaginations. Wild Talents seems to really click with gamers who share our interest in characters that have substance to go with their superpowers—characters who are defined not by the abilities on the character sheet but by the choices they make and the risks they take in play. I would love to hear how it's worked for you.

For a scant few weeks in July and August 2013, Wild Talents Second Edition, the stripped-down Essential Edition, and the Wild Talents setting books are all available at 30% off. Use the discount code "3013" during checkout.You'll get the PDF verison of every book as a free instant download after you order it in print. This is a great time for your game group to stock up and prepare for some powerful and dangerous superhero action.

Shane Ivey, Arc Dream Publishing
The One Roll Engine and more: www.arcdream.com
Cthulhu Mythos gaming, every quarter: TheUnspeakableOath.com
Is your world worth saving? Join the conspiracy: www.delta-green.com

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