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Re: [ORE] [Godlike] If the Japanese have so many fewer Talents...

I agree that the Talent arms race in Europe is going to be a vastly more important place to send Talents than the outcome-already-clear Pacific Theater, either way.

On Mon, Sep 28, 2015 at 8:12 AM, 'Andrew Moreton' via Cult of ORE <cult-of-ore@googlegroups.com> wrote:
Remember the American campaign in the pacific was already a one sided slaughter. Maybe Iwo Jima falls a day earlier, it won't make much difference , the Americans had overwhelming firepower and numbers for their entire offensive campaign the Japanese had strong defensive positions and a willingness to fight to the death. This is what drew out the pacific campaign and Talant's don't do a lot to change it.
Further the stress of a fanatical to the last man defense or kamikaze attack looks like the sort of thing to bring out talant's more than the Americans are experiencing on the other side. This means that the Japanese will often have spontaneous talant's manifesting and then getting killed before training which still forces American talant's to be careful.

In the mainland fighting in Burma etc the overwhelming problem effecting the commonwealth troops was logistics and the terrible terrain , talant's do little to change that.

Then there is the emphasis on Europe and the threat of Nazi Ubermenchen which probably draws the majority of talant's to Europe.

On 28 September 2015 at 16:02, John Doe <erikstutzman@hotmail.com> wrote:
Why does the Pacific theater turn out the same? Shouldn't thousands of American and native Talents (especially the ones who can use Talents as magic/juju etc.) have had much more of an effect? 

The average TOG squad has to worry about Ubermenschen all over Europe- what does a Marine squad need to worry about Talent-wise? A few guys that don't know how to use their abilties and are shunned by their own people?

Surely the Japanese lack of Talents is noticed and known in-game so American Talents could be a little freer to use their abilities, yet this doesn't seem to have much of an impact. 

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